You've fought the Gyms, you've fought the Elite 4, now your final challenge is right before you. And that final challenge is a Best of 3 6v6 OU Battle, with no teamswitching allowed on either front. If you win, you secure the coveted Champion badge and also 250PC:
However, defeating me will be far from easy.
I'll post the rules below, but I get that feeling that you won't need to look at them by getting to here.
Both Champion and challengers must adhere to our community banlist and the following:
Sleep Clause (you may not put two of your opponent's Pokémon to sleep)
Dupe Clause (no more than 1 of the same Pokemon per team)
Evasion Clause (may not use a move which has the sole effect of raising Evasion, namely Double Team and Minimize)
- Battles can take place on showdown only if BOTH PARTIES agree to it.
- If a challenge exist, the current champion must accept at least 1 challenge every 7 days or forfeit his/her position as Champion
- Battle format One on One 6v6
Good luck to all worthy trainers, you'll need it.

However, defeating me will be far from easy.
I'll post the rules below, but I get that feeling that you won't need to look at them by getting to here.
Both Champion and challengers must adhere to our community banlist and the following:
Sleep Clause (you may not put two of your opponent's Pokémon to sleep)
Dupe Clause (no more than 1 of the same Pokemon per team)
Evasion Clause (may not use a move which has the sole effect of raising Evasion, namely Double Team and Minimize)
- Battles can take place on showdown only if BOTH PARTIES agree to it.
- If a challenge exist, the current champion must accept at least 1 challenge every 7 days or forfeit his/her position as Champion
- Battle format One on One 6v6
Good luck to all worthy trainers, you'll need it.
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