Hey man, it's been a while since I ordered! But I need a couple things if you have the time.
I have my TID and SID for the Pheromosa and Tapu Koko. The Buzzwole can be your info.
Pheromosa @ PP Max
Beast Boost
252atk / 4spak / 252 spe
31iv all
- High Jump Kick
- Poison Jab
- Ice Beam
- Protect
Tapu Koko @ Lucky Egg
Electric Surge
4hp / 4def / 244spak / 4spdf / 252spe
31iv all
- Thunder
- Dazzling Gleam
- Protect
- Volt Switch
Buzzwole @ PP Max
Beast Boost
20hp / 84atk / 4def / 252spdf / 148 spe
31iv all
- Superpower
- Ice Punch
- Leech life
- Poison Jab
And can I also get the Shiny Tapu Koko event as well?