Hello Chaos! May I have the following Pokemon fresh out of an egg, (level 1, NO ev's touched), Kalos born, and shiny plz?
Bulbasaur (Male)@ Venasaurite
Shiny : Yes
Nature : Bold
Ability : Chlorophyll
IV's : 31/0/31/31/31/31
4 Egg Moves
Charmander (Male)@ Charizardite Y
Shiny : Yes
Nature : Timid
Ability : Blaze
IV's : 31/31/31/31/31/31
4 Egg Moves
Squirtle (Male)@ Blastoisinite
Shiny : Yes
Nature : Timid
Ability : Rain Dish
IV's : 31/0/31/31/31/31
Caterpie (Female)@ Eviolite
Shiny : Yes
Nature : Timid
Ability : Shield Dust
IV's : 31/0/31/31/31/31
4 Egg Moves
Pichu(Male)@ Light Clay
Shiny : Yes
Nature : Timid
Ability : Lightningrod
IV's : 31/30/30/31/31/31
4 Egg Moves
Nidoran (Female)@ Moon Stone
Shiny : Yes
Nature : Bold
Ability : Poison Point
IV's : 31/31/31/31/31/31
4 Egg Moves
Let me know how much it will be and i'll send you the Credit asap.

Thanks much!