okay great :) I'm all set nowish if you are! Yeahhhh lets do this! I'll send you over my fc/ign :)
Vyft Pokémon Master Trusted Seller Friendzilla Credits 441 Sep 7, 2014 #41 bdubo1 said: okay great I'm all set nowish if you are! Click to expand... Yeahhhh lets do this! I'll send you over my fc/ign
bdubo1 said: okay great I'm all set nowish if you are! Click to expand... Yeahhhh lets do this! I'll send you over my fc/ign
Bendy Pokémon Champion Credits 10 Sep 7, 2014 #42 I have to go for a little while, I'll be back later though!
Stellar Mr. Steal Your Girl Trusted Seller Donor Credits -47 Sep 8, 2014 #43 thanks~ For putting pokerus on my pokes.
Evilkid Youngster Joey Credits 20 Sep 10, 2014 #44 Vyft , happen to have a japanese 6iv ditto ? If you do , think you can cut me a deal ? :3
Vyft Pokémon Master Trusted Seller Friendzilla Credits 441 Sep 10, 2014 #45 Evilkid said: Vyft , happen to have a japanese 6iv ditto ? If you do , think you can cut me a deal ? :3 Click to expand... I have many Japanese 6IV dittos. Define 'cut a deal' >_> My prices are extremely reasonable as they are >_>
Evilkid said: Vyft , happen to have a japanese 6iv ditto ? If you do , think you can cut me a deal ? :3 Click to expand... I have many Japanese 6IV dittos. Define 'cut a deal' >_> My prices are extremely reasonable as they are >_>
Evilkid Youngster Joey Credits 20 Sep 10, 2014 #46 Sorry Vyft someone beat you to it ... maybe next time ?
Y yang3844 Youngster Joey Credits 20 Sep 10, 2014 #47 Hi im new here but looking for a 6iv ditto non-shiny. If you still have any left let me know along with the price thank you
Hi im new here but looking for a 6iv ditto non-shiny. If you still have any left let me know along with the price thank you
Vyft Pokémon Master Trusted Seller Friendzilla Credits 441 Sep 10, 2014 #48 yang3844 said: Hi im new here but looking for a 6iv ditto non-shiny. If you still have any left let me know along with the price thank you Click to expand... Hi @yang3844 you can buy a regular 6IV ditto for 40pc. Is there a particular nature you would like?
yang3844 said: Hi im new here but looking for a 6iv ditto non-shiny. If you still have any left let me know along with the price thank you Click to expand... Hi @yang3844 you can buy a regular 6IV ditto for 40pc. Is there a particular nature you would like?
Y yang3844 Youngster Joey Credits 20 Sep 10, 2014 #49 Vyft said: Hi @yang3844 you can buy a regular 6IV ditto for 40pc. Is there a particular nature you would like? Click to expand... Yes i can, Brave would be a great if you can
Vyft said: Hi @yang3844 you can buy a regular 6IV ditto for 40pc. Is there a particular nature you would like? Click to expand... Yes i can, Brave would be a great if you can
Vyft Pokémon Master Trusted Seller Friendzilla Credits 441 Sep 10, 2014 #50 I will inbox you my fc/ign If you want to send the credits and send your fc/ign over we can trade now! Thanks!
I will inbox you my fc/ign If you want to send the credits and send your fc/ign over we can trade now! Thanks!
manuelbenecchi Youngster Joey Credits 20 Oct 22, 2014 #51 hi! i'm looking for a fawless ditto with the max iv!
Vyft Pokémon Master Trusted Seller Friendzilla Credits 441 Oct 22, 2014 #52 Hey there, I can sell you one of these for 40pc if you like ? Let me know! Thank you!
manuelbenecchi Youngster Joey Credits 20 Oct 23, 2014 #53 Vyft said: Hey there, I can sell you one of these for 40pc if you like ? Let me know! Thank you! Click to expand... yeah! it's ok! a good price tell me how proceed Last edited: Oct 23, 2014
Vyft said: Hey there, I can sell you one of these for 40pc if you like ? Let me know! Thank you! Click to expand... yeah! it's ok! a good price tell me how proceed
Vyft Pokémon Master Trusted Seller Friendzilla Credits 441 Oct 23, 2014 #54 manuelbenecchi said: yeah! it's ok! a good price Click to expand... I've PM'd you @manuelbenecchi ! I need to get ready and take my dog down the Vet's but I'll be available after to complete your request! Thanks~
manuelbenecchi said: yeah! it's ok! a good price Click to expand... I've PM'd you @manuelbenecchi ! I need to get ready and take my dog down the Vet's but I'll be available after to complete your request! Thanks~
gnmmarechal Pokémon Champion Credits 20 Oct 25, 2014 #55 hum once I have enough PC I'll want a Shiny Ditto. I like it being blue
Vyft Pokémon Master Trusted Seller Friendzilla Credits 441 Oct 25, 2014 #56 gnmmarechal said: hum once I have enough PC I'll want a Shiny Ditto. I like it being blue Click to expand... That's alright! I think the blue ditto's are adorable :3
gnmmarechal said: hum once I have enough PC I'll want a Shiny Ditto. I like it being blue Click to expand... That's alright! I think the blue ditto's are adorable :3
The Collector Damn Crocune Love Fest Donor Credits 16 Oct 26, 2014 #58 I would like the All Natures, Non-Shiny deal.
Vyft Pokémon Master Trusted Seller Friendzilla Credits 441 Oct 26, 2014 #59 gnmmarechal said: btw, what is a Zeroes ShinY Ditto? Click to expand... A zeroes ditto is a ditto with 0 IV's in everything. xD The Collector said: I would like the All Natures, Non-Shiny deal. Click to expand... Hi there, if you could pass over your FC/IGN and transfer 700pc then we can begin our trade whenever you're ready! Thank you~ 4828 4429 6491
gnmmarechal said: btw, what is a Zeroes ShinY Ditto? Click to expand... A zeroes ditto is a ditto with 0 IV's in everything. xD The Collector said: I would like the All Natures, Non-Shiny deal. Click to expand... Hi there, if you could pass over your FC/IGN and transfer 700pc then we can begin our trade whenever you're ready! Thank you~ 4828 4429 6491
gnmmarechal Pokémon Champion Credits 20 Oct 26, 2014 #60 Vyft said: A zeroes ditto is a ditto with 0 IV's in everything. xD Hi there, if you could pass over your FC/IGN and transfer 700pc then we can begin our trade whenever you're ready! Thank you~ 4828 4429 6491 Click to expand... ok ty. So... what is it useful for ?
Vyft said: A zeroes ditto is a ditto with 0 IV's in everything. xD Hi there, if you could pass over your FC/IGN and transfer 700pc then we can begin our trade whenever you're ready! Thank you~ 4828 4429 6491 Click to expand... ok ty. So... what is it useful for ?