hey how much for this order?
all level 100.
lucario holding black glasses. ability inner focus. adamant nature. moveset bullet punch close combat extreme speed and swords dance. max ivs n max evs in speed and atk. rest on hp
herracross holding herracrossite. adamant nature. moxie ability. moveset close combat bullett seed rock blast and mega horn. max ivs and max evs in speed atk rest on hp
pinsir holding assult vest. moxie ability. adamant nature. moveset x scizor quick attack stone edge close combat. max ivs and max evs in speed atk and rest in hp
greninja holding ice plate. protein ability timid nature. moveset matt block surf dark pulse scald. max ivs max evs in speed special atk and rest on hp
exadrill holding (sandstream extender?) adamant nature. sand rush ability. moveset earthquake swords dance iron head and rapid spin. max ivs max evs in speed atk and rest on hp
alolan riachu holding air balloon. timid nature. surge surfer ability. moveset psychic focus blast nasty plot and discharge. max ivs max evs in special atk and speed. rest on hp
porygon 2 holding thunder plate. analytic ability quiet nature. moveset thunder bolt ice beam recover tri attack. max ivs max evs in special atk and split the rest into defense and special defense
hitmontop holding blastoisite adamant nature. technician ability. moveset sucker punch close combat fake out tripple kick. max ivs max evs in speed and attack. rest on hp
kingdra holding mistic water. modest nature. swift swim ability
moveset rain dance hydro pump darco meter waterfall max ivs and max evs in special atk n speed. the rest on hp