You don't have to put anything in them. Yeah, I can give them for 500.
Pokemon: Heatran
Shiny?: Yes
Nature: Timid
Ability: Flash Fire
Level: 100
Pokeball: (any ball that makes it legal)
Item: Leftover
IV: H 31, A 0, D 31, SpA 31, SpD 31, Spe 31
EV: H228, X, X, X, SpD 78, Spe 204
Moves: Magma Storm, Toxic, Substitute, Protect
Egg Moves: I dont know about this..
OT: 시호 (this is Korean, I dont know if you can copy and paste this)
ID: 31428
SID: I dont know what to put here
Pokemon: Terrakion
Shiny?: (Yes
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Justified
Level: 100
Pokeball: (any ball that makes it legal)
Item: Focusband
IV: 6iv - 31 for all
EV: H6, A252, X, X, X, Spe252
Moves: Stone Edge, Close Combat, Quick Attack, Taunt
Egg Moves: I dont know about this..
OT: 시호 (this is Korean, I dont know if you can copy and paste this)
ID: 31428
SID: I dont know what to put here
*Please make it legit and legal, Battle available and other local championships available
Thank you, and How do i Give the credit? and I will add you the friend code right now