Let's Talk About Tabletop RPGs!


Pokémon Champion
Hi. I'm new to tabletop RPGs, but I love the idea and I'm putting together a Pathfinder campaign. I'll be the GM (which I've never done before), and between me and the rest of my group, I'm the only one with any experience at all playing this type of game... and I played once, for about an hour. I got trampled to death by sheep.

So this is going to be interesting.

Anyway, I'd love to hear what you guys have to say about this stuff. Got stories? Advice? Complaints? Questions? Post them here. Let's talk about tabletop RPGs!


Rise Again
Team Elite
Make sure they don't take the campaign too seriously :p

Allow yourself to get lost in all the stupid shenanigans that can arise. And as GM don't forget to throw a few kinks into their plans hehe. We can't everything go perfectly! (one time we had to enchant a watermelon to glow because that was literally the only thing we had to use for a torch...apparently sewers are darker than we had anticipated lol)

I have a link to a basic character/backstory generator if anyone wants a fun character, but the name is a bit inappropriate so if you want it I'll IM you ^^


Pokémon Champion
Make sure they don't take the campaign too seriously :p

Allow yourself to get lost in all the stupid shenanigans that can arise. And as GM don't forget to throw a few kinks into their plans hehe. We can't everything go perfectly! (one time we had to enchant a watermelon to glow because that was literally the only thing we had to use for a torch...apparently sewers are darker than we had anticipated lol)

I have a link to a basic character/backstory generator if anyone wants a fun character, but the name is a bit inappropriate so if you want it I'll IM you ^^

My first campaign is going to be a standard "Storm the castle and defeat Emperor Evil" story, only with a bee theme. Bee bombs for booby traps, magic healing honey, stuff like that. Also, a cowardly antagonist who summons a huge swarm of bees to attack the party while he attempts to escape on his giant bee steed. Except the bee swarm mostly doesn't notice the heroes, so not many of them actually attack. And the villain is too heavy for his bee steed, so he crashes right outside the castle. Epic fail.

I'll even have bee-themed loot for my heroes! So now they can summon mini-swarms! Of bees!


Meme Queen
Staff member
Trusted Seller
Make sure they don't take the campaign too seriously :p

Allow yourself to get lost in all the stupid shenanigans that can arise. And as GM don't forget to throw a few kinks into their plans hehe. We can't everything go perfectly! (one time we had to enchant a watermelon to glow because that was literally the only thing we had to use for a torch...apparently sewers are darker than we had anticipated lol)

I have a link to a basic character/backstory generator if anyone wants a fun character, but the name is a bit inappropriate so if you want it I'll IM you ^^
Phenix I didn't know you RP'd :eek:

Also if it's your first time being a GM, I'd suggest not allowing anyone to play an evil aligned character. They're a bit different to play in a group with, and it's likely you'll find your party bickering amongst each other.

FOR INSTANCE. I'm currently playing a NE rogue, and last session I decided to let an assassin go because I thought she was hot (in my character's defense, she's not out to assassinate *us*, just the person we work for - and she totally agreed to put a hold on killing her until I collect my 3K gold after our questing and stuff). :Yawn: Unfortunately I rolled a 1 on my sneak check to get back inside after I helped her escape, sooooo my party undoubtedly knew it was me, and we had to spend a good 30 minutes arguing in-game about how terrible of a person I was - and even after it was resolved and I didn't get caught, my party members were still very bitter with me (Not irl though, we're still all good in meat space).

More stories in spoiler tag on why evil characters are buttheads
I used a potion reviving a party member from near death, and immediately after they made a smart aleck remark - so I punched him square in the nose, knocked him back out, and carried him for the rest of the trip.

A different party member made me incredibly ineffective in combat by casting some will save trickery (that a rogue BLOOOOWS at), so in the spirit of my character, I bought a potion that gave her terrible and terrifying nightmares ~ so bad that for the next 24 hours she was effectively a level lower when we were in combat.

But hey, that's why my character is called Kai "The Vengeful".


Pokémon Champion
I'm pretty much the worst rogue ever, every time I roll for a disquise or bluff check I end up rolling a 1 and dressing in a barrel or plain out telling the guard my plan.


Meme Queen
Staff member
Trusted Seller
I'm pretty much the worst rogue ever, every time I roll for a disquise or bluff check I end up rolling a 1 and dressing in a barrel or plain out telling the guard my plan.
So far I've been great about actually sneaking (partially because my sneak skill is at a 15 :Troll: ) but I have literally biffed it during nearly every combat instance because we're doing a campaign with a lot of demons who happen to do lots of fear-like things that make my poor, poor low willed rogue run for the hills.

Will save of 1... y u do dis


Pokémon Champion
So far I've been great about actually sneaking (partially because my sneak skill is at a 15 :Troll: ) but I have literally biffed it during nearly every combat instance because we're doing a campaign with a lot of demons who happen to do lots of fear-like things that make my poor, poor low willed rogue run for the hills.

Will save of 1... y u do dis
Pffft, every time I head into a new town, I have to roll a will save to see if I head to the tavern to get my drink on, I always roll a 1, last time I burned down the tavern and blew up an armory xD


Meme Queen
Staff member
Trusted Seller
Pffft, every time I head into a new town, I have to roll a will save to see if I head to the tavern to get my drink on, I always roll a 1, last time I burned down the tavern and blew up an armory xD
OH jeeeeez, haha. That's probably where I'll be soon enough. :Bag:

One of our first few sessions everyone was going to cross a 10ft wide ravine by lowering a rope, climbing down, and then climbing back up he other side, and I was like "NAHHHH I CAN MAKE IT, I HAVE AN ACROBATICS OF 9 AND WHAT ARE THE CHANCES I COULD ROLL A 1???" (I needed an 11 to make it across by pathfinder math). I rolled a 2. My character barely made it, and if it would have been a 1, it was definitely deep enough he would have been dead, or severely cripple.


Youngster Joey
Everyone seems to play Assassins, rangers and rogues, where is the Barbarian and Fighter love? I used to have a guy in my group who had the horrible luck syndrome, Critical failed almost everything, poor guy. I think one time he tried to a gap he could've just stepped over, crit failed and over jumped it and fell down a pit on the other side, It was pretty great.

