Pokemon: Froakie
Nickname: no-nickname
Shiny?: (Yes/No) Yes
Nature: Timid
Ability: Protean
Level: 1
Gender: M
Pokeball: Standard
IV: 5+ perfect IV's
EV: I'll take care of this
Moves: Dark Pulse, Hydro Pump, U-turn (I don't know if it's possible...
Egg Moves: Toxic Spikes
OT: ---
ID: ---
SID: ---
Pokemon: Gastly
Nickname: no-nickname
Shiny?: (Yes/No) Yes
Nature: Timid
Ability: Levitate
Level: 1
Gender: M
Pokeball: Standard
Item: Gengarite (if you have one
IV: 5+ perfect IV's
EV: I'll take care of this
Moves: Destiny Bond, Sludge Wave, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast (I don't know if it's possible...)
Egg Moves: ---
OT: ---
ID: ---
SID: ---
Pokemon: Torchic
Nickname: no-nickname
Shiny?: (Yes/No) Yes
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Blaze
Level: 1
Gender: M
Pokeball: Standard
Item: ---
IV: 5+ perfect IV's
EV: I'll take care of this
Moves: Stone Edge, Swords Dance, Flare Blitz (I don't know if it's possible...)
Egg Moves: Low Kick
OT: ---
ID: ---
SID: ---
Pokemon: Ralts
Nickname: no-nickname
Shiny?: (Yes/No) Yes
Nature: Timid
Ability: Trace
Level: 1
Gender: F
Pokeball: Standard
Item: ---
IV: 5+ perfect IV's
EV: I'll take care of this
Moves: Psyshock, Focus Blast, Will-o-whisp, Moonblast (I don't know if it's possible...)
Egg Moves: ---
OT: ---
ID: ---
SID: ---
Pokemon: Beldum
Nickname: no-nickname
Shiny?: (Yes/No) Yes
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Clear Body
Level: 1
Gender: M
Pokeball: Standard
Item: ---
IV: 5+ perfect IV's
EV: I'll take care of this
Moves: Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Hammer Arm, Thunder Punch (I don't know if it's possible...)
Egg Moves: ---
OT: ---
ID: ---
SID: ---
Pokemon: Larvitar
Nickname: no-nickname
Shiny?: (Yes/No) Yes
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Guts
Level: 1
Gender: M
Pokeball: Standard
Item: Choice Scarf (if you can)
IV: 5+ Perfect IV's
EV: I'll take care of this
Moves: Stone Edge, Ice Punch, Super Power (I don't know if it's possible...)
Egg Moves: Pursuit
OT: ---
ID: ---
SID: ---
is it going to be 1000 PC for this team? if not, how much would it be?