No problem just fill out the order form and i'll start working on them asap!
Araquanid (Mr. Legs) @ Item Choice Band
Nature: Adament
Gender: M
Shiny: /No
EVs: 252 atk /248 hp/ 8 Spd
IVs: All 31
Ability: Water Bubble
Move 1: Liquidation
Move 2: Poison Jab
Move 3: Crunch
Move 4: Leech Life
OT: (Optional)
SID: (Optional)
Ditto (Fertility) @ Shiny Charm
Nature: Any
Gender: M/F
Shiny: Yes
EVs: Doesn't Matter
IVs: Perfect
Ability: Imposter
Move 1: Transform
Move 2:
Move 3:
Move 4:
OT: (Optional)
SID: (Japan)
Drampa (Mr. Drake) @ Aguav Berry
Nature: Modest
Gender: M
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 spA/252 HP/ 4 spD
IVs: Perfect
Ability: Berserk
Move 1: Dragon Pulse
Move 2: Thunderbolt
Move 3: Shadow Ball
Move 4: Energy Ball
OT: (Optional)
SID: (Optional)
Shiinotic(Onii-Chan) @ Assault Vest
Nature: Careful
Gender: F
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SpD/ 252 HP/ 4 spE
IVs: Perfect
Ability: Effect Spore
Move 1: Spore
Move 2: Leech Seed
Move 3: Moonblast
Move 4: Energy Ball
OT: (Optional)
SID: (Optional)
Tapu Koko(Raiden) @ Life Orb
Nature: Naive
Gender: M/F
Shiny: No
EVs: 252 Atk/ 252 spE/ 4 spA
IVs: Perfect
Ability: Electric Surge
Move 1: Volt Switch
Move 2: Quick Attack
Move 3: Brave Bird
Move 4: Thunderbolt
OT: (Optional)
SID: (Optional)
Sylveon(Kawaii) @ Item Choice Specs
Nature: Modest
Gender: F
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 spA/ 252 spE/ 4 HP
IVs: Hidden power fire
Ability: Pixilate
Move 1: Hyper Voice
Move 2: MoonBlast
Move 3: Calm Mind
Move 4: Hidden powe Fire
OT: (Optional)
SID: (Optional)
(Free Pokemon)
Celesteela(The Wall) @ Item Leftovers
Nature: Impish
Gender: M/F
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP/ 252 Def/ 4 spD
IVs: perfect
Ability: Beast Boost
Move 1: Heavy Slam
Move 2: Protect
Move 3: Toxic
Move 4: Leech Side
OT: (Optional)
SID: (Optional)
I think that's it.