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  1. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Closed 6 IV Ditto's and 5 iv shiny pokemon for sale and others

    U have x or y? Cuz I have a 3 IV Mold breaker Close Combat, Me first, and Quick attack Pinsir I'm selling it at 45 PC And it's japanese
  2. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Closed 6 IV Ditto's and 5 iv shiny pokemon for sale and others

    Oh. Well alrighty then. Just gotta sell a CRAPTON of Pokemon.
  3. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Closed 6 IV Ditto's and 5 iv shiny pokemon for sale and others

    k cool, but i can't exactly afford one right now, if i'm going to buy/trade the darkrai..
  4. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Closed 6 IV Ditto's and 5 iv shiny pokemon for sale and others

    hey i was thinking that the trevenant you were giving me was HA. I'm not sure if you knew or not, but i would like a refund..
  5. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Closed 6 IV Ditto's and 5 iv shiny pokemon for sale and others

    whatever works man, i don't even know when the pokes you want will be ready
  6. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Closed 6 IV Ditto's and 5 iv shiny pokemon for sale and others

    okay. i'll let you know when they're ready
  7. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Closed 6 IV Ditto's and 5 iv shiny pokemon for sale and others

    it feels weird talking about PC transactions over 100 lol, but i WOULD like a Darkrai, but how many pokes would you want for one? or would the Piplup, Chimchar, and 150PC be enough?
  8. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Closed 6 IV Ditto's and 5 iv shiny pokemon for sale and others

    oh. no I have ralts is what I was saying
  9. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Closed 6 IV Ditto's and 5 iv shiny pokemon for sale and others

    i guess. but i still need to know the shinies you have lol
  10. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Closed 6 IV Ditto's and 5 iv shiny pokemon for sale and others

    well thanks to the new ditto i could breed you a toxic boost zangoose, a defiant empoleon, a mitotic, an egg move tyrant rum, Slack Off WW Hippowdon, and Fake Out, TPunch, and Fire Punch Chimchar to name a few.
  11. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Closed 6 IV Ditto's and 5 iv shiny pokemon for sale and others

    well i could breed you some stuff and combine it with some PC? 5 IV Ralts?? my bad. thought you didn't want the timburr for a while
  12. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Closed 6 IV Ditto's and 5 iv shiny pokemon for sale and others

    im ready what shinies do you have also? i know you take trade offers and I'm pretty certain i could make you some good deals