Active Why are pokemon being sold for so cheap on this site?


Youngster Joey
Hi, I'm new to this site (and to the pokemon games) so forgive me for not understanding. I get that 500 credits = 5$, which means that 100 credits is around 1$. I see some people selling entire teams of level 100 shiny pokemon for only a couple hundred credits, which in real life would only be a couple dollars. I would gladly pay a couple bucks for those shinies, but isn't the seller getting ripped off a lot? Doesn't it take much more time to find a shiny/raise a pokemon to level 100/customize the pokemon's skills than it does to make 2 bucks?


The Silence
Team Elite
Trusted Seller
You assumed we actually did all that. They are generated by on a pc and transferred into the game with stats such that Nintendo cannot tell the difference between real or fake >.> GG WP.


Youngster Joey
Hi, I'm new to this site (and to the pokemon games) so forgive me for not understanding. I get that 500 credits = 5$, which means that 100 credits is around 1$. I see some people selling entire teams of level 100 shiny pokemon for only a couple hundred credits, which in real life would only be a couple dollars. I would gladly pay a couple bucks for those shinies, but isn't the seller getting ripped off a lot? Doesn't it take much more time to find a shiny/raise a pokemon to level 100/customize the pokemon's skills than it does to make 2 bucks?

They are probably genned, which takes all of a couple of minutes to do if you know what to do.

Element Of Smash

Unslaad Krongrah
So in other words, they are hacked pokemon? Would I not be able to use these in competitions?
Yes, you can use them in competition as long as:
A) The genner knows what they're doing and uses the correct values (ie doesn't change BST, doesn't use an impossible meeting place; less than 3 perfect IVs on legends, etc, etc)
B ) The movesets and abilities you request are obtainable in-game. For instance, you could purchase a Tapu Koko with Telepathy, it's HA. The game won't mind, because this is in it's data. A judge at an event on the other hand, will know that this pokemon hasn't been released yet and should not be possible to own.

This is the difference between legit, legal, and illegal/hacked pokemon.

Legit is a pokemon the was bred and trained in game without outside tool assistance.

Legal means a pokemon can exist within the games parameters, and is not falsifiable. These pokemon are usable in tournaments. In fact, I'm bringing a few to the Dallas Regional at the end of the month.

Illegal, or Hacked means the pokemon in question should not be able to exist in the game, and cannot be used for online services or tournaments.


Youngster Joey
People usually buy some 6IV dittos to speed up the process of getting good pokemon. The pokemon hatched from the eggs are legit


Youngster Joey
And this is why the competitive scene sucks so much dong.

They're genned. I.E. hacked.

There's a few shops (atleast mine) that sell actually bred pokemon. My stock is currently just some ivs from my own breeding projects.

Anyone doing customs are genning.


Pokémon Champion

    Gym Badges

And this is why the competitive scene sucks so much dong.

They're genned. I.E. hacked.

There's a few shops (atleast mine) that sell actually bred pokemon. My stock is currently just some ivs from my own breeding projects.

Anyone doing customs are genning.
And this is why the competitive scene sucks so much dong.

They're genned. I.E. hacked.

There's a few shops (atleast mine) that sell actually bred pokemon. My stock is currently just some ivs from my own breeding projects.

Anyone doing customs are genning.

While thats true they are all made in a matter of minutes on a pc, all it's really doing is saving time for players who either aren't interesting in breeding themselves, or just need to test out a multitude of pokemon in a short matter of time without wasting efforts on breeding mons they wont use.


Youngster Joey
Doesn't matter. Still hacked, bud.
Breeding and raising your team for perfection is part of the game. That's how it's intended, that's how it's designed, that's how it's meant to be. If you don't have time for it.. Don't play it competitively.

Reminds me of when people were getting mass bans from Overwatch for aimbotting, simply to get out of bronze and into "their actual rank". The point is to climb to where you belong, not cheat your way there and claim you earned it.

You can word excuses however you like, you can say legit and "legal" are both okay, but legal is not legit, and if it's not legit, it's not legal. Whether anyone here likes it or not, it's a fact that hacking/genning (same thing, honestly) ruins the competitive scene. When everyone can see hacked pokemon under every top player in a tournament, it ruins the integrity of the esport. It ruins the mantra that pokemon is based on, and it kills the game off. Less and less people give a crap about the championships.

But hey, I don't care if you gen. You know who you are, and you know what it does to the scene. But who cares, right? Let's ride the 'legal'-train until it's tracks break away from it's own weight.


Pokémon Champion

    Gym Badges

Doesn't matter. Still hacked, bud.
Breeding and raising your team for perfection is part of the game. That's how it's intended, that's how it's designed, that's how it's meant to be. If you don't have time for it.. Don't play it competitively.

Reminds me of when people were getting mass bans from Overwatch for aimbotting, simply to get out of bronze and into "their actual rank". The point is to climb to where you belong, not cheat your way there and claim you earned it.

You can word excuses however you like, you can say legit and "legal" are both okay, but legal is not legit, and if it's not legit, it's not legal. Whether anyone here likes it or not, it's a fact that hacking/genning (same thing, honestly) ruins the competitive scene. When everyone can see hacked pokemon under every top player in a tournament, it ruins the integrity of the esport. It ruins the mantra that pokemon is based on, and it kills the game off. Less and less people give a crap about the championships.

But hey, I don't care if you gen. You know who you are, and you know what it does to the scene. But who cares, right? Let's ride the 'legal'-train until it's tracks break away from it's own weight.

First off your comparison of overwatch aimbotting and genning makes absolutely no sense. An aimbot is a cheat that allows you to gain an unfair advantage over your opponent to limit your misses and increase your skill artificially. Genning accomplishes neither of those things. You don't receive a significant increase in skill or a competitive advantage whatsoever. Furthermore, you've come to the wrong website to debate this as very few here if anyone shares your opinion. Additionally hacked pokemon in tournaments are almost always indistinguishable from the ones you spend so many hours breeding so I'm not sure how you can claim it's "ruining the integrity of the esport". Normally I don't take the time to reply to comments but yours was ignorant and baised to the point of misinforming others. There is no reward to breeding over genning other than the mental satisfaction that you personally gain, your argument dissolved any credibility you had as it was muddled with talk of a "mantra" of pokemon and other such things I'm not sure extends anywhere further in the community than your own limited mind. I hope I allowed you to see that there is a clear distinction between the two aspects of obtaining pokemon.

Shun Kuso

Youngster Joey
Hi, I'm new to this site (and to the pokemon games) so forgive me for not understanding. I get that 500 credits = 5$, which means that 100 credits is around 1$. I see some people selling entire teams of level 100 shiny pokemon for only a couple hundred credits, which in real life would only be a couple dollars. I would gladly pay a couple bucks for those shinies, but isn't the seller getting ripped off a lot? Doesn't it take much more time to find a shiny/raise a pokemon to level 100/customize the pokemon's skills than it does to make 2 bucks?
That's a good question.

Mr. Mister

Youngster Joey
Even if some tweaking is required to get the desired result, I don't see how that is unethical, strictly speaking. As stated, these Pokemon are created using actual quantification that one would find in their wild variants. Besides, basic supply and demand. The people who receive them still have to raise them and get them where they want them to be so the process is not without labor. It's just labor done in ways that most traditionally do not use in the games.


Pokémon Trainer
And this is why the competitive scene sucks so much dong.

They're genned. I.E. hacked.

There's a few shops (atleast mine) that sell actually bred pokemon. My stock is currently just some ivs from my own breeding projects.

Anyone doing customs are genning.
your methods are exactly like mine for my shop, I have an inventory I'm about to simplify, all are extras I don't need.


Rare Breed
Let It Reign
Doesn't matter. Still hacked, bud.
Breeding and raising your team for perfection is part of the game. That's how it's intended, that's how it's designed, that's how it's meant to be. If you don't have time for it.. Don't play it competitively.

Reminds me of when people were getting mass bans from Overwatch for aimbotting, simply to get out of bronze and into "their actual rank". The point is to climb to where you belong, not cheat your way there and claim you earned it.

You can word excuses however you like, you can say legit and "legal" are both okay, but legal is not legit, and if it's not legit, it's not legal. Whether anyone here likes it or not, it's a fact that hacking/genning (same thing, honestly) ruins the competitive scene. When everyone can see hacked pokemon under every top player in a tournament, it ruins the integrity of the esport. It ruins the mantra that pokemon is based on, and it kills the game off. Less and less people give a crap about the championships.

But hey, I don't care if you gen. You know who you are, and you know what it does to the scene. But who cares, right? Let's ride the 'legal'-train until it's tracks break away from it's own weight.
While I very much appreciate the fact that you breed your Pokemon properly and put the time and effort into doing things the way you believe they should be done, I very much disagree with your assessment of the competitive scene.

Aimboting is a cheat used to actually change the way a player plays a game. It breaks down the core of the game and gives a player an advantage that isn't achievable by normal means. This would be like hacking in a hidden ability Pokemon that isn't released or somehow hacking the data of the game to have it show you your opponent's next move.

Genning is a lot more like netdecking in a game like Hearthstone. It takes one skill out of the competitive game and streamlines the process of creating viable teams of Pokemon. On the one hand, it makes things incredibly tough for those who still breed since the average player now plays at a higher level, BUT (and this is a big but) it doesn't actually change top level play in a negative way. The top players would likely still be using similar setups and be playing at a similarly high level, but there would be a disincentive to try off the wall builds or breed off the wall mons.

I understand your frustration and I hope you continue to breed as it is very much in demand, but I don't think that genning is nearly as bad for the competitive meta.

