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Saya Kisaragi

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  • What anime is your profile picture from? You seem to really like it :)
    Saya Kisaragi
    Saya Kisaragi
    Medaka Kurokami from Medaka Box
    Interesting, might check it out someday. thanks!
    Saya Kisaragi
    Saya Kisaragi
    No problem. It has two seasons Medaka Box and Medaka Box Abnormal
    is it just me, or is Twitch getting a lot of attention lately.
    Saya Kisaragi
    Saya Kisaragi
    Well YouTube doesnt have a good way to stream, Twitch does. But I have Twitch Turbo, no bs to deal with.
    The BBCP tournament is around the corner. Those who wish to challenge me are welcome to try. I use Ragna and Terumi for the record.
    Soon to be hosting a Blazblue Chrono Phantasma tournament. Unlimited characters will not accepted to fight. DD, OD and AH can be used.
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