Active PPL 2.0

What do you think of this new PPL idea?

  • Love it! Tell Doulie now Clutch you ingenious bas****

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Like the idea, but a few tweaks here and there could help.

    Votes: 8 53.3%
  • I liked the other PPL better

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Scrap PPL already

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters


Rare Breed
Let It Reign
Sadly, season 1 of PPL wasn't exactly what the people behind it had imagined. While I wouldn't call it a failure by any means, neither the participation nor the enthusiasm was on par with what was expected and I believe we can do better because there was a lot of initial interest. With the introduction of many new teams and the increasing interest in battling opportunities on this site, I think I know of a way to make things more interesting. If PPL teams were based on current PP teams, I feel like there'd be a more heated and competitive environment.

Many members of teams (especially on bigger teams like Nova and Draco) have many members that get little to no opportunities to represent their teams in wars. With a 3v3 format, it's tough to get everyone involved, but PPL could enable many members to showcase their talents and represent their team. In theory, PP teams could even have more than one PPL team represent them.

PPL lineups could change each "season" and can grow or shrink based on participation in the season (for example if prism couldn't maintain a 5 man roster we could in theory make the first season a bit smaller than the normal season).

Sample lineup:

For those of you that don't know about PPL, essentially you just have a team of however many battlers going up against of a team of the same number of battlers. These battles take place in various tiers and battle types based on season and depending on the number of participating teams, we can make this an actual league or more of a team tournament of sorts.

This is still a very raw idea and I'd love any input anyone is willing to give, but what does everyone think so far? Love it, hate it, give the old format another chance to grow; feel free to give any insight in the comment section or the poll above.
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Poke fans

Youngster Joey
Yeah I think that is good but I'm not in a team but doesn't it make sense for each team member to battle each of the other teams members


Rare Breed
Let It Reign
Yeah I think that is good but I'm not in a team but doesn't it make sense for each team member to battle each of the other teams members
Yeah, I wrote this assuming that everyone knew what PPL was. Sorry about that. I edited the OP to hopefully make this less confusing. As for the whole team thing, I could maybe help you get into one.


Scare Queen
Will Not Fall
Iron Will
o_O was ppl official tbh if it was it didn't get my attention as such .... I understand if it was a trail

And I love me some team rivalry lolz


Rare Breed
Let It Reign
o_O was ppl official tbh if it was it didn't get my attention as such .... I understand if it was a trail

And I love me some team rivalry lolz
It was unofficial, but I think in this format we could make it official. I think Doulie wanted to try to increase team war participation.


Scare Queen
Will Not Fall
Iron Will
It was unofficial, but I think in this format we could make it official. I think Doulie wanted to try to increase team war participation.

I think the format itself is worth a try b4/if it becomes official but if you wanna relate it to team war then there should be regular team war points added to each win/loss 1 per win etc reg team war point system


Rare Breed
Let It Reign
I think the format itself is worth a try b4/if it becomes official but if you wanna relate it to team war then there should be regular team war points added to each win/loss 1 per win etc reg team war point system
My plan was more to make it a separate entity so that larger teams could have multiple teams participate and smaller teams wouldn't suffer. Maybe this could be incorporated into team war points, but more based on where teams finished rather than entirely on win loss.


Scare Queen
Will Not Fall
Iron Will
My plan was more to make it a separate entity so that larger teams could have multiple teams participate and smaller teams wouldn't suffer. Maybe this could be incorporated into team war points, but more based on where teams finished rather than entirely on win loss.

so something like x team points for first place, x for second etc? this isn't entirely the same method as the current team war point gathering system


Rare Breed
Let It Reign
so something like x team points for first place, x for second etc? this isn't entirely the same method as the current team war point gathering system
Just throwing ideas around at this point honestly. But yeah, essentially like that.


Scare Queen
Will Not Fall
Iron Will
Just throwing ideas around at this point honestly. But yeah, essentially like that.

well that's wt we were doing silly lolz I was just trying to get a grasp of the prize and team war relation cuz those both heavily affect people joining and how competitive people get( team rivalry )


Rare Breed
Let It Reign
well that's wt we were doing silly lolz I was just trying to get a grasp of the prize and team war relation cuz those both heavily affect people joining and how competitive people get( team rivalry )
I know. :p I honestly hadn't refined the idea when I had posted (normally I bounce ideas like this off of matt, but time zones :/ ). I'd like to base it off of participation, but a breakdown like this would be likely.

1st: 10 points
2nd: 8 points
3rd: 6 points
4th: 5 points
5th: 4 points

Does that seem like too much or?


Scare Queen
Will Not Fall
Iron Will
I know. :p I honestly hadn't refined the idea when I had posted (normally I bounce ideas like this off of matt, but time zones :/ ). I'd like to base it off of participation, but a breakdown like this would be likely.

1st: 10 points
2nd: 8 points
3rd: 6 points
4th: 5 points
5th: 4 points

Does that seem like too much or?

that doesn't seem like to much at all considering the only team war loot is cover images at a cost of 100 war points :/ we need loot choices ......

would they be expected to pay pc to enter b/c then the pot or 600pc(if official ) should be included in as a prize for 1st place


Rare Breed
Let It Reign
that doesn't seem like to much at all considering the only team war loot is cover images at a cost of 100 war points :/ we need loot choices ......

would they be expected to pay pc to enter b/c then the pot or 600pc(if official ) should be included in as a prize for 1st place
Honestly this was more of what I was thinking. Make it similar to tournaments but in a longer format that made teams more interesting.


Official Server Crasher
Staff member
Will Not Fall
Iron Will
Dex Contributor
Ok, I'll be honest - PPL 1 really didn't go how I had envisioned it. Participation was kinda lacking and then people's schedules kinda destroyed it all - especially Team Bacon.

What the project really needed was attention and to be an official thing. I was the only person that advertised it and this led to missing a large part of the site's community, due to some members only getting on in the evening (U.S time). I also feel that if this was official, participation would skyrocket, the winnings PC wise would skyrocket and the tournament itself would be much more fluid.

However, I do have to agree with you when you say we should keep it to just PP Teams - maybe this could be implemented alongside the Team Wars instead of replacing them as well, idk. The main issue last time is that the bigger teams didn't have many users to pick from when finding their fourth player, so yeah, we should probably keep the teams within the current site teams.

As for the formats, I've been thinking they could be randomly generated for each tournament? Just a possibility. Also, how often would these take place? I was going to suggest a month so that the matches can go on for that long - we'll probably need that level of time if we're predicting 5/6 teams to be entering, maybe more.


Rare Breed
Let It Reign
Ok, I'll be honest - PPL 1 really didn't go how I had envisioned it. Participation was kinda lacking and then people's schedules kinda destroyed it all - especially Team Bacon.

What the project really needed was attention and to be an official thing. I was the only person that advertised it and this led to missing a large part of the site's community, due to some members only getting on in the evening (U.S time). I also feel that if this was official, participation would skyrocket, the winnings PC wise would skyrocket and the tournament itself would be much more fluid.

However, I do have to agree with you when you say we should keep it to just PP Teams - maybe this could be implemented alongside the Team Wars instead of replacing them as well, idk. The main issue last time is that the bigger teams didn't have many users to pick from when finding their fourth player, so yeah, we should probably keep the teams within the current site teams.

As for the formats, I've been thinking they could be randomly generated for each tournament? Just a possibility. Also, how often would these take place? I was going to suggest a month so that the matches can go on for that long - we'll probably need that level of time if we're predicting 5/6 teams to be entering, maybe more.
I was thinking we'd have kind of a round robin and then a battle of the top 2 when all is said and done unless participation was insane (in which case a 4 man mini tournament would suffice). I like the random factor, although I'm thinking we should always have OU just because everyone knows OU and have at least one kind of doubles. I'd say no more than a week per match although I'd like to limit it more.

Poke fans

Youngster Joey
that doesn't seem like to much at all considering the only team war loot is cover images at a cost of 100 war points :/ we need loot choices ......

would they be expected to pay pc to enter b/c then the pot or 600pc(if official ) should be included in as a prize for 1st place
But if the 1st place gets the enter fee what do 2nd and down get

