Can i get?
Iron fist timburr, with assualt vest.
Compund eyes Joltik, with focus sash.
Regenerator Slowpoke, with assualt vest.
harvest Trevenant, with sitrus berry.
Thick Fat Swinub, with focus sash.
Can i get? Iron fist timburr, with assualt vest.
Compund eyes Joltik, with focus sash.
Regenerator Slowpoke, with assualt vest.
harvest Trevenant, with sitrus berry.
Thick Fat Swinub, with focus sash.
Yes, they can come with items, and i also do buy 5 get the 6th free, so if there is another you wanted ill throw that in as well. I'll be home in like 15 mins, and ill get them put together for you.
I would like to buy the Hasty Protean Greninja (HP Fire) with Leftovers, and some other items from your other post:
-3 Leftovers (in addition to the 1 that comes with the pkm)
-2 Life Orbs
-1 Assault Vest
-Houndoomite, Aggronite, Herachronite
I would like to buy the Hasty Protean Greninja (HP Fire) with Leftovers, and some other items from your other post:
-3 Leftovers (in addition to the 1 that comes with the pkm)
-2 Life Orbs
-1 Assault Vest
-Houndoomite, Aggronite, Herachronite
Vullaby with leftovers
Scraggy(moxie) with lum berry
rhyhorn with Assault vest
ponyta with expert belt
mareep with amphrosite(if i can ask for that)
pancham with choice band
Vullaby with leftovers
Scraggy(moxie) with lum berry
rhyhorn with Assault vest
ponyta with expert belt
mareep with amphrosite(if i can ask for that)
pancham with choice band