Hey all! This is the new thread for competitive mentoring on Perfect Pokemon. Now that
@Dom has left, we have revamped the system and are ready to teach anyone that thinks that they need assistance.
Please do note that you do not have to be a complete novice to enlist in mentoring. We will cater for players with all different kinds of skill level: if you're a starting player looking for a bit of advice on mechanics or battling, or a seasoned veteran with years of practice but have a few questions!
If you're looking for one of these things, drop a comment down below:
- Questions relating to game mechanics (e.g. IVs, EVs, Natures, Damage Calculation, etc)
- Team Building Advice
- Strategy (e.g. Mind Games, Team Preview, Reading your Opponent, Game Plan, etc)
- Advice regarding Battling
However, please refrain from asking situational questions, such as 'He leads with A, I have B out, should I go into C?' This thread is for mentoring and coaching, not for general competitive questions
If you're looking to become a mentor, we have a few requirements for you!
- You need to be able to display knowledge in two main areas: battling and team building, which you will most likely be asked questions on, asked for a test match or asked to present a team or two which you've made to judge your skill level.
- You need to be able to prove that you can be a patient mentor, especially when explaining core mechanics to a novice player or someone that you may need to repeat the information to a few times. If you cannot be patient with these types of players, then you may not be the best candidate for a coach/mentor.
- You must understand key mechanics and be able to talk about strategy in games
- You need to be an active user
If you can meet these requirements, then we're probably looking for someone like you!
Current Mentors:
@Gold 2.0
If you would like to become a mentor, please post down below and send an application to either
@Matt_192 or
@notsoclutch on why you would be a good applicant for a mentor. It doesn't need to be too long, so don't stress about it
Footnote: If your mentor has been unnecessarily rude, impatient or similar with you, please PM myself how they have been so and provide some screenshots as evidence. In this mentoring scheme, our main goal is to appeal to you!