Zap (Vikavolt) (M) @ Master ball
Ability: Levitate
Level: 50
Nature: Modest
Shiny: Y
EVs: 148 hp/ 124 spdef/ 236 spatk
IVs: 31/ 4/ 31/ 31/ 31/ 31
Move 1: Discharge
Move 2: Bug buzz
Move 3: Mud shot
Move 4: Energy Ball
Pokeball: Premier Ball
Venom (Greninja) (F) @ Gold Bottle cap
Ability: Protean
Level: 100
Nature: Naive
Shiny: Y
EVs: 244 spatk/ 252 speed/ 12 atk
IVs: 21/ 18/ 31/ 31/ 31/ 8
Move 1: gunk shot
Move 2: hydro pump
Move 3: blizzard
Move 4: ice beam
Pokeball: pokeball
Deadwood (Trevenant) (F) @ Gold Bottle cap
Ability: harvest
Level: 50
Nature: impish
Shiny: y
EVs: 252 def, 212 hp, 44 spdef
IVs: 8 spatk, rest 31
Move 1: will o wisp
Move 2: leech seed
Move 3: bestow
Move 4:horn leech
Pokeball: Dusk Ball
Excadrill (M) @ ability capsule
Ability: mold breaker
Level: 50
Nature: jolly
Shiny: Y
EVs: 252 atk, 252 speed
IVs: 11 spatk, rest 31
Move 1: iron head
Move 2: Stealth rock
Move 3: earthquake
Move 4: rapid spin
Pokeball: Any
Thicc-Rex (tyrantrum) (F) @ lucky egg
Ability: rock head
Nature: jolly
Shiny: Y
Evs: 252atk, 252sped,
IVs: 7 spatk, rest 31
Move 1: head smash
Move 2: dragon dance
Move 3: fire fang
Move 4: outrage
Pokeball: pokeball
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