The Following Will Be Categorized: If you want details just Post with what you want to know,
I'm looking to get straight PC For each thing listed here, or I will trade multiple from the list for Pokebank Legendaries depedning on which Legendary. I will also trade multiple for COmpetitive Shinies but, aside from those exceptions PC is what I'm looking to get.
6 IVs:
Pawniard, Adamant Defiant w/ Sucker Punch
5 IVs: Correct Natures, Movesets, EV Trained, Abilities (BattleReady)
Skarmory, Furfrou, Mawile, Staraptor, Kangashkan, Tyrantrum, Blaziken, Trevenant, Weaville, Dragalage, Roserade, Pangoro, Abamosnow, Banette, Ludicolo, Crawdaunt, Malamar, Arcanine, Delphox, Gardevoir, eliolisk, Houndoom, Togekiss, Blissey, Absol, Gourgeist, Sylveon, Ferrothorn, Meowstic, Jolteon, Manectric, Reniculus, Mineshao, Zangoose, Gengar, Zoroark
5 IVs: Correct Natures, Egg Moves, Abilities (Level 1)
Vulpix, Snorunt(F), Totodile, Feebas, Chimichar, Zubat, Horsea, Pineco, Treecko, Cottonee, Drifloon, Kabuto
4 IVs: Correct Natures, Movesets, EV Trained, Abilities (BattleReady)
Smeargle, Noivern, Barbaracle, Clefable, Heracross, Cloyster, Diggersby, Azumarill, RotomW, Klefki, Mamoswine
4 IVs: Correct Natures, Egg Moves, Abilities (Level 1)
Mudkip, Nincada, Natu
3 IVs: Correct Natures, Movesets, Abilities, EV Trained (BattleReady)
Greninja, Exploud
Etc: (Legendaries, Shinies, ...)
Shiny 5IV Jolly Landorous, Adamant JIrachi w/ IcePunch FirePunch 6IV, 6IV Timid Victini