Finding a way to improve the competitive team aspect of this site?


Staff member
Will Not Fall
Dex Contributor
Hello everyone,

So I have been thinking that if we find a way to improve the team aspect of this site, we will be able to create a lot more community involvement. Teams are a great chunk of this site, and I was hoping I could use this thread for everyone to come up with suggestions on how we can increase competition between teams.

As of now, we have team wars, which hardly happen or never get completed once initiated. I think this is because there is no incentive hardly behind winning a team war. I am not talking about PC incentive either. I was thinking we could come up with an individual ranking system for winning team wars on here and give that player/team site rewards for winning a war or battle.

Example: Player A representing Team Y beats Player B representing Team Z. We could have a ranking system or tab that shows the most won battles by each individual player and next to their name the team they are currently representing. That way the player will feel like he/she wants to get involved, as well as being able to represent their team. We can also come up possibly with badges having to do with team wars. IE: Player A has won 5 battles for his team in a team war, therefore he wins a badge relating to it.

I was thinking there could also be individual battles between team players so they could happen more often. Like if I were to challenge a player from another team to a battle, it could be recorded somehow if we decide to without having to have a war with 2 more players involved.

That was just a few ideas I am throwing out, but the main reason I made this thread is because I love the team aspect of this site, but I would like to see more involvement BETWEEN TEAMS not just within teams. Therefore I wanted to pull in suggestions from other users as well so maybe admins could read this thread and take them into consideration.


The People's Champ
Staff member
Trusted Seller
Let It Reign
Iron Will
As doulie has mentioned, he has a plan in the works to make a seasons based ranking system with more prizes revolving around teams

Just a heads up on the direction teams are going

