Pokemon Go Trading Discussion

Are you looking forward to Pokemon Go trading?

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King of the Ring
Staff member
So its been confirmed by John Hanke (Niantic Labs' CEO) , that trading will be added to Pokemon Go in a future update. He even went as far as saying it will be a 'core element' of the game.

I am 100% behind some sort of trading being added to Pokemon Go. But gaining the ability to trade with anyone anywhere in the world will essentially nullify part of the game's core... which is hunting down Pokemon in the real world.

I had this discussion with a friend, and we both believe that there will have to be major restrictions on how trading works. Maybe when you trade a Pokemon its CP resets to zero. Or you can only trade with someone by meeting them in person.

The way trading is implemented into the game may have big implications on the Perfect Pokemon community, so I'm curious about what do you guys think?

What is the best way for Niantic to implement trading in Pokemon Go?


Pokémon Champion
Dex Contributor
Well considering the old school trade to evolve isn't an option any more I am not too fussed by this option if I am honest.

It certainly should reset the number of power ups that a pokemon has had but maybe give it a CP boost?


King of the Ring
Staff member
Well considering the old school trade to evolve isn't an option any more I am not too fussed by this option if I am honest.

It certainly should reset the number of power ups that a pokemon has had but maybe give it a CP boost?
What do you mean a CP boost? Like more CP per power up?


Pokémon Champion
Dex Contributor
yeah, so if for example you have a 39CP Squirtle, trading it with a friend could make it a 60CP Squirtle instead. In the VG you always got an EXP boost from battles when the pokemon was traded to you, because you don't gain power for your pokemon that way instead it gives it to the pokemon once traded.

To stop any exploits it should be limited to just the first trade so it can't be repeated for the same pokemon to make it super high CP


Rare Breed
Let It Reign
yeah, so if for example you have a 39CP Squirtle, trading it with a friend could make it a 60CP Squirtle instead. In the VG you always got an EXP boost from battles when the pokemon was traded to you, because you don't gain power for your pokemon that way instead it gives it to the pokemon once traded.

To stop any exploits it should be limited to just the first trade so it can't be repeated for the same pokemon to make it super high CP
The issue with that is that some level 20 player could give a new player his throwaway 800 CP pidgeot. There has to be scaling. Maybe you get a boost if you are higher level and the mon in question is lower CP if you are lower level than the person you trade with.


Pokémon Trainer
The issue with that is that some level 20 player could give a new player his throwaway 800 CP pidgeot. There has to be scaling. Maybe you get a boost if you are higher level and the mon in question is lower CP if you are lower level than the person you trade with.
well I think its gonna work like the 3ds games.. based on the badges you control higher levels of traded pokemon...in pokemon go though based on your level you will be able to control pokemon with certain CP for each species .. for instance if you are level 10 and the maximum CP allowed for evee is 200 if you were traded a 500 pc evee you will be able to control it when you level your character up ..! at least that is how I think it will work!
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King of the Ring
Staff member
well I think its gonna work like the 3ds games.. based on the badges you control higher levels of traded pokemon...in pokemon go though based on your level you will be able to control pokemon with certain CP for each species .. for instance if you are level 10 and the maximum CP allowed for evee is 200 if you were traded a 500 pc evee you will be able to control it till you level your character up ..! at least that is how I think it will work!
yea i didn't think of that. That seems very likely.

They can even lower the Pokemon's CP and hidden level to match your level. That seems likely to.


Pokémon Trainer
yea i didn't think of that. That seems very likely.

They can even lower the Pokemon's CP and hidden level to match your level. That seems likely to.
yeah .. they could that too ..


Pokémon Trainer
Alternatively, they could make it pay-to-trade instead? Sounds real "money-grabby"and would probably piss some players off but its one of the better ways to prevent abuse.

Then again making Pogo Pay2Win would kinda suck.

I am not sure about that .. I mean its possible they will do that for international trading but not for local trading between two devices .. and POGO is not really pay to win in my opinion .. I have played worse games which are 100% pay to win .. I have made a very good progress without paying any money.. however paying money will make it easier for sure .. and I think paying money will also be useful for players who got late in the game and want to catch up .. I think pogo is the least pay to win game I have played so far ..


Who is Beck?
Trusted Seller

I am not sure about that .. I mean its possible they will do that for international trading but not for local trading between two devices .. and POGO is not really pay to win in my opinion .. I have played worse games which are 100% pay to win .. I have made a very good progress without paying any money.. however paying money will make it easier for sure .. and I think paying money will also be useful for players who got late in the game and want to catch up .. I think pogo is the least pay to win game I have played so far ..
I didn't explicitly claim that Pogo was P2W, just that maybe the trading system could be done in such a way that its P2W or everyone is gonna be a champ :X

Much more of a social/chill game though so I doubt it'll happen too :p


Youngster Joey
I'm looking forward to it - a reason to actually WANT to catch Mr.Mime
that and I'm dying for a Tauros


Youngster Joey
I think some kind of max cp restriction bad on level (kind of like with the cop of wild Pokémon you can run into) might be the best way to go about balancing trading. I'm interested to see what trading will end up actually looking like and when it will actually happen.

