I thought of something and thought I would bring it up in a thread.
Currently the team wars are going on, which is great, however, teams are mainly using the same battlers, the best they have. I understand why but it will lead to other members of the team feeling alienated which I know nobody wants. It's all well and good say practice etc. which people should, but some people simply have less time then others.
So I thought maybe teams could have something like tiers, the best battlers in the team being in tier one, medium battlers tier two and people new to battling in tier three. This allows everyone a chance to represent their team and also allows the battles to remain competitive. Obviously more than 3 could be in place, just an example.
The leaders of each team would decide where each new member goes based on a test battle. People, depending on how they do against other teams, could then gain points and eventually rank up/down.
It may not be the most popular idea, however, you allow all of your members to be involved and earn their chance.