This is most likely what I'm looking for to purchase and I'd like to know how much this will cost and if something can't be done, thanks.
Dream Ball KB Skarmory(non-shiny, male)@rocky helmet - impish, sturdy, 252hp 252def 4spdef. Eggmoves: whirlwind, brave bird, stealth rock.
Dream Ball KB Sylveon(shiny, female)@leftovers - bold, pixilate, 252hp 244def 12spe. Eggmoves: wish, baton pass, hyper voice.
Dream Ball KB Mareep(shiny, female) - modest, static, 252spatk 252spe 4hp. Eggmove: agility.
Dream Ball KB Bagon(non-shiny, male)@choice scarf - modest, intimidate, 252spatk 252spe 4atk. Eggmoves: draco meteor, dragon pulse.
Dream Ball KB Ralts(non-shiny, female)@choice scarf - timid, telepathy, 252spatk 252spe 4hp.
Dream Ball KB Gliscor(shiny, male)@toxic orb - impish, poison heal, 252hp 200spe 56def.
All pokemons with 6ivs and OT: Arcueid
Thanks again.
Edit: I forgot to put KB and genders, sorry about that.