Closed Legendary Giveaway


Youngster Joey
can i have mewtwo and japanese entei, please?
FC 3883-8481-6180 IGN: Alatas


Youngster Joey
If it's still available, Uxie and Azelf? FC: 4356-2843-8179 IGN: Kasey. I will be adding you. Sorry, my computer just posted my reply when it wasn't finished.
All of these legendary pokemon were caught in X and Y or ORAS. It will be first come first serve you can have two pokemon per person. All you have to do if comment what two pokemon you want and make sure you include your Friend Code and your In Game Name in your comment or in your signature. My friend code and ign are in my signature. If you do not add my friend code you will be skipped. Also only post once

Mewtwo- lvl 76, nature- relaxed, ability- pressure, iv-3, shiny-no-TRADED
Virizion-(Spanish) lvl 50, nature- docile, ability-justified, iv-3, shiny-no
Terrakion- lvl 50, nature-hardy, ability-justified, iv-3, shiny-no
Cobalion-(French) lvl 50, nature-impish, ability-justified, iv-3, shiny-no
Rayquaza- lvl 71, nature-timid, ability-air lock, iv-3, shiny-no
Deoxys- lvl 80, nature-modest, ability-pressure, iv-3, shiny-no-TRADED
Xerneas- lvl 67, nature-quirky, ability-fairy aura, iv-3, shiny-no-TRADED
Yveltal- lvl 50, nature-brave, ability-dark aura, iv-3, shiny-no-TRADED
Suicune- lvl 50, nature-adamant, ability-pressure, iv-3, shiny-no
Entei- lvl 50, nature-rash, ability-pressure, iv-3, shiny-no
Entei-(Japanese)- lvl 55, nature-modest, ability-pressure, iv-3, shiny-no-TRADED
Raikou- lvl 50, nature-relaxed, ability-pressure, iv-3, shiny-no
Giratina- lvl 53, nature-timid, ability-pressure, iv-3, shiny-no-TRADED
Kyurem- lvl 50, nature-bashful, ability-pressure, iv-3, shiny-no-TRADED
Cresselia-(French) lvl 50, nature-naughty, ability-levitate, iv-3, shiny-no-TRADED
Regirock- lvl 53, nature-impish, ability-clear body, iv-3, shiny-no
Regirock-(Korean) lvl 40, nature-sassy, ability-clear body, iv-3, shiny-no
Regice- lvl 40, nature-bold, ability-clear body, iv-3, shiny-no
Registeel- lvl 40, nature-sassy, ability-clear body, iv-3, shiny-no
Regigigas- lvl 50, nature-timid, ability-slow start, iv-3, shiny-no
Lugia-(Japanese) lvl 52, nature-hasty, ability-pressure, iv-3, shiny-no-TRADED
Mesprit- lvl 50, nature-hardy, ability-levitate, iv-3, shiny-no-TRADED
Uxie-(German) lvl 50, nature-calm, ability-levitate, iv-3, shiny-no
Azelf- lvl 50, nature-naïve, ability-levitate, iv-3, shiny-no


Pokémon Trainer
If it's still available, Uxie and Azelf? FC: 4356-2843-8179 IGN: Kasey. I will be adding you. Sorry, my computer just posted my reply when it wasn't finished.
yes both are still available if you want to trade right now just let me know


Youngster Joey
Hi, is MewTwo still available? I'd wanna take it with Entei.
FC: 2595-3260-7802 IGN: Maine

If not, let me know who I can get. Thank you, sir.


Pokémon Trainer
Hi, is MewTwo still available? I'd wanna take it with Entei.
FC: 2595-3260-7802 IGN: Maine

If not, let me know who I can get. Thank you, sir.
Mewtwo has already been trade the pokemon that have been trade will say traded at the end so just let me know what other pokemon you want with Entei


Youngster Joey
I so appreciate the response, sorry I wasn't able to check again. Last I checked, there was no "TRADED" on the list. But thanks.

Can I have Raikou and Suicune instead, sir?


Pokémon Trainer
My friend code 0490-8248-9402 and my name is Brian. I would like 2 free pokemon please

