Tornadus-Therian () (M/F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
Level: 100
Nature: Timid
Shiny: N
EVs: 252 Special Attack / 4 HP / 252 Speed
IVs: 6x31
Move 1: Hurricane
Move 2: U-Turn
Move 3: Defog
Move 4: Knock Off
Pokeball: Random
Other: ID + OT (ClariS)
Metagross () (F/M) @ Metagrossite
Ability: Clear Body
Level: 50
Nature: Jolly
Shiny: Y
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 HP / 252 Speed
IVs: 5x31 and random special atk
Move 1: Zen Headbutt
Move 2: Meteor Mash
Move 3: Bullet Punch
Move 4: Ice Punch
Pokeball: random
Other: ID + OT (ClariS)
Heatran () (M/F) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Flash Fire
Level: 100
Nature: Modest
Shiny: N
EVs: 252 Special Atk / 252 HP / 4 Speed
IVs: 5x31 and random atk
Move 1: Magma Storm
Move 2: Flash Cannon
Move 3: Earth Power
Move 4: Ancient Power
Pokeball: random
Other: ID + OT (ClariS)
Absol () (M) @ Absolite
Ability: Justified
Level: 50
Nature: Jolly
Shiny: Y
EVs: 252 Attack / 4 HP / 252 Speed
IVs: 5x31 and random special atk
Move 1: Knock Off
Move 2: Sucker Punch
Move 3: Pursuit
Move 4: Iron Tail
Pokeball: Random
Other: ID + OT (ClariS)
Jirachi () (F/M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
Level: 100
Nature: Careful
Shiny: N
EVs: 252 HP / 108 Special Def / 152 Speed
IVs: 5x31 and random special atk
Move 1: Stealth Rock
Move 2: Iron Head
Move 3: U-Turn
Move 4: Healing Wish
Pokeball: random
Other: ID + OT (ClariS)
Kyurem () (M/F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
Level: 100
Nature: Naive
Shiny: N
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Speed / 4 Special Atk
IVs: 6x31
Move 1: Dragon Claw
Move 2: Ice Beam
Move 3: Earth Power
Move 4: Substitute
Pokeball: random
Other: ID + OT (ClariS)
Zekrom () (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Teravolt
Level: 75
Nature: Adamant
Shiny: N
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Speed / 4 HP
IVs: 5x31 and random special atk
Move 1: Hone Claws
Move 2: Outrage
Move 3: Bolt Strike
Move 4: Substitute
Pokeball: Random
Other: ID + OT (ClariS)
Meloetta () (F/M) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Serene Grace
Level: 100
Nature: Timid
Shiny: N
EVs: 252 special atk / 252 Speed / 4 Special Def
IVs: 5x31 and random atk
Move 1: Hyper Voice
Move 2: Psychic
Move 3: Shadow Ball
Move 4: U-Turn
Pokeball: Ball
Other: ID + OT (ClariS)