It's me again I want every pokemon lvl 100 battle ready shiny unless otherwise noted:
Lapras (252 hp 252 sp attk) arcanine(252 hp n attk)
weedle(lvl 1 ev trained attk n speed)
pidgey (lvl 1 ev trained sp attk n speed
scizor (252 hp 252 attk) tyranitar (252 attk 252 hp) Ho - oh
treeko (lvl 1 252 sp atk 252 speed timid)
torchic (252 hp 242 at
mudkip not shiny 252 def 252 atk
gallade jolly
Latias with defog
latios kyogre groundon(not shiny) dragonite 252 hp 252 attk jolly altaria lopunny camerupt regirock metagross 252 hp 252 attk
Delphox with hidden power ice
Golurk no guard dynamic punch 252 attk 252 hp
Muk 252 hp 120 def 120 attk
Let me know how much it will cost