I want to buy 5 pokemons (1 free = 6 in total right?)
I want 4 dittos, nature one each as I state below, 1 mimikyu and 1 100% Zygarde (as the extra free one)
Ditto @ Destiny Knot
Ability: Imposter
EVs: Maximum possible
Level: 100
Shiny: Yes
Nature: Adamant, Jolly, Timid, and Modest
- Transform
Pokeball: Beast Ball
IV: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Mimikyu (M) @ Life orb
Ability: Disguise
EVs: Maximum possible
Level: 100
Shiny: No
Nature: Jolly
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Claw
- Play Rough
- Leech Life
Pokeball: Poke ball
IV: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Zygarde (nickname = Z) @ Master Ball
Ability: Power Construct
EVs: Maximum possible
Level: 100
Shiny: No
Nature: Careful
- Dragon Dance
- Extreme Speed
- Thousand Arrows
- Outrage
Pokeball: Beast Ball
IV: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Edit: I sent 1250 pc to you