Active Team War Suggestion


Pokémon Champion
I thought of something and thought I would bring it up in a thread.

Currently the team wars are going on, which is great, however, teams are mainly using the same battlers, the best they have. I understand why but it will lead to other members of the team feeling alienated which I know nobody wants. It's all well and good say practice etc. which people should, but some people simply have less time then others.

So I thought maybe teams could have something like tiers, the best battlers in the team being in tier one, medium battlers tier two and people new to battling in tier three. This allows everyone a chance to represent their team and also allows the battles to remain competitive. Obviously more than 3 could be in place, just an example.

The leaders of each team would decide where each new member goes based on a test battle. People, depending on how they do against other teams, could then gain points and eventually rank up/down.

It may not be the most popular idea, however, you allow all of your members to be involved and earn their chance.

#GoTeamNova :)


Pokémon Master
Trusted Seller
I actually read your effort long post and think it's not a bad idea xD

However it would take a while to like... tier people and to know that the people in that tier are really at that level :| Otherwise teams could just 'cheat' by putting someone they know is good in a lower level.

Edit: Not saying anyone here would cheat ofc. xD


Pokémon Champion
I actually read your effort long post and think it's not a bad idea xD

However it would take a while to like... tier people and to know that the people in that tier are really at that level :| Otherwise teams could just 'cheat' by putting someone they know is good in a lower level.

Edit: Not saying anyone here would cheat ofc. xD
I know it's not a perfect suggestion and there are plenty of kinks in it, however, at least it gets everyone in the community involved right, that's better as well as more fun then how things currently are.

-_- Didn't think about people cheating, but I can't see the leaders of the teams cheating just so they can win, none of them are lame enough :p


I know it's not a perfect suggestion and there are plenty of kinks in it, however, at least it gets everyone in the community involved right, that's better as well as more fun then how things currently are.

-_- Didn't think about people cheating, but I can't see the leaders of the teams cheating just so they can win, none of them are lame enough :p
I love the idea to be honest, however I don't know about the leveling system that would be in place. Have like an S A B C class rating for batting system?


Pokémon Champion
I love the idea to be honest, however I don't know about the leveling system that would be in place. Have like an S A B C class rating for batting system?
I don't mind how it is ranked, leveling, number/letter system, I just want it so people can battle and represent their team then regardless of their abilities in battle. If teams do not allow everyone to represent them in battle, it takes away a major draw into joining a team. However, people won't want to battle if they know they could battle someone who is far superior and they will just get creamed.
The whole idea is you can battle people on the same level as you as well as represent your team. Teams could have league tables or something for members, when they earn enough points, they can change rank, letters whatever and battle better people. If you want to battle better people, you need to practice and earn you way.
I think it will also encourage new members to join the community, it won't matter how good you are, just matters how hard you try, you are still given a chance and can battle on behalf of your team :)


I don't mind how it is ranked, leveling, number/letter system, I just want it so people can battle and represent their team then regardless of their abilities in battle. If teams do not allow everyone to represent them in battle, it takes away a major draw into joining a team. However, people won't want to battle if they know they could battle someone who is far superior and they will just get creamed.
The whole idea is you can battle people on the same level as you as well as represent your team. Teams could have league tables or something for members, when they earn enough points, they can change rank, letters whatever and battle better people. If you want to battle better people, you need to practice and earn you way.
I think it will also encourage new members to join the community, it won't matter how good you are, just matters how hard you try, you are still given a chance and can battle on behalf of your team :)
I really enjoy this idea and it really needs to be looked into by doulie.


Tier 1
Trusted Seller
This is a great idea, but it would be hard to implement and know where to start with it.

We started the, "only certain members can battle" rule with Team Nova and a lot of others just followed.

People are focused on winning by putting the best members in their lineup and tend to forget about the rest. We've swayed towards winning and lost focus on having fun.

I know the last part isn't contributing to the idea, which is great btw, but I just wanted to let you know that I empathize with your situation in not getting to battle and I feel bad about it.


Pokémon Champion
This is a great idea, but it would be hard to implement and know where to start with it.

We started the, "only certain members can battle" rule with Team Nova and a lot of others just followed.

People are focused on winning by putting the best members in their lineup and tend to forget about the rest. We've swayed towards winning and lost focus on having fun.

I know the last part isn't contributing to the idea, which is great btw, but I just wanted to let you know that I empathize with your situation in not getting to battle and I feel bad about it.
First of all, thank you.

I do understand that there is no simple fix to this but I feel maybe a lot of members may feel this way but people don't like to cause what could be seen as a problem.

I have no idea how this would be implemented either, just thought I would throw it out there, see if anyone else felt the same, if they did, we could all go from there.


Youngster Joey
As a less experienced trainer I think this should be a good way for trainers like me to have hand on experience on battling and also have fun playing against people in the community . Maybe implement a ranking system of some sort ?


The People's Champ
Staff member
Trusted Seller
Let It Reign
Iron Will
I like the idea, it seems like something that all team leaders can agree upon without a heavy hand from doulie

If everyone complied with the guidelines then I wouldn't mind implementing it and I don't like speaking for other people but, I think some other leaders would do it as well... Then again doulie is a leader anyway

Also the only flaw i see as mentioned before was cheaters or hustlers so to say but, that would just use the honor system i guess

Also moving to suggestions*


I like the idea, it seems like something that all team leaders can agree upon without a heavy hand from doulie

If everyone complied with the guidelines then I wouldn't mind implementing it and I don't like speaking for other people but, I think some other leaders would do it as well... Then again doulie is a leader anyway

Also the only flaw i see as mentioned before was cheaters or hustlers so to say but, that would just use the honor system i guess

Also moving to suggestions*
Even then how would you cheat? Battle for other people?


The People's Champ
Staff member
Trusted Seller
Let It Reign
Iron Will


Pokémon Champion
It doesn't need to be that complicated. Let the leaders from the teams pick who is what class/ranking in their team. I mean, sure you can cheat. But does anyone here really care that much about winning that they will let their team cheat themselves to the top, if so, that team will gain a bad reputation fast and lose members anyway.
It's more about what is doing right for the community over what is right for your individual team, the site is going to grow if people know they have a chance to battle competitively no matter what their level is.
I know I am not a leader, but if this does get implemented and put in place, I would like to be involved in some way, pleaseeeee!!!


The People's Champ
Staff member
Trusted Seller
Let It Reign
Iron Will
It doesn't need to be that complicated. Let the leaders from the teams pick who is what class/ranking in their team. I mean, sure you can cheat. But does anyone here really care that much about winning that they will let their team cheat themselves to the top, if so, that team will gain a bad reputation fast and lose members anyway.
It's more about what is doing right for the community over what is right for your individual team, the site is going to grow if people know they have a chance to battle competitively no matter what their level is.
I know I am not a leader, but if this does get implemented and put in place, I would like to be involved in some way, pleaseeeee!!!

I'm on board I'm pretty sure @Jiggly would be ok with it (but i don't want to speak for other people), @Saya Kisaragi likes to help newer battlers so I don't see why he would be against it, @doulie would have to read it, then Mynor and Josh have inactive teams currently so whether or not they were on board wouldn't be too big a deal

It would be weird though unless we had like a scale to nationalize it across all teams to make sure we're on the same page because if the leader of one team isn't as good they won't judge the same


Pokémon Champion
I'm on board I'm pretty sure @Jiggly would be ok with it (but i don't want to speak for other people), @Saya Kisaragi likes to help newer battlers so I don't see why he would be against it, @doulie would have to read it, then Mynor and Josh have inactive teams currently so whether or not they were on board wouldn't be too big a deal

It would be weird though unless we had like a scale to nationalize it across all teams to make sure we're on the same page because if the leader of one team isn't as good they won't judge the same
The problem is, having a big scale tournament would be fine initially on deciding who gets what rank, but when new members join, you can't keep having tournaments to decide this (Plus not to mention how time consuming a tournament would be to set up).
Could you not have maybe a couple of dedicated members who could do the battles on behalf of all the teams, these people could be nominated by all the team leaders, the new member would still be free to choose the team they want to join, but someone independent would help decide what level somebody gains. This way, cheating is avoided.
Then when you have like your team wars, say you have rank S, A, B, C, you have one member from each rank battle when you do the team war, so the whole team takes part. Higher the person is ranked, more points their victory is worth.
Somehow, have a system where people get promoted up and down ranks then based upon how well they do in battles for their team.
I know this sounds ultra complicated to do, but I am sure you will find members who will happily help in putting in work to make sure something like this is place. :)
It's not flawless, but it's just an idea that could lead to better ones.


King of the Ring
Staff member
Don't think its a bad idea.

But unless your team forbids it, which i doubt anyone does. It clearly states in the rules that anyone from a team can start a war.

You just have to take some initiative and start it yourself, rather than hope someone else starts it and includes you.

You can even challenge particular members of a team 'call them out' if you will.
Any Team Member of a team can start a war
- Must have two other teammates ready to fight at the point of issuing the war challenge

Any Team Member can accept a war challenge
- Must have two other teammates ready to fight at the point of accepting a war challenge



The People's Champ
Staff member
Trusted Seller
Let It Reign
Iron Will
Don't think its a bad idea.

But unless your team forbids it, which i doubt anyone does. It clearly states in the rules that anyone from a team can start a war.

You just have to take some initiative and start it yourself, rather than hope someone else starts it and includes you.

You can even challenge particular members of a team 'call them out' if you will.

I think the point is to allow for members of lower skill levels to challenge a team like yours and get people on an equal level and not have to battle you and mega lol

Without this system a lot of people would just let their best members battle not giving others chances to fight or at least that's how I see it


King of the Ring
Staff member
I think the point is to allow for members of lower skill levels to challenge a team like yours and get people on an equal level and not have to battle you and mega lol

Without this system a lot of people would just let their best members battle not giving others chances to fight or at least that's how I see it
my point was he can challenge team xit and say 'I want to battle @x @y @z' (xyz being XIT members.)

If i popup in his challenge and say 'I accept on behalf of XIT, I'LL FIGHT YOU!' ... he can say 'no this is a challenge to @x @y @z, not you doulie'

Now if he is saying he wants all members of a team to be pre-screened so he can decide who XYZ is then, neither Teams, or Team Wars are at that level yet.


Pokémon Champion
Don't think its a bad idea.

But unless your team forbids it, which i doubt anyone does. It clearly states in the rules that anyone from a team can start a war.

You just have to take some initiative and start it yourself, rather than hope someone else starts it and includes you.

You can even challenge particular members of a team 'call them out' if you will.

I will
Don't think its a bad idea.

But unless your team forbids it, which i doubt anyone does. It clearly states in the rules that anyone from a team can start a war.

You just have to take some initiative and start it yourself, rather than hope someone else starts it and includes you.

You can even challenge particular members of a team 'call them out' if you will.

I will admit I was not aware of these rules, I will apologize for that, however, even the most active of members on this site will not be aware of everyone's battling abilities.
If people are ranked, it will allow lower skilled battlers in the same team to group together and form a challenge, challenging opposing teams with members from that team on about the same ability.
People want to battle, but don't want to be battling people who clearly outclass them, they need to battle people in opposing teams of the same level so they can enjoy themselves.
I once again wish to point it, I'm not saying the idea is perfect, I just felt it would have encouraged more novice battlers to par take in the team wars.

