looking for a Hidden ability karrablast/escavalier


Youngster Joey
looking for a Hidden ability karrablast or escavalier with no guard/overcoat willing to trade a 5 perfect iv timid cyndaquil, any mega stone wanted or a 4 perfect iv timid latios. I don't care about its ivs or nature just want the ability.


Youngster Joey
In case anyone sees this and would be kind enough to breed a few HA Karrablasts, I´m also interested in one. I play the JP version of Alpha Sapphire, and I have most of the pokémon you´d normally have after playing Heartgold, White, White 2 and AS. I´ve been breeding for a competitive version of my starter Treecko, and have a leftover with HP Steel (22, 31,31,31,30,31) with a Mild nature. I also have tons of other pokémon for trade, so if there´s anything you´d like for Masuda method or whatever, I´m open for requests. On a side note, I´d be interested in a HA Qwilfish as well, if you happen to have one.

