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i am new to this i love pokemon my type of pokemon is steel was just wondering how i get started not to long a go i head the fire gym over
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Reactions: Daigusto_Ultimo
Go to the league forums and read up on how to be the steel gym leader, I would also suggest reading the smogon battle rules so you understand how the battles generally work.
I am not sure how they automatically gave me a dragon for my avatar but apparently Perfect Pokémon know me and my love dragons well ^_^
Got a Pyroar on standby for you.
Level: 35
Nature: Modest
Ability: Rivalry
Pokerus: No

Will that one do?
Sara Crystal
Sara Crystal
I was looking for a HA one - as a hidden ability :)...Ive already got one and already bred some :) But sure :)...give it to me :)...Ill give u the Rockruff as promised anyway :)
Dilan Rona
Starting Ultra Sun now, will be looking out for you.
Sara Crystal
Sara Crystal
Please wait a bit :) in process of breeding few pokemon :)...Ill be there soon :)
Good day.

Would like to know if you still have some own tempo rockruffs left over, and what I need to trade for it. Got a few extra dittos lying around if you are still looking for one, and have a few Pokemon with Pokerus as well.

Sara Crystal
Sara Crystal
Hey. Sory for the late reply :) I do have some left :) And I dont really need anything :) Currently looking for ha pyroar/litten but if you dont have one Im still giving u the rockruff :)
Currently trying to complete the National dex, 100% completed Kanto Looking for regular darkrai, victini and other mythical pokemon
Anybody looking for a gym battle check out the fire gym, still breeding pokemon as well if you are interested ask about my methods