Steam Keys - Sale and Trading



As a buyer of Humble Bundles for a few months now, I've amassed quite a collection of steam keys that I do not want. As such a result, I'll be trying to sell some off.

Each steam key is 150PC, or just about a dollar for me when I cash out. Occasionally, games will cost more or less.

I have about three pages of them, so if you like anything please contact me.

I'm open to trading, or other negotiations.

I can reserve keys for you. If you do not buy the key in 3 days, I will remove your name. If someone offers 200PC+ for the game, I will sell it to them. I will give you a one day window to counter offer at 25PC increments. After a counter bid is submitted, I will PM both of you and you can duke it out over inbox.

These keys do not work, as I've removed the last 5 or so characters from each one. If you guess them and actually score a game, I won't even be mad, that's pure effort right there. Tell me if you do, though.

Without further ado, here is the link.

Hope you find something you like!

If you have a request for me to match an average weekly price, tell me. I'll grab the average bundle and sell the games to you at 150pc each, considering I haven't already gotten the average price.

I'll continue to update every week, with a changelog to track what games are updated and which games are sold.

4/22/15 - Added List
4/23/15 - Added Low-price bundle for 4/23/15
4/23/15 - Added a Funktastic new banner, edited store wording content.
4/23/15 - Sold Dragon Age: Origins x1, Mass Effect 2 x1, Outlast x1
Last edited by a moderator:


You're aware someone might take those keys right?
They have 5 characters removed so no one can redeem them. If they can guess 5 random numbers and letters then damn they can have the key. That's effort right there.


Official Server Crasher
Staff member
Will Not Fall
Iron Will
Dex Contributor
I'll take Dragon Age: Origins please :p. 150PC, correct?


Pokémon Champion
For anyone who tries to get a free key by doing all possible combinations - good luck! If I am not wrong, the chance of you getting it right is 1 in 60466176.

