So for my Doubles Team, I'm running
Choice Banded Adamant Galewings Talonflame with U-Turn, Roost, Flare Blitz, and Brave Bird
Jolly Rough Skin (Mega) Garchomp with Swords Dance, EQ, Dragon Claw, and Protect
Timid Sheer Force Black Sludge Nidoking with Ice beam, Earth Power, Sludge Bomb, and Fire Blast
Calm Prankster Leftovers Sableye with Will-O-Wisp, Foul Play, Taunt, and Recover
Timid Protean Life Orb Greninja with Ice Beam, Scald, Dark Pulse, and U-Turn
And Modest Trace (Mega) Gardevoir with Calm Mind, Heal Pulse, Psychic, and Dazzling Gleam.
Talofnfla,me is a Physical sweeper, Garchomp is a Physical sweeper, Nidoking is a Special Sweeper, Sableye is a special Wall, Gardevoir is a mixed wall(mostly special), and Greninja is a special sweeper