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Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 14- The Eternal Worthy Opponent

Poor Flynn, having to deal with Devilotte. And while Riela recognizes the
place, Kurt's not to keen on the place as it feels wrong. Much like how
Willamette was to Frank. What isn't also helping is that half the party is
missing again.

Condition(s) of Victory: All enemies are defeated
Condition(s) of Defeat: All allies are defeated
Enemies: 1x Shielder, 5x Mettaur C-15

Reassign your units. There's three treasure chests to pick up, and don't forget
to destroy the sandbags to clear up some moving space and the chance for an

One of Flynn's most useful skills is "Marching Orders", adding +2 to all
allies' Move Range at the cost of 50% XP, identical to Ohgami & Sakura's "Wind"
Skill. Flynn's "Ideal Captain" Autoskill on a 30% chance of another Support
Attack comes in handy if you have a Support Unit nearby.

End the first turn and move a unit forward, Ciseaux shows up. With several
Blanches and enemies that Flynn recognizes, not to mention a good amount of
Faedun alongside the Adephagos. Time to see if you can't make a rabbit stew out
of Ciseaux yet.

Enemies: 1x Prelude, 4x Outbreaker, 4x Faedun (blue orb), 4x Faedun (red
prism), 6x Hammer Golem, 2x Jaune, 4x Blanche, 3x Mettaur C-15

Well, three more Mettaurs. Conditions don't change, so get to work.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 15- The Gain Ground System

Hey, we arrive some technologically-advanced era with about half our party. It seems to jiggle Tron's memory for whatever reason; it's not like it looks like anything from the MegaMan Legends series. =/ Suddenly, the area begins to shake and white lights blind us all.

We suddenly reappear outside in a more rustic environment, which still rings bells with Tron. Whatever. We finally find our old friend Arthur nearby - it seems he warped here after the events way-back-when in Marvel Land and was stuck to this spot by an unseen force. Further behind Arthur, Dante hears an oddly-familiar voice - his Lady friend. Like Arthur, she got sucked into a rift and was stuck here.

Suddenly, a swarm of monsters warps nearby and Arthur and Lady request some rescuin'. Tron begins to connect some dots, thinking this to be the Gain Ground System, an old battle simulator that was supposed to have been destroyed. As for Arthur's and Lady's immobility? It seems it is an aspect of the simulation that you rescue allies.

First: Talk to Arthur
Later: Defeat all of the enemies
Defeat: Mii & Kogoro, Dante & Demitri, and Ichiro & Sakura are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
First: Sin Scissors x2, Hell Wrath x2, Marionette (Purple) x4, Mettaur D2 x4, Treasure Mimic x1, Golden Mimic x1, Blood Doll Flame x2, Blood Doll Omega x4, Tar Man x1
Later: Additions - Due Flabellum x1, Aya-me x1, Red Arremer Ace x4, Kouma Kagizume x3, Kouma Sandan x3, Kouma Ekisha x2, Shielder x1
Allies: Mii & Kogoro, Akira & Pai, Reiji & Xiaomu, Soma & Alisa, Kite & BlackRose, Ichiro & Sakura, Dante & Demitri, Tron (Solo), Bahn (Solo), Heihachi (Solo), Sänger (Solo), Arthur (Solo; upon rescue), Lady (Solo; upon rescue)
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Aya-me (Lv. 21) 68,310 223 213 151 124 6 (flies) 3 / 3 / 5 Apple Gel, Hand Knitted Muffler
Blood Doll Flame (Lv. 20) 6,725 207 202 113 114 5 2 / - / - Restore Pill
Blood Doll Omega (Lv. 20) 8,475 204 202 117 109 5 2 / - / 3 Restore Pill
Due Flabellum (Lv. 21) 68,310 228 231 145 124 6 3 / 3 / 4 Apple Gel, Mage's Soul], First Aid, [[Blue Fake Nails
Golden Mimic (Lv. 19) 5,828 203 244 113 157 4 1 / - / - Tiger Pancakes
Hell Wrath (Lv. 19) 6,541 209 208 123 121 5 1 / - / 2 Ether Pack S
Kouma Ekisha (Lv. 20) 10,170 210 202 111 109 5 (flies) 3 / - / - Restore Pill, First Aid
Kouma Kagizume (Lv. 18) 7,203 210 191 111 109 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Poison Bottle, Ether Pack S, Restore Pill
Kouma Sandan (Lv. 18) 8,898 210 191 111 109 5 (flies) 2 / - / 4 Poison Bottle, Restore Pill, Panacea Bottle
Marionette (Purple) (Lv. 18) 8,898 204 212 122 109 5 2 / - / - Restore Pill, Cure Kit
Mettaur D2 (Lv. 19) 5,932 204 212 111 103 4 1 / - / - Restore Pill
Red Arremer Ace (Lv. 19) 10,030 209 208 114 121 6 (flies) 2 / - / - Mochi Balls, Restore Pill II
Shielder (Lv. 21) 61,805 230 231 125 114 6 4 / 4 / 3 General's Cap, Mage's Soul
Sin Scissors (Lv. 19) 8,967 214 202 119 120 5 (flies) 3 / - / - Green Herb
Tar Man (Lv. 21) 35,973 230 242 120 114 5 2 / - / 3 Special Gel
Treasure Mimic (Lv. 19) 5,669 198 239 112 133 4 1 / - / - Ether Pack M, Tiger Pancakes, Butterfly Bread
I suppose you can and should begin simply - have your Units move forward and rescue Arthur - it'll happen on Turn 2. Just face him with a unit and press the A Button to rescue him. At that point, your goal will change to killing every single thing on the field, and you get to put Arthur with some Pair Unit; he's pretty good for anyone.

So, killing everything on the field... That's a strategy we've used several times before now. Split your party up into pairs of Pair Units and have them go around and slaughter everything they see, abusing Solo and Support Attacks all the while. XP primarily should go to Multi Attacks early on - Specials shouldn't be really all that needed to kill anything other than Tar Man, and he's likely to be last, so you can save it up for him.

'Course, it's not going to remain so simple for long. Due soon comes by, noting that the holes can now distort time. She also brings along Aya-me and a vast number of other creatures. It seems that the connection to the demon world is almost done with for whatever reason...

Anyways, this isn't going to change the main tactical strategy. Keep along with it; just be careful around Aya-me, Due, and the Shielder, but that shouldn't turn into more than a lengthy battle series with you doing some healing - most of the other enemies are probably going to be dead by then, and the aforementioned three are generally too far apart for the AI to decide "Hey, let's go help them!"

(As an obvious note, you can rescue the Lady in he same way you rescued Arthur to get her as a Solo Unit. She fits great with pretty much everyone. ^_^)

After the battle, the group gathers in front of the gate, believing the demon world to be ahead - Arthur being the authority of knowledge regarding it, he's effectively made leader. Makai is connected to the human realm, so it's possible that, beyond there, all could be fixed... Of course, there's still Due and Aya-me to deal with...

Anyways, the group goes through the doors...

During the intermission, your party will at least look to be separated, with the Chapter 15 group being the one you have. Re-equip and swap units as desired, then save and move on.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 16- The Unpleasant Gold-Like Demon

Condition(s) of Victory: Arrive at the "Great Door"
Condition(s) of Defeat: Jin & Xiaoyu is defeated
Enemies: 3x Red Arremar, 2x Red Arremar Ace, 4x Zombie (Blue), 9x Zombie (Red)

You start out with Jin & Xiaoyu, having gained a couple levels in the interim.
Go ahead and start beating up a couple zombies in your way. Take down about 6
enemy units, Batsu shows up on the scene. ...all the way from meeting Bahn in
Roppongi. Looks like he's not the only one who got dragged along by the

Half the gang shows up on a dilapidated building near Jin & Xiaoyu - Reiji &
Xiaomu, Soma & Alisa, Dante & Demitri, Kogorou & Mii, Ichirou & Sakura, Akira &
Pai, and Kite & Black Rose. Arthur notes that they need a key in order to get
past the Great Door. And more enemies show up.

Condition(s) of Victory: Arrive at the "Great Door"
Condition(s) of Defeat: Kite & Black Rose are defeated
Enemies: Red Arremar (White), 8x Zombie (Purple)

Go ahead and assign Batsu to whomever you like. There are a lot of baskets and
various other objects that can be destroyed with Y to get items, so it's best
to switch to Free Cursor mode and look around to get an idea of where they are.
See the occasional blinking red icons scattered about? Destroy it with Y for
the random chance of getting an item (or just to clear the way). Don't forget
the treasure chests lying about. One is actually hidden out of sight just
around the corner of the building where half the crew showed up on.

After killing a couple enemies, the rest of the gang shows up near the middle-
left part of the map - Yuri & Estelle, Gemini & Erica, Kurt & Riela, Haken &
Kaguy, Frank & Lei-lei, Chun-li & Morrigon, Ryu & Ken, and Zephyr & Leanne.

Unfortunately, goblins from the .hack world show up: Stehoney, his copies
Stehoney R for "Racing", Stehoney T for "Turbo", and Stehoney X. And they have
the key that's needed to get past the Great Door. To add on to the troubles,
Drei shows up with his crew, Dokugozu and his gang as well, not to mention
Skeith with more .hack enemies.

Condition(s) of Victory: Defeat all of Stehoney's group before they reach the
Great Door
Condition(s) of Defeat: 1/ Kite & Black Rose is defeated
2/ Any one of Stehany's copies reaches the Great Door
Enemies: Stehoney, Stehoney R, Stehoney T, Stehoney X, Dokugozu, Drei Veranos,
5x Oros Snake, 4x Oros Gorudo, 3x Goblin, 2x Headhunter, 3x
Onigusogoil (Goil Menhir), 2x Blue Kamaitachi, 3x Red Kamaitachi,
3x Orange Kamaitachi, Bakuya Kai, Skeith

This turns into one of the more annoying stages - for now! - if you don't
bother using skills. As the Conditions state, other than making sure Kite &
Black Rose aren't KOed, you MUST defeat Stehoney and his copies before ANY OF
THEM reaches the Great Door with the key that you need. If just ONE gets there,
it's automatic game over. What makes this mission difficult is that the
Stehoneys have a RIDICULOUSLY LARGE move range at this point, easily
outstripping even units with the largest move range. So, what to do?

Assign Flynn to Zephyr & Leanbell, the rest of your Solo Units to whomever you
see fit, although Arthur or Tron to Haken & Kaguya isn't that bad an idea. Some
units have incredible Attack Range or Skills to boost that, but the true king
of Skills in this stage - or rather, kings AND queen - is Flynn and Ohgami &
Sakura's +2 Move skills to ALL ALLY UNITS, so SPAM the heck out of that. While
each costs 50% XP, you'll be attacking along the way, so you'll be refilling
the Cross Gauge almost constantly.

The reason for Flynn with Zephyr & Leanbell is because at this point, Zephyr
has the highest speed out of your ally units, so he'll usually go first at the
next turn, so you can cast Flynn's +2 Move early on. Ohgami's Captain Command
is a back-up since you can actually stack the +2 Moves. Haken's +1 Attack Range
can easily wipe out the Stehoneys, to cover the extra range if he's not close
enough. Tron's +1 Support Attack can add on to the damage if there's any nearby
Pair Units to Haken, whereas Arthur has +1 Solo Attack for you to summon him
twice. Vashyron also have a +1 Support Attack and +1 Attack Range, so he'll go
well with units that are closes to Haken, like Gemini. Try to at least have
100% on the Cross Gauge and at least another Pair Unit nearby if you catch up
to a Stehoney to really pour on the damage.

Once you have defeated all four of Stehoneys, the Conditions change again.

Condition(s) of Victory: All enemies are defeated
Condition(s) of Defeat: All allies are unable to fight

Now that's a breather. Just mop up the remaining enemy units still left hanging
about, but not until you pick up every leftover chest and/or destroyed every
destroyable object.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 17- Operation Crackdown

Lovely decor. Other than six rather ugly statues of horned devils, Kurt and
Riela recognize a comrade from their unit - "Ace Number One" Imca. Like Lady
and Arthur before her, she's having trouble moving about. And Kurt has a great
idea on dealing the statues that involves explosive

Condition(s) of Victory: 1/ Talk to Imca within 15 turns using A
2/ Wait next to all 5 statues within 15 turns using B
Condition(s) of Defeat: 1/ Jin & Xiaoyu is defeated
3/ Kurt & Riela is defeated
2/ Failure to accomplish objectives within 15 turns

Talking to Imca is easily done with any units that have either high Move, or
can increase their Move range. She'll join up as a Solo Unit, so assign her to
whomever you like. Imca has a 30% chance of being able to be called in again,
the opposite of Flynn's Auto Skill having 50% chance of letting you call in a
Support Unit again.

Once you've gotten Imca...

Condition(s) of Victory: Wait next to all 5 statues within 15 turns using B
Condition(s) of Defeat: 1/ Jin & Xiaoyu is defeated
3/ Kurt & Riela is defeated
2/ Failure to accomplish objectives within 15 turns

Not that much change to the conditions. There are 5 statues situated on the
Field Map - one in the upper left corner, one in the upper right corner, one
slightly in the middle left side, one slightly in the middle right side, and
the large one right in the center at the bottom of the map where your units
start out at.

Two ways to get through this.

Option A: Have a unit wait at each statue. And by wait, it means stand NEXT to
the statue, B button to end that Unit's turn. The +2 Move skills will be useful
on getting your units to the statues. Once all 5 statues have been destroyed,
all the enemies will leave, including the bosses. That's only if you don't
want the extra EXP.

Option B: Slaughter all the enemy units, while leaving one statue untouched.
This is actually feasible when spamming the +2 Move skills, and any skills that
increase the Attack range or are +1 to Solo/Support Attack. Leaving a Unit
within a space to one statue is just in case you can't defeat the bosses before
all 15 turns are up.

In a sense, 15 turns to win this entire stage is somewhat generous, even with
the number of enemies.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 18- Army of Darkness, Army of Light

Wow, sounds more like something fitting Kingdom Hearts, ironically another cross-over game (series).

We find ourselves now in an area that is quite familiar to Tron: the Woglinde, a battleship in the Galaxy Federation Army. As everyone begins to get teary-eyed at Arthur's sacrifice, he appears nearby, dressed only in his undies - he did have armor on, after all. Meanwhile, Arthur gets a replacement set from Valkyrie.

So, anyways, what now? According to Devilotte, the Woglinde should've been shot down before, so we're in the future, but before that. Meanwhile, one of the Servbots detects an odd energy source as we opt to head for the bridge. Ichiro suggests dividing up this team into two more, one for the energy, one for the bridge.

At the bridge, we find no one piloting or anything. o_o; They decide to get Tron for some help, but, before they can leave, a bunch of Gnosis appear! Apparently, they're rather untouchable unless T-elos does something called the Hilbert Effect (which is odd; why do it before, then?). Regardless, they're here now, so someone did it.

Victory: Defeat all enemies
First: Kurt & Riela are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Later: Kurt & Riela and Toma & Cyrille are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Start: Goblin x5, Bugbear x6, Expression x2
Later: Additions - Selvaria Bles x1, Succubus x6, Medusa x4, Dark Stalker x4
Later: Additions - Jedah Dohma x1, Riemsianne La Vaes x1, Sizath (Green) x2, Sizath (Blue) x2, Robodian x2, Chaox (Blue) x2
Start: Yuri & Estelle, Soma & Alisa, Dante & Demitri, Frank & Hsien-Ko, Ichiro & Sakura, Gemini & Erica, Kurt & Riela, Zephyr & Leanne, Sänger (Solo), Arthur (Solo), Bahn (Solo), Batsu (Solo), Valkyrie (Solo), Imca (Solo), Vashyron (Solo)
Later: Addition - Toma & Cyrille
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Bugbear (Lv. 24) 11,496 228 236 123 121 5 1 / - / - First Aid, Cure Kit, Restore Pill
Chaox (Lv. 18) 5,932 197 195 117 115 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Ether Pack S
Chaox (Blue) (Lv. 24) 7,838 235 228 123 121 5 (flies) 1 / - / -
Dark Stalker (Lv. 24) 10,973 240 228 126 124 5 2 / - / - Restore Pill
Dark Stalker (Lv. 26) 11,492 253 238 129 126 5 2 / - / -
Expression (Lv. 26) 8,756 265 270 138 118 4 3 / - / - Cure Kit, Panacea Bottle
Goblin (Lv. 24) 8,883 228 247 116 114 5 1 / - / - Green Herb, Restore Pill
Jedah Dohma (Lv. 26) 81,516 258 238 165 129 6 (flies) 2 / 3 / 4 Hunter's Eye
Medusa (Lv. 25) 9,629 245 253 143 115 5 1 / - / - Ether Pack S, Mochi Balls
Riemsianne La Vaes (Lv. 26) 75,588 250 296 155 126 6 (flies) 3 / 3 / 5 First Aid Spray
Robodian (Lv. 25) 8,559 245 253 125 115 5 1 / - / - Panacea Bottle, Cure Kit
Selvaria Bles (Lv. 26) 74,106 263 253 151 132 6 2 / 3 / 4 Bulletproof Vest
Sizath (Blue) (Lv. 24) 9,928 235 236 116 117 5 1 / - / - Restore Pill
Sizath (Green) (Lv. 24) 9,405 235 240 116 117 5 1 / - / -
Succubus (Lv. 24) 12,018 232 224 134 127 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Panacea Bottle, Restore Pill
Okay, to be honest, I shouldn't have to guide you through the initial portion. At this point, you should know the basic strategy - take your eight Pair Units and divide them into four pairs to ravage the enemy with a brutal combination of Support and Solo and general Attacks. You should be able to deal over 12,000 damage with good timing on your part, so just save up the XP for now. And, yes, it will get harder.

A couple of turns in, you'll see what I mean as more monsters suddenly appear, led by Selvaria. Selvaria reveals her Valkryian heritage as she briefly surrounds herself in blue flames. Suddenly, Imca cries out - it is now time for her to exact her revenge for the destruction of the village of Tilca and to free herself of this burden. Imca swears to kill her. After some more bad guy-good guy banter, the fight resumes.

... Your strategy should be no different than what was outlined previously. Most of the new enemies, other than Selvaria herself, should still remain one-battle-kills if you use Support and Solo Attacks, although it'll be pretty close on the Succubus to otherwise. Of course, that's only really if you've actually done as I've recommended in several previous battles and actually defeated every enemy possible.

But, yeah, pairing off still suffices pretty well. Just be careful around Selvaria - she'll likely start with over 100% EP, which opens the way up for a Multi-Attack. You'll probably need to heal, but that's the worst of it. All in all, nothing special is here.

Several more turns in, Jedah and Riemsianne will appear alongside some incidental reinforcements, noting Selvaria nearby. It soon comes out (sort of) that the human world is unstable and the dimensional distinctions are being warped, for whatever reason. It also comes out that Jedah is actually supporting Selvaria and supplying her with demon armies.

Suddenly, someone we haven't seen in a reeeeeeeeeeeaaaaalllllly long time pops up - Cyrille and Toma, from way back! After some chatting and stuff, you'll get them to join your fight. Anyways, the fight itself still should not change much for you, strategically. So, yeah, keep doing what you were doing.

After the battle, Toma and Cyrille swap the usual stories with the rest of the group. Eventually, he decide to explore the ship and, meanwhile, Alisa tries to contact Lindow...

You'll go into intermission, swapping to the team who went effectively missing at the end of Chapter 17.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 19- Thus Spoke "Eternal Recurrence"

We watch as Lindow simply talks with Alisa from the other side of the ship, heading to the mystery energy source noted at the start of the previous chapter. Anyways, we get some info on the ship from Tron - it is where KOS-MOS, an android built to fight Gnosis, was made and tested. ONe of the Servbots unlocks the door nearby and we enter.

Within, we see T-elos standing in front of what appears to be KOS-MOS's calibration tank. Oh crap - that means KOS-MOS is currently here, and this is the past; eliminating KOS-MOS now can not bode well, if it happens. Suddenly, a number of Gnosis fall from above, to the surprise of everyone, and T-elos (given that she did not induce the Hilbert Effect). A bunch more enemies pop up on the other side of the field, led by the Phantom and V-Dural - remember them?

  • Victory: Defeat all enemies

  • Defeat: All allies are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
  • Enemies:
    • Start: Phantom x1, T-elos x1, V-Dural x1, Defense Droid Alpha x2, Defense Droid Gamma x4, Goblin x3, Bugbear x6, Robodian x4, Robodian (Black) x4
    • Later: Removal - T-elos x1
    • Later: Additions - Seth x1, WR Red - Heavy x4, WR Gold - Heavy x3

NameMax HPATKDEFTECSPDMove RangeA / S / M-Atk. RangesItem Drops
Bugbear (Lv. 24)11,49622823612312151 / - / -First Aid, Cure Kit, Restore Pill
Defense Droid Alpha (Lv. 22)6,9642302261211195 (flies)1 / - / -Restore Pill, Green Herb
Defense Droid Gamma (Lv. 22)7,9592302261211195 (flies)1 / - / -Ether Pack S
Goblin (Lv. 25)9,04423225311811551 / - / -Green Herb, Restore Pill
Phantom (Lv. 26)70,4002562751441156 (flies)2 / 3 / 4First Aid Spray
Robodian (Lv. 24)8,36024024712311451 / - / -Panacea Bottle, Cure Kit
Robodian (Black) (Lv. 24)9,40524024712311451 / - / -Restore Pill
Seth (Lv. 26)80,03426125815112662 / 3 / 4M.W.S.
T-elos (Lv. 26)75,58826824113813262 / 2 / 4N/A
V-Dural (Lv. 26)77,81126825313812662 / 2 / 3First Aid Spray
WR Red - Heavy (Lv. 20)8,07020322311310741 / - / -Restore Pill, Green Herb
WR Gold - Heavy (Lv. 21)9,69522423111410842 / - / 4Mochi Balls

As well as you can tell, your eight Pair Units have already been divided rather visibly into two four-Unit groups. Send each along their respective paths to deal with the enemies, trying to abuse Support Attacks where possible, i.e. by sticking two and two together, so to speak. It's not much different strategically than previous battles, so you should be fine for now. At around Level 23 ~ 26 (where you should be), expect around 13,000 damage from using five of your own attacks, a Solo, and a Support Attack - most of these enemies will be one-battlers.

After several Turns, the big black thing T-elos was examining earlier will suddenly begin to steam; T-elos thought wrong on the current time. KOS-MOS rises from the calibr-- wait a minute, that ain't no KOS-MOS. Ah, crap, it's Alisa - the one we defeated a couple of chapters ago, now repaired and ready for battle. Suddenly, Jin does what he somehow could not before - regain control of Alisa and basically adds her to our group. >:)

'Course, the question remains as to KOS-MOS's location. That is soon revealed when she walks through the door, detecting a lot of energy. =P Things are not all good, though. Seth, one of our main enemies and CEO of S.I.N., is being guided by her at his request. As Ken puts it, "Sure, why not, he's not RIDICULOUSLY OBVIOUSLY EVIL or anything." Seth transforms, opting to extract "data" from Ryu, but first needs to take scrap parts from KOS-MOS; T-elos luckily pushes her aside. The two decide to hold a truce and join together as Seth summons more robots.

So, anyways, enjoy your new ally in KOS-MOS & T-elos, and pair off Alisa with someone. Strategically, these new developments won't change the battle excessively - just more things to kill. Pairing off is still the way to go.

After the battle, the group decides to wait on the group from the bridge to arrive, which they do moments later. Everyone gets around to chatting and it seems KOS-MOS knows a way outta here. Nearby is some kind of virtual transporter that can take us back to "The World" (that video game thingie), from which we can go elsewhere pretty easily. Things seem to work out as we enter the intermission.

You know what to do, right? Save, re-equip, etc.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 20- Irregular Hunter

We find ourselves ... I dunno, somewhere. It's looks MegaMan-ish to me. Whatever. We notice a Chaos Gate (or something that'll work well enough) nearby; Alisa even notes a spike of energy coming from it. In fact, something is coming from it - with our luck, it'll be Skeith. Which it is. How does it keep resurrecting itself?!

Well, we know that gate goes somewhere. We also know we have some monsters to beat. 'Course, one boss wouldn't suffice, for Ciseaux also hops through the gate, apparently not allying Skeith directly, just following it. We also learn how the thing escaped: it tore up The World's management system, which, in computer terms, is AI; to everyone else, that's Aura. Luckily, computer programs are not so easily deleted, but still...

Victory: Defeat all enemies
First: Kite & BlackRose are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Later: Kite & BlackRose or MegaMan X & Zero are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Start: Skeith x1, Prelude x1, Goblin x2, Headhunter x3, Fiend Menhir x2, Statue Menhir x2, Mettaur C-15 x5, Horokko x2, Red Horokko x3, Blanch x3, Jaune x2
Later: Additions - Due Flabellum x1, Vile x1, Oros Avius x2, Oros Primus x4, Oros Serpus x4, Mettaur D2 x5, Gunbolt x2, Ride Armor (Green) x2, Sharukurusu (Green) x2, Sharukurusu (Red) x1
Start: Mii & Kogoro, Chun-Li & Morrigan, Akira & Pai, Reiji & Xiaomu, Kite & BlackRose, Ryu & Ken, Haken & Kaguya, Jin & Xiaoyu, KOS-MOS & T-elos, Yuri & Estelle, Soma & Alisa, Dante & Demitri, Frank & Hsien-Ko, Ichiro & Sakura, Gemini & Erica, Kurt & Riela, Zephyr & Leanne, Toma & Cyrille, Sänger (Solo), Arthur (Solo), Bahn (Solo), Batsu (Solo), Valkyrie (Solo), Imca (Solo), Vashyron (Solo), Neneko (Solo), Tron (Solo), Lady (Solo), Devilotte (Solo), Heihachi (Solo), Flynn (Solo), Lindow (Solo), Alisa (Solo)
Later: Addition - MegaMan X & Zero
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Blanche (Lv. 26) 12,586 253 258 119 120 5 1 / - / - Mochi Balls, Restore Pill
Due Flabellum (Lv. 28) 81,506 266 268 154 131 6 3 / 3 / 4 Medicinal Compress
Fiend Menhir (Lv. 26) 10,945 265 233 138 126 5 1 / - / - Orange Gel
Goblin (Lv. 26) 7,661 245 241 122 120 5 1 / - / - Green Herb, Restore Pill
Gunbolt (Lv. 27) 13,145 263 256 115 118 5 3 / - / - Panacea Bottle
Headhunter (Lv. 27) 13,426 265 263 120 117 4 2 / - / - Green Herb, First Aid
Horokko (Lv. 26) 7,661 245 246 119 116 4 1 / - / - Ether Pack S
Jaune (Lv. 27) 12,307 258 271 127 121 5 2 / - / - Green Herb
Mettaur C-15 (Lv. 26) 7,114 245 258 126 110 4 1 / - / - Ether Pack S
Mettaur D2 (Lv. 27) 7,832 258 263 120 111 4 1 / - / - Restore Pill
Oros Avius (Lv. 26) 8,756 240 246 126 129 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Ether Pack S
Oros Primus (Lv. 26) 11,492 253 253 113 123 5 1 / - / - Green Herb, Cure Kit
Oros Serpus (Lv. 26) 10,945 260 233 126 110 4 1 / - / - Green Herb, Panacea Bottle, Restore Pill
Prelude (Lv. 28) 77,625 266 268 142 121 6 2 / 4 / 4 Tiger Pancakes
Red Horokko (Lv. 26) 8,208 245 246 119 116 4 2 / - / - Orange Gel
Ride Armor (Green) (Lv. 27) 14,288 268 230 121 115 5 2 / - / - Mage's Soul, Green Herb
Sharukurusu (Green) (Lv. 25) 10,945 253 246 138 123 5 1 / - / - Panacea Bottle
Sharukurusu (Red) (Lv. 26) 11,492 253 246 144 123 5 1 / - / - Restore Pill
Skeith (Lv. 28) 85,387 266 268 156 131 6 (flies) 4 / 4 / 3 Goblin Gloves
Statue Menhir (Lv. 27) 12,419 245 271 133 114 4 2 / - / 2 N/A
Vile (Lv. 28) 83,835 266 276 140 135 6 3 / 3 / 4 Apple Gel, First Aid, Crash Bomb
Not a lot to say, strategically, if you've used this guide before. Simply divide your party into groups of two and send them along the paths nearest them, defeating all of the monsters on the way so you can abuse Support Attacks. At this level, most if not all of them should begin to die in a single battle this way - except the bosses, of course. It's simple, but nevertheless remains effective.

Things get no easier starting on the third turn. There, Due appears alongside some other enemies and vaguely begins to describe the current ramifications of Oros Phlox's plan. As it is, the dimensional barriers are dissolving and distinctions are being lost, even across life and death. With that, she begins to introduction someone, who pops down before she can finish - Vile, a Maverick who teamed up with world-threat Sigma in the MegaMan X series to destroy not just the Maverick Hunters, but the world itself.

Of course, within seconds, you could only expect two people to pop down right after - MegaMan X and Zero! Tron is obviously in a state of mild confusion (MegaMan Volnutt being the lookalike she's thinking of), and Zero much moreso (having been killed around MegaMan X5). After some more chatting, more confusion, more enemies spawning, and a Friend Request, we can finally get back to business.

Well, again, little will change strategy-wise. You'll probably just barrel your groups through the enemies at this point, Support Attacks being more incidental than forced. Whatever works works, I suppose - just kill 'em all.

After the lengthy-but-not-difficult brawl, X and Zero thank you for the help and decide to start swapping stories. But before much can get underway (other than Toma noting the obvious), KOS-MOS senses an energy source nearby coming from a green capsule. According to MegaMan X, it's a data transporter that's gone offline.

Not too much offline, though - Aura suddenly appears within, speaking directly to Kite. Aura helps Kite send the group back to The World, back in the church, but still in the datascape. Apparently, Aura has lost all real control she has over it because her fragments have been scattered. Aura knows where three of them lie, and you can use a Chaos Gate to get there. First is Mac Anu.

And, woo, more undone Pair/Solo Unit combos. As before, here are who will and will not appear in the next segment.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 21- The House of the Dead

We find the group, still whole, outside the Chaos Gate. Things spiral slightly out of control as Aura tries to explain how it works until T-elos brings it all back to order. The first piece of Aura's data is at "Raging Haunted Mansion"; another at "God-Eating Fool's Carrier"; and a third at "Transporting Merciful Goddess". Aura still lacks knowledge of the fourth piece's location.

The group decides to split up into three to find the pieces faster (not from our viewpoint, obviously) so the fourth piece can be found faster.

First stop: Raging Haunted Mansion. Before anyone actually arrives, we find Chris & Jill and Rikiya, those Resident Evil guys from the Bermuda, remember? Rikiya begins to think he's been here before - apparently, an operation called "U.D.S." was carried out here to make zombies for military purposes. o_O It got shut down, but part of the technology leaked out onto a town called Williamette. And guess what? We're there.

Of course, this begins to freak everyone out when they look in the distance and see the translucent Aura. She tries to explain what's going on to them, but in vain - a bunch of monsters appear from the crpyt nearby.

Start: Defeat all enemies
Later: Speak to Aura with Kite & BlackRose by Turn 15's end
Start: Defeat all enemies
Start: All allies are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Later: Kite & BlackRose are defeated; fail to rescue Aura by Turn 15's end
Later: All allies are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Start: Ooze x6, Ebitan x5
Later: Additions - Lord Raptor, Nemesis T-Type, Feydoom (orb, blue) x5, Feydoom (column, red) x5, Tyrant T-002 x2, Zombie (Blue) x2, Zombie (Red) x4, Zombie (Purple) x3
Later: Additions - Ebitan x8, Hedrin x4
Start: Chris & Jill (paired with Rikiya)
Later: Additions - Yuri & Estelle, Kite & BlackRose, Dante & Demitri, Frank & Hsien-Ko, Akira & Pai, Arthur (Solo), Neneko (Solo), Tron (Solo), Bahn (Solo), Flynn (Solo)
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Ebitan (Lv. 27) 7,832 245 245 120 118 5 1 / - / - Ether Pack S, Orange Gel, Restore Pill
Hedrin (Lv. 26) 8,951 252 238 120 117 5 1 / - / - Poison Bottle
Lord Raptor (Lv. 29) 79,163 266 258 141 126 6 2 / 2 / 3 Apple Gel, Tiger Pancakes
Feydoom (column, red) (Lv. 27) 8,391 258 258 120 124 5 (flies) 2 / - / - Restore Pill, Cure Kit
Feydoom (orb, blue) (Lv. 27) 10,070 258 251 127 130 5 (flies) 2 / - / - Green Herb, Restore Pill, Poison Bottle, First Aid
Nemesis T-Type (Lv. 29) 87,496 272 290 152 119 6 3 / 3 / 4 Guitar Case
Ooze (Lv. 16) 6,565 187 186 103 103 5 2 / - / - Restore Pill, Green Herb
Tyrant T-002 (Lv. 29) 34,173 281 290 129 115 5 2 / - / - Ether Pack M
Zombie (Blue) (Lv. 28) 8,573 249 243 117 115 4 1 / - / - Panacea Bottle, Poison Bottle
Zombie (Purple) (Lv. 27) 8,951 245 251 116 114 4 1 / - / - Restore Pill
Zombie (Red) (Lv. 27) 8,951 245 238 116 114 4 1 / - / - Ether Pack S
... Chris & Jill are Level 28 now. If you have trouble with this, something's really wrong here. Anyways, the "gimme" strategy is to use some of those XP-giving items and use a Multi-Attack or two. You can also just generally go around and slaughter things as normal.

Regardless, after a turn, Akira and the other characters outlined just above the "Chapter 21" header will arrive. Frank recognizes Jill and Chris and Rikiya, as does Hsien-Ko. As the story-swapping gets comfortably underway, a bunch of Feydooms appear to the north. Suddenly, Aura's fragment is also noticed; as for how to transfer a metaphysical being composed of 0's and 1's? Simple - the Twilight Bracelet.

'Course, it won't be as easy as just running up there, thanks to the ... thing that pops up in front of the stairwell. Turns out it is a biological weapon of some sort. And, of course, there's also Lord Raptor and some other zombies...

When it comes to the strategy, now just really revert to our earlier strategies in previous chapters - divide the party up into pairs and slay the monsters. Yes, I said slay the monsters. Fifteen turns is a lot of time, to be honest - you can do this in half that if you're actually using the Support Attacks. Regarding XP use, you'll want to save that for the Nemesis, Tyrant, and Lord Raptor - everyone else is pretty much a one-battle-kill, so don't waste it unless you happen to get a lot of enemies nearby so you can use a Multi-Attack.

Oh, and by the way, break down the gates around the stone enclosure to let Chris and Jill run freely.

Once you speak to Aura's fragment, she'll enter the Twilight Bracelet. Suddenly, a bunch more zombies will arrive. Defeat them as you were the enemies from before already.

After the battle, we'll watch as the group almost unanimously decides to leave. Frank has an odd want to go into the mansion, but we don't for good reason.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 22- God, Human, and Demon

... Well, what could you expect from this game other than more monsters? As your new group arrives at their destination, they find a variety of enemies, including skeletons and tasty boars. They also can see the segment of Aura's data in the distance - this time, to be stored in KOS-MOS.

And, yup, not gonna be that simple. Riemsianne appears again, taunting Toma and Cyrille as she rises. The area begins to grow unstable, causing Aura pain. Sound familiar? Well, if not, this will:

Start: Speak to Aura with KOS-MOS by the end of Turn 15
Later: Defeat all enemies
Start: KOS-MOS and T-elos are defeated; fail to rescue Aura by Turn 15's end
Later: All allies are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Start: Riemsianne La Vaes x1, Ogretail x2, Cocoon Maiden x3, Boar x5, Boar (Large) x3, Old Bermuda Gang x5, High Bermuda Gang x2
Later: Additions - Aya-me x1, Kongou x2, Fallen Ogretail x3, F Cocoon Maiden (S) x3, Zygote x2, Fallen Zygote (B) x2, Kouma Kagizume x3, Kouma Sandan x4, Kouma Ekisha x2
Start: Mii & Kogoro, Chun-Li & Morrigan, Soma & Alisa, Ryu & Ken, Ichiro & Sakura, Toma & Cyrille, KOS-MOS & T-elos, Heihachi (Solo), Alisa (Solo), Lindow (Solo), Valkyrie (Solo), Imca (Solo)
Later: Addition - Bruno (Solo)
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Aya-me (Lv. 29) 87,496 266 256 162 132 6 (flies) 3 / 3 / 5 Black Mask, Apple Gel
Boar 7,832 258 243 114 124 5 1 / - / - Restore Pill
Boar (Large) 14,288 270 256 115 125 5 2 / - / 3 Green Herb
Cocoon Maiden (Lv. 27) 7,832 245 230 146 114 0 6 / - / 3 Green Herb, Ether Pack S, Orange Gel
Fallen Ogretail (Lv. 27) 12,307 258 243 120 120 5 1 / - / - Green Herb, Mochi Balls
Fallen Zygote (B) (Lv. 27) 8,391 250 251 133 124 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Cure Kit
F Cocoon Maiden (S) (Lv. 27) 8,391 245 230 146 114 0 6 / - / 3 Green Herb, Mochi Balls
High Bermuda Gang (Lv. 28) 12,574 263 268 134 131 5 2 / - / - Green Herb
Kongou (Lv. 29) 38,630 276 264 115 117 4 2 / - / 2 Apple Gel, Tiger Pancakes
Kouma Ekisha (Lv. 27) 13,426 265 251 120 117 5 (flies) 3 / - / - Restore Pill, First Aid
Kouma Kagizume (Lv. 27) 9,510 265 238 120 117 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Poison Bottle, Ether Pack S, Restore Pill
Kouma Sandan (Lv. 27) 11,748 265 238 120 117 5 (flies) 2 / - / 4 Poison Bottle, Restore Pill, Panacea Bottle
Ogretail (Lv. 27) 11,189 250 243 120 117 5 1 / - / - Restore Pill
Old Bermuda Gang (Lv. 27) 11,189 258 251 127 124 5 1 / - / - Green Herb
Riemsianne La Vaes (Lv. 29) 84,996 266 264 159 129 6 (flies) 3 / 3 / 5 First Aid, Tiger Pancakes
Vajra (Lv. 29) 95,829 277 258 136 132 6 2 / 4 / 4 Upgrade Parts: GALE
Zygote (Lv. 27) 7,832 250 251 123 124 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Poison Bottle, Green Herb
The strategy here, yet again, differs little theoretically than the ones from previous battles. Ideally, you'll want your party to travel four pairs of Pair Units to abuse the Support Attacks. Luckily, this is aided by the narrow, linear path - don't expect to have to work to get those in. ;) The enemies themselves won't offer much resistance - the large Boars and Riemsianne are the only ones likely to need Specials or multiple battles to kill. Generally, I'd save up my XP along the route to use Multi-Attacks, or Specials when Riemsianne is reached. Overall, this starts off easily enough. Also keep an eye out for white sparkles on the ground, marking treasure.

Sometime around the fourth turn, you'll suddenly see some guy walk out from beneath the western rubble - Bruno, the detective from the Bermuda! As stories are swapped, something drops down near Bruno: a Vajra, allied by several other enemies! Things get worse when Aya-me arrives alongside some Kouma.

Still, strategically, not much will change - sure, the bosses make things a bit harder, but, even so, you should have plenty of time to get rid of them. (Yes, like with Chapter 21, just go ahead and kill everyone. Makes it easier and it's more profitable.) However, those Zygotes over the big pit don't seem to want to move towards you. They can be hit with some Multi-Attacks, but it's not worth it. After all, after rescuing Aura, you're tasked with killing everything anyways; those enemies will then become more willing to be killed.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 23- Ulala's Swingin' Report Show

So, we begin to focus in on our final group of people. They seem to be inside Cardinal Gargliano's studio - a statue nearby being of Leanne signifies this much, for some odd reason. 'Course, as X confirms, we're still in The World. They decide to check under the statue for Aura's fragment and get it to move. It's soon revealed that she is not under the statue, though, but inside it. Oof, that's a nasty glitch to get rid of lol.

Luckily, the fragment is already working on undoing the protection on the object, so we'll need to do something for a few moments. Rather than simply sit on our butts and pull out old-fashioned GameBoy MegaMan series games to blow one mind in particular, we decide to go ahead and bash the statues until they stop moving around.

Start: Defeat all of the enemies
Later: Defeat Coco*Tapioca before the end of Turn 15
Start: Zephyr & Leanne are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Later: Zephyr & Leanne are defeated; fail to beate Coco*Topica by Turn 15's end
Start: Blood Doll Chainsaw x5, Blood Doll Flame x4, Blood Doll Omega x5, Bazooka Dwellest x4, Safety Dwellest x2, Tar Man x1, Golden Mimic x?
Later: Additions - Coco*Tapioca x1, Purple Morolian x2, Yellow Morolian x2, Blue Morolian x2
Later: Additions - Saya x1, Dokugozu x1, Dokumezu x1, Kamaitachi (Blue) x1, Kamaitachi (Red) x1, Kamaitachi (Orange) x1, Aku Tengu x3, Byakuya X x1
Start: Reiji & Xiaomu, Gemini & Erica, Zephyr & Leanne, Haken & Kaguya, Kurt & Riela, Jin & Xiaoyu, MegaMan X & Zero, Sänger (Solo), Lady (Solo), Batsu (Solo), Devilotte (Solo), Vashyron (Solo)
Later: Addition - Ulala (Solo)
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Aku Tengu (Lv. 27) 12,307 258 258 124 127 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Mochi Balls, Ether Pack S
Bazooka Dwellest (Lv. 28) 14,288 257 276 121 112 4 2 / - / 3 Green Herb
Blood Doll Chainsaw (Lv. 27) 7,832 258 238 120 117 5 1 / - / - Green Herb, Restore Pill
Blood Doll Flame (Lv. 27) 8,391 250 238 120 121 5 2 / - / - Restore Pill
Blood Doll Omega (Lv. 28) 11,431 263 256 128 118 5 2 / - / 3
Blue Morolian (Lv. 24) 10,629 245 251 146 133 5 2 / - / - Panacea Bottle
Byakuya X (Lv. 29) 62,403 281 290 129 115 5 (flies) 4 / - / 6 Lemon Gel
Coco*Tapioca (Lv. 29) 89,996 272 237 141 122 6 2 / 4 / 4 Morolian Goggles
Dokugozu (Lv. 29) 68,330 272 271 141 122 6 2 / 2 / 3 Restore Pill II
Dokumezu (Lv. 29) 64,997 280 264 155 132 6 3 / 3 / 3
Golden Mimic (Lv. 28) 7,430 249 294 121 168 4 1 / - / - Med Kit DX
Kamaitachi (Blue) (Lv. 26) 7,661 240 238 115 124 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Restore Pill
Kamaitachi (Orange) (Lv. 26) 8,208 240 238 126 124 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Poison Bottle, Restore Pill, Panacea Bottle
Kamaitachi (Red) (Lv. 26) 8,208 240 246 115 124 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Restore Pill, Cure Kit, Panacea Bottle
Purple Morolian (Lv. 24) 10,629 245 251 146 133 5 2 / - / - Restore Pill
Safety Dwellest (Lv. 28) 15,931 268 285 122 113 4 3 / - / 3 Mochi Balls, Restore Pill II
Saya (Lv. 29) 83,330 272 258 162 135 6 2 / 2 / 3 Apple Gel, Saya's Shoes
Tar Man (Lv. 29) 44,574 276 290 129 121 5 2 / - / 3 Apple Gel, B-M84GOLDEN
Yellow Morolian (Lv. 24) 10,629 245 251 146 133 5 2 / - / - Ether Pack S
Yet again, the usual strategy will apply here - have the group as a whole split up into pairs and go around, slaughtering everything you can find. Around this point, all but the Dwellests (maybe) and the Tar Man will die in one battle with proper Support/Solo Attacks; on the aforementioned "difficult" enemies, Specials will work nicely.

As you go around the field, you'll also notice some golden chests around the area. Some of these actually do yield treasures; others, per the RPG stereotype, are (Golden) Mimics.

Anyways, several turns in, it will be noted that the cart carrying Aura's statue is going toward the terminus - where a bunch of monsters appear. It's honestly a confusing cutscene; let's just say you have more enemies to beat, need to beat the big boss in the northwest corner by Turn 15's end (the purple thingie), and get another Solo Unit, Ulala.

Strategically, that won't change much. However, you'll immediately want to simply head northwest. Keep the same fighting strategies, sure, but prioritize your traveling. You have plenty of time to get there, but you still want to have that buffer.

Not much later, Saya appears with further reinforcements. Apparently, she's just testing how the Byakuya X works in digital environments; Erica shows off her over-trust of people (or lack of knowledge) when she mentions why they're here.

Well, still, even this doesn't mean much will change in your strategy. You really should prioritize keeping the statue safe, though. I'd recommend sending in two Pair Units that know some Multi-Attacks in to deal with Saya, and send the remainder to the northwest to get rid of the purple blob. After the statue is saved, have its saviors converge with the group tearing through Saya's party to shred it. (Ah, if only we had Dante. He can really shred with his Multi-Attack. =P)

Unlike the previous battles, you just have to beat Coco*Tapioca to win, not everyone else.

After the battle, we watch as Aura frees herself from the statue. Ulala is pushed aside before things get too confusing for her, but decides to tag along anyways. Woo... She's accepted warmly nonetheless before Aura transports the group to Mac Anu.

You'll find that the group is back in full force during the intermission. Put everyone's preferred Solo Units back on, re-equip, save, and continue on~!

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 24- Warring Maidens of the Battlefield

It seems everyone else is back and looking on at the still incomplete Aura. She does know where the final fragment of her is now - and what is more fitting than in Skeith? Apparently, Skeith has already entered the world; or, to put it more powerfully, escaped from The World! Lucky us, Aura can log us out of the game now, which she promptly does.

We'll find ourselves at Marvel Land for the third time so far. Skeith is not far from us, but it's not like he's alone - a number of enemies pop up behind us. While we're distracted by this new development, Skeith simply runs off. >_< Suddenly, a change in the energy of the magic circle is detected - someone's coming through. Several someones, in fact, all led by Due.

She claims to be here to use the magic circle to summon something - after the incident with the Echidna, we ain't about to let that happen again.

Victory: Defeat all enemies
Defeat: All allies are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Start: Due Flabellum x1, Oros Avius x2, Oros Rosa x1, Oros Primux x2, Oros Serpus x2, Sizath (Blue) x4, Sizath (Black) x2, Robodian (Black) x2, Chaox x2, Chaox (Blue) x4
Later (Turn 2): Addition - Selvaria Bles x1
Later (Turn 3): Addition - Juri Han x1
Later (Turn 4): Additions - Saya x1, Kamaitachi (Red) x2, Gou Tengu x2, Katana x8, Akatana x2, Byakuya X x1
Allies: Mii & Kogoro, Chun-Li & Morrigan, Akira & Pai, Reiji & Xiaomu, Kite & BlackRose, Ryu & Ken, Haken & Kaguya, Jin & Xiaoyu, KOS-MOS & T-elos, Yuri & Estelle, Soma & Alisa, Dante & Demitri, Frank & Hsien-Ko, Ichiro & Sakura, Gemini & Erica, Kurt & Riela, Zephyr & Leanne, Toma & Cyrille, MegaMan X & Zero, Chris & Jill, Sänger (Solo), Arthur (Solo), Bahn (Solo), Batsu (Solo), Valkyrie (Solo), Imca (Solo), Vashyron (Solo), Neneko (Solo), Tron (Solo), Lady (Solo), Devilotte (Solo), Heihachi (Solo), Flynn (Solo), Lindow (Solo), Alisa (Solo), Rikiya (Solo), Bruno (Solo), Ulala (Solo)
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Akatana (Lv. 31) 23,610 291 260 144 135 6 2 / - / 3 Restore Pill II
Byakuya X (Lv. 29) 62,403 281 290 129 115 5 (flies) 4 / - / 6 Lemon Gel
Chaox (Lv. 29) 8,578 259 256 129 126 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Ether Pack S
Chaox (Blue) (Lv. 29) 9,191 262 256 129 126 5 (flies) 1 / - / -
Due Flabellum (Lv. 31) 93,887 281 287 157 134 6 3 / 3 / 4 Mage's Soul, Wind God Socks
Gou Tengu (Lv. 30) 14,791 273 277 127 131 5 (flies) 2 / - / - Panacea Bottle
Juri Han (Lv. 31) 84,946 286 274 157 140 6 2 / 2 / 3 Apple Gel, Super Cape
Kamaitachi (Red) (Lv. 29) 9,191 254 264 118 127 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Restore Pill, Cure Kit, Panacea Bottle
Katana (Lv. 31) 20,987 291 260 137 131 6 2 / - / - Mochi Balls
Oros Avius (Lv. 29) 9,804 254 264 129 132 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Ether Pack S
Oros Primus (Lv. 29) 12,867 268 271 116 126 5 1 / - / - Green Herb, Cure Kit
Oros Rosa (Lv. 30) 12,218 267 269 130 134 5 (flies) 2 / - / 3 Tiger Pancakes
Oros Serpus (Lv. 29) 12,555 276 250 129 118 4 1 / - / - Green Herb, Panacea Bottle, Restore Pill
Robodian (Black) (Lv. 30) 11,575 273 282 130 121 5 1 / - / - N/A
Saya (Lv. 31) 89,417 281 268 164 137 6 2 / 2 / 3 Super Savior Charm
Selvaria Bles (Lv. 31) 89,417 289 282 157 137 6 2 / 3 / 4 Armored Vest
Sizath (Black) (Lv. 29) 12,555 262 269 122 122 5 2 / - / 2 Poison Bottle, Restore Pill
Sizath (Blue) (Lv. 29) 11,642 262 264 122 122 5 2 / - / - Restore Pill
The strategy to use here should mimic the one we used when we found MegaMan X and Zero (Chapter 20). Your party has already been divided into three groups, one per ramp. From there, send them along in pairs (the tight space makes it easy enough) so you can manage to get Support Attacks in to raise damage and build XP. It'll be easy enough to get them - pretty much none of these should take more than one battle to beat if you happen to have Support and Solo Attacks going on.

After reaching the ramps' bottom, collect the nearby treasure chests and have the groups converge on the southern corner of the area, preferably with Multi-Attack-users leading, to rip through Due's group.

As it is, you won't make it in time. On the second turn, Due decides to "get things started". The one with the "blood" is near, so the summoning can begin. The power of the magic circle suddenly surges and Selvaria appears, a little disoriented. Selvaria does eventually join her, as could be expected. This will occur once more on the next turn, with the summoning of Juri. Finally will be the summoning of Saya and a crapload of her cronies.

Still, none of this should change the strategy outlined previously. Go in there blazing your Multi Attacks to get rid of the cannon fodder, then blaze Supports/Solos/Specials on the remainder. Then make a fire blaze and munch on their remains. >_>

Confused and befuddled, our group simply decides to close in on Skeith and take back Aura's fragment. So, we leave the Marvel Land pyramid to find it blazing hot. *gasp* So, where is Skeith?

Bruno takes note of the completely normal desert rainbow and Haken and Kaguya take some surprise at that. Why? Rainbows pop up in the desert every day! =P Really, it's because that they somehow know it's connected to the Endless Frontier. Everyone worries about whether the rainbow can even support all of them, which Xiaomu confirms with an indirect reference to the Rainbow Roads of the Mario Kart series. =P

Man, I laughed more at that than I should have. 'Course, the main worry is whether Skeith is on there, or past it... Suddenly, Aura's voice emanates from Kite's Twilight Bracelet; apparently, Skeith is not in this world. So, he can only have gone to the Endless Frontier, which is itself a dimensional crossroads. Ah, crap - he could be anywhere.

Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doo-- *shot* Well, wherever the evil unknown dude's base is, Due says something about things going off without a hitch. More and more gets revealed; I won't mention it all.

On the other side of the rainbow, Sänger spots a battleship up in the air. Everyone suddenly has the brainwave of using space technology we saw near the start of the game to return to their own worlds. Haken's contacts have also confirmed that Skeith's on there. As everyone leaves, Kaguya hesitates - something is up with the Fujisakura. The party decides to split to find Skeith and find what's up with the tree because Kaguya couldn't shut up.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 25- The Immortal Sakura in the Storm of Romance

We'll begin with the group that went to the Fujisakura tree. Something's wrong around here; apparently, the spiritual force is growing, just filling up the tree beyond its limits. Leanne also notices the lack of petals blowing around. Meanwhile, down below is the other half of this half of the team with no real results beyond the obvious.

And, of course, Aya-me appears alongside the evil bunny. Aya-me suddenly has a brainwave (or just decides to reveal her plan, as evil people do before failure) - using the tree as a spiritual cannon. Of course, you're going to oppose her; and, of course, she won't be opposed alone. Ciseaux leaves to do something else while you brawl.

Victory: Defeat all enemies
Defeat: Ichiro & Sakura or Reiji & Xiaomu are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Start: Aya-me x1, Hysteric Purple x2, Outbreaker x2, Gentleman x2, Gattuso x2, Book of Judgment x2, Book of the Dead x2, Blackflame Dragon x2, Kouma Kagizume x4, Kouma Sandan x3, Kouma Ekisha x3
Later: Additions - Eins Belanos x1, Drei Belanos x1, Oros Primus x2, Oros Zilva x1, Oros Serpus x2, Oros Golt x1, Byakuya X x1
Start: Mii & Kogoro, Frank & Hsien-Ko, Reiji & Xiaomu, Soma & Alisa, Gemini & Erica, Zephyr & Leanne, Ichiro & Sakura, Haken & Kaguya, Kurt & Riela, Jin & Xiaoyu, Flynn (Solo), Neneko (Solo), Lady (Solo), Batsu (Solo), Devilotte (Solo), Imca (Solo), Bahn (Solo), Rikiya (Solo), Ulala (Solo)
Later: Addition - Saya (Solo)
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Aya-me (Lv. 33) 99,552 285 274 166 136 6 (flies) 3 / 3 / 5 Apple Gel, Imperial Theater Watch
Blackflame Dragon 17,340 302 283 119 121 5 (flies) 2 / - / - Mochi Balls
Book of Judgment (Lv. 32) 10,893 283 265 132 123 4 (flies) 1 / - / 3 Ether Pack S, Orange Gel
Book of Judgment (Lv. 33) 11,097 288 268 133 124 4 (flies) 1 / - / 3
Book of the Dead (Lv. 32) 11,574 277 265 132 123 4 (flies) 1 / - / - Panacea Bottle, Restore Pill
Byakuya X (Lv. 31) 66,189 291 301 131 117 5 (flies) 4 / - / 6 Lemon Gel
Drei Belanos (Lv. 33) 99,522 291 311 149 122 6 2 / 2 / 3 Apple Gel, Dokio Armor
Eins Belanos (Lv. 33) 94,783 305 293 156 139 6 2 / 2 / 3 Spiky Shin Guards
Gattuso (Lv. 32) 12,255 283 279 132 127 5 2 / - / - Restore Pill, Poison Bottle
Gentleman (Lv. 32) 15,740 291 260 117 135 5 2 / - / - Ether Pack M, Panacea Bottle
Hysteric Purple (Lv. 31) 9,837 272 274 124 124 5 (flies) 2 / - / - Restore Pill
Kouma Ekisha (Lv. 31) 15,740 286 274 124 122 5 (flies) 3 / - / - Restore Pill, First Aid
Kouma Kagizume (Lv. 31) 11,149 286 260 124 122 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Poison Bottle, Ether Pack S, Restore Pill
Kouma Sandan (Lv. 31) 13,772 286 260 124 122 5 (flies) 2 / - / 4 Poison Bottle, Restore Pill, Panacea Bottle
Outbreaker (Lv. 32) 33,731 277 256 143 132 5 (flies) 2 / - / 2 Mochi Balls, Restore Pill II
Oros Golt (Lv. 32) 14,978 291 265 132 117 4 2 / - / 4 Green Herb
Oros Primus (Lv. 31) 13,772 278 282 117 129 5 1 / - / - Green Herb, Panacea Bottle, Restore Pill
Oros Serpus (Lv. 31) 13,117 286 260 131 116 4 1 / - / - Green Herb, Cure Kit
Oros Zilva (Lv. 32) 15,659 283 292 118 130 5 2 / - / 3 Mochi Balls
The general strategy still works here, uninnovatively enough. Divide your two parties further down into pairs, then send them southwest along their paths into the masses of enemies to slay them, an act greatly aided by the Multi-Attacks you should have around now. Most of these enemies are still going to die in one battle regardless (except Outbreakers and Aya-me), but Support never hurts.

It is worth noting that the Belanos brothers and Due Flabellum will show up in a couple of turns with some reinforcements, but that won't change much strategically. However, some stuff is revealed. Apparently, the Byakuya X - as Saya later comes and confirms - were made to fill spaces rather than rip them; however, not intended for something like this. They can also transport the evil energy here somewhere, which they promptly commence doing.

The tree is barely able to deal with the strain, when Ichiro suddenly gets an idea - let it go! Whatever happens (I kinda got lost) works, and Saya joins your team, and Ichiro & Sakura finally learn their Multi-Attack!

So continue along with the normal strategy.

After the battle, Saya discloses that Ouma is not really deep into Oros Phlox's schemes. Not everyone (aside from Erica) completely trusts her, but we at least have a common goal, so fighting alongside her isn't too bad an idea.

We also suddenly recall Ciseuax, as well as the group on the airship. Hmm... Anyways, we leave, seeing as the Fujisakura needs to be closed. As our sprites disappear, you'll see an eavesdropper...

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 26- The Fighter of Virtual and Reality

We will find ourselves on the battleship where you first saw Haken and Kaguya, and where Sänger first met them. Skeith goes through a teleporter before Ciseaux arrives, hot on Skeith's heels, who also goes through the teleporter.

Meanwhile, part of our little entourage enters, noting that this is a teleporter room, possibly connected to Toma's world. Meanwhile, the other half of the group arrives, notifying all that Skeith has used a teleporter to go ... I dunno, elsewhere. As we decide to try finding out where he went, some monsters come through the teleporters, some of whom are Gnosis. KOS-MOS activates the Hilbert Effect and battle commences.

Victory: Defeat all enemies
Defeat: All allies are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Start: Goblin x2, Bugbear x4, Expression x3, Glare x3
Later: Additions - Seth x1, Nemesis T-Type x1, V-Dural x1, WR Red - Heavy x4, WR Gold - Heavy x6, Tyrant T-002 x4, Super Tyrant x2, Ooze x5
Start: Chun-Li & Morrigan, Akira & Pai, Kite & BlackRose, Ryu & Ken, Dante & Demitri, Yuri & Estelle, Toma & Cyrille, KOS-MOS & T-elos, MegaMan X & Zero, Chris & Jill, Lindow (Solo), Sänger (Solo), Valkyrie (Solo), Tron (Solo), Arthur (Solo), Vashyron (Solo), Bruno (Solo), Heihachi (Solo), Alisa (Solo)
Later: Addition - Juri (Solo)
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Bugbear (Lv. 31) 14,428 264 274 131 129 5 1 / - / - First Aid, Cure Kit, Restore Pill
Expression (Lv. 31) 10,493 291 301 144 118 4 3 / - / - Cure Kit, Panacea Bottle
Glare (Lv. 31) 11,149 291 301 144 118 4 3 / - / - Panacea Bottle
Glare (Lv. 32) 11,574 297 306 145 119 4 3 / - / -
Goblin (Lv. 30) 10,932 259 282 123 121 5 1 / - / - Green Herb, Restore Pill
Nemesis T-Type (Lv. 33) 99,522 291 311 156 123 6 6 / 3 / 4 Special Gel
Ooze (Lv. 31) 11,149 269 265 117 118 5 2 / - / - Restore Pill, Green Herb
Seth (Lv. 33) 102,365 296 297 159 133 6 2 / 3 / 4 G Impact Stick
Super Tyrant (Lv. 32) 40,156 297 292 132 117 5 3 / - / - Lemon Gel, Tiger Pancakes
Tyrant T-002 (Lv. 31) 36,246 291 301 131 117 5 2 / - / - Ether Pack M
V-Dural (Lv. 33) 99,522 305 291 145 133 6 2 / 2 / 3 Bajiquan Secret Scrolls
WR Gold - Heavy (Lv. 32) 13,617 283 292 125 119 4 2 / - / 4 Mochi Balls
WR Red - Heavy (Lv. 31) 11,805 264 287 124 118 4 1 / - / - Restore Pill, Green Herb
As it stands, most of these enemies should be one-battle-kills by now. Regardless, take note of your party's positioning - half in the middle, half in the southwest corner. From the middle group, take one member with a Multi-Attack along with the remainder of the northeast group to the four enemies to the northeast; one or two turns later, those four enemies will be dead. Have the remainder of the group converge on the southwestern-central section where the remainder reside, and do so in the usual pairs to be able to use Support Attacks (for the sake of using them), or just use a few Multi-Attacks.

On the second turn, things will get a bit more complicated as V-Dural and some robots arrive in addition to Seth on the other side, also with some robots. After some babbling, the Pursuer from way-back-when also enters the room. Grrr... So much to deal with... Suddenly, Seth reveals his plan in some extent - first he needs Juri's eye to boost his ki (what else would you do with it?), which isn't good for any of us.

Speaking of the devil, Juri enters the room, angry and surprised at the presence of everyone else in the universe but her in this room. Seth reveals that he knows she is a backstabber towards him, and blah blah blah banter. Anyways, Chun-Li convinces Juri to fight alongside us now, since we'd pretty much murder her and Seth otherwise.

Strategically, you'll notice that the majority of high-HP enemies are now at the northeastern portion of the field. I'd recommend leaving two of the usual pairs in the southwest corner to deal with V-Dural - they'll hold their own pretty well - and sending everyone else to the northeast corner. Generally keep up that pair dynamic we usually use, but also liberally abuse Multi-Attacks - you'll be thankful for that when the enemy populous is halved in a turn or two.

Since you have such a mass of enemies in the northeastern portion of the area, once V-Dural is the last enemy in the southwestern front, go ahead and send all but two people to the northeast. Once Dural hits under 10,000 HP, send one more person northeast; the remaining dude is able to deal 10,000 damage by himself for sure...

After the battle, BlackRose asks KOS-MOS as to whether Skeith arrived and departed from here, which is confirmed with the additional info of another transport. The group from the Fujisakura comes back and everyone catches up.

Meanwhile, Zero homes in on an important point (to the characters, anyways) - where is Ciseaux? Perhaps he was the other teleported being? Whatever it is, Skeith and this person went to a world unknown to the transporter, perhaps some entirely new locale, or perhaps Toma's place. The transporter is working, so the group decides to go through.

Do as you will during the intermission, primarily just re-equipping and saving before moving on. Do note that you still need to put on the Solo Units for those who did not participate in Chapter 26, and, FYI, you have enough Solo Units so that every Pair Unit is a Trio Unit.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 27- At the Cliff of a Different Dimension

On the other side of the portal, we find the Geo-Fortress, Toma and Cyrille's base of operations in their world - what a lucky guess, huh? However, no one else is there, and the transporter's systems are noting a transport from here to somewhere else. Only one - this system has been used a lot. Hmm... Anyways, everyone else marvels at the technology around here as Zero finally notes the lack of use on the gunnery, which is odd as it has been fired by Toma himself before. Perhaps we got warped to the past of the Geo-Fortress, like with the Woglinde?

Suddenly, Alisa senses some energy surve, which coincides with the arrival of Ciseuax, probably intending to chase the not-yet-seen Skeith... and some "darker-looking fellow"? Whatever.

Victory: Defeat all enemies
Defeat: All allies are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Start: Prelude x1, Blanche x2, Jaune x4, Orange II x4
Turn 2: Additions - Vile & Ride Armor x1, Mettaur C-15 x5, Mettaur D2 x4, Gunbolt x4, Ride Armor (Red) x5, Ride Armor (Green) x3
Turn 3: Additions - Phantom x1, Coco*Tapioca x1, WR Red - Heavy x1, WR Gold - Heavy x2, Defense Droid Alpha x3, Defense Droid Gamma x5, Robodian x4, Robodian (Black) x5, Robodian (Gold) x3
Note: "Vile & Ride Armor" will become just "Vile" upon defeat
Allies: Mii & Kogoro, Chun-Li & Morrigan, Akira & Pai, Reiji & Xiaomu, Kite & BlackRose, Ryu & Ken, Haken & Kaguya, Jin & Xiaoyu, KOS-MOS & T-elos, Yuri & Estelle, Soma & Alisa, Dante & Demitri, Frank & Hsien-Ko, Ichiro & Sakura, Gemini & Erica, Kurt & Riela, Zephyr & Leanne, Toma & Cyrille, MegaMan X & Zero, Chris & Jill, Sänger (Solo), Arthur (Solo), Bahn (Solo), Batsu (Solo), Valkyrie (Solo), Imca (Solo), Vashyron (Solo), Neneko (Solo), Tron (Solo), Lady (Solo), Devilotte (Solo), Heihachi (Solo), Flynn (Solo), Lindow (Solo), Alisa (Solo), Rikiya (Solo), Bruno (Solo), Ulala (Solo), Saya (Solo), Juri (Solo)
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Blanche (Lv. 33) 15,952 288 297 126 128 5 1 / - / - Mochi Balls, Restore Pill
Coco*Tapioca (Lv. 35) 109,204 304 263 147 128 6 2 / 4 / 4 Purple-Punk Armor
Defense Droid Alpha (Lv. 32) 9,531 283 279 132 130 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Restore Pill, Green Herb
Defense Droid Gamma (Lv. 32) 10,893 283 279 132 130 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Ether Pack S
Gunbolt (Lv. 32) 15,659 283 279 118 123 5 3 / - / - Panacea Bottle
Jaune (Lv. 32) 14,478 283 301 132 127 5 2 / - / - Green Herb
Orange II (Lv. 33) 15,952 288 305 133 131 5 1 / - / 3 First Aid, Restore Pill
Mettaur C-15 (Lv. 32) 8,851 274 292 132 117 4 1 / - / - Ether Pack S
Mettaur D2 (Lv. 33) 9,710 288 297 126 117 4 1 / - / - Restore Pill
Phantom (Lv. 35) 96,059 304 328 154 124 6 (flies) 2 / 3 / 4 Geo-Fortress Gear
Prelude (Lv. 35) 101,115 304 307 149 128 6 2 / 4 / 4 Special Gel
Ride Armor (Green) (Lv. 33) 17,970 307 263 128 122 5 2 / - / - Mage's Soul, Green Herb
Ride Armor (Red) (Lv. 33) 15,952 293 119 254 120 5 1 / - / - First Aid, Green Herb
Robodian (Lv. 32) 10,893 283 292 132 123 5 1 / - / - Panacea Bottle, Cure Kit
Robodian (Black) (Lv. 32) 12,255 283 292 132 123 5 1 / - / - Restore Pill
Robodian (Gold) (Lv. 34) 15,529 288 297 133 124 5 3 / - / 2 Mochi Balls
Vile (Lv. 35) 109,204 304 316 147 143 6 3 / 3 / 4 First Aid, Dragon Shot
Vile & Ride Armor (Lv. 35) 67,497 316 293 142 127 5 2 / - / 3 Apple Gel, Tiger Pancakes
WR Gold - Heavy (Lv. 33) 13,872 288 297 126 120 4 2 / - / 4 Mochi Balls
WR Red - Heavy (Lv. 32) 12,555 268 292 125 119 4 1 / - / - Restore Pill, Green Herb
For the initial portion of the battle, there's very little to say. Basically have everyone converge on the main group of enemies in pairs, blazing Multi-Attacks where possible. >_> It's not that complicated. Those not using Multi-Attacks are better off focusing Specials on the Prelude or pairing up with someone for Support Attacks against the others or Prelude.

Things much worse on the next turn - at the western end of the middle level, a huge number of enemies appear alongside their leader, Vile! Kinda odd to see how this should up being a three-sided fight, since Vile and Ciseaux are clearly not allies, but whatever the case...

When you regain control, I want you to keep up the same strategy as before - focusing the group on Prelude. However, divert three (or two really powerful) Multi-Attack users left to Vile's group. Most of those enemies will fall within the use of two Multi-Attacks, if not just the one. Either way, you'll be saving your allies a lot of HP-based pain by eliminating them. Once they're done, the remaining two can focus on Vile.

On the third turn, the Geo-Fortress's security system shows its worth as more and more enemies enter allied by that Phantom robot and that Coco*Tapioca thing. After the scene, change up the battle strategy slightly once more. Thanks to your Multi-Attackers, a lot of the enemies' swarms from before should have dwindled a good enough bit already. Since you also have plenty of Multi-Attackers in general, send two or three down to the southern end of the field, on the lower level, to start pounding on the enemies down there.

As time goes on, your middle-level parties will soon reach their bosses. At that point, send all but two of the group down to the southern end where the majority of the enemies reside - again, I leave two for the use of Support Attacks. Soon enough, all of your massive party should be down there, wailing on the enemies.

XP as a whole should be used for Multi-Attacks earlier on. Once you have the entire group focusing on the party lead by the Phantom and Coco*Tapioca, continue using it Multi-Attacks until there aren't a lot of enemies left; use your judgment for how many is enough. Then you should simply either use Specials on the guys or hit them both with Multi-Attacks; that's up to you.

Finally, a while later, some Shielders will show up, but that's about it - just some bosses for the group associated with Mii & Kogoro after Riemsianne.

After the fight, Tron will end up examining the Phantom and fixing it - after what MegaMan did to her bots in Legends, she has to be pretty good at it by now. =P Apparently, the Phantom is on our side, and now Haken & Kaguya learn the Multi-Attack Gachirin Ghost. The group decide to go through the teleporter after Skeith and Ciseaux.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 28- Royalty Gathering at the Village

On the other side, we find our group split up across what Morrigan and Arthur confirm to be the latter's demon world - perhaps even in Astaroth's castle! Aura's fragment is suddenly detected nearby, Skeith nowhere to be seen. She is weak, however, and Skeith has gone to The World to enact whatever act he wants to do with this unknown power he just obtained.

Of course, we have some enemies to slay in the meantime. (Or munch on, in Demitri's case.)

First speak with Aura using Kite & BlackRose by Turn 10's end
Also must defeat all enemies
Kite & BlackRose are defeated, or...
Fail to rescue Aura by Turn 10's end
Start: Sin Scissors x4, Hell Pride x2, Hell Wrath x2, Bloody Mari x5, Marionette (Purple) x5, Red Arremer King x1, Red Arremer x5, White Arremer x2, Red Arremer Ace x4, Dark Stalker x6, Dark Serpent x2
Later: Jedah Dohma x1, Astaroth x2, Riemsianne La Vaes x1, Red Arremer King x1, White Arremer x1, Red Arremer Ace x3, Zombie (Purple) x6, Succubus x6, Master Medusa x6, Purple Morolian x3, Yellow Morolian x3, Blue Morolian x3
Later: Shielder x2
Allies: Mii & Kogoro, Chun-Li & Morrigan, Akira & Pai, Reiji & Xiaomu, Kite & BlackRose, Ryu & Ken, Haken & Kaguya, Jin & Xiaoyu, KOS-MOS & T-elos, Yuri & Estelle, Soma & Alisa, Dante & Demitri, Frank & Hsien-Ko, Ichiro & Sakura, Gemini & Erica, Kurt & Riela, Zephyr & Leanne, Toma & Cyrille, MegaMan X & Zero, Chris & Jill, Sänger (Solo), Arthur (Solo), Bahn (Solo), Batsu (Solo), Valkyrie (Solo), Imca (Solo), Vashyron (Solo), Neneko (Solo), Tron (Solo), Lady (Solo), Devilotte (Solo), Heihachi (Solo), Flynn (Solo), Lindow (Solo), Alisa (Solo), Rikiya (Solo), Bruno (Solo), Ulala (Solo), Saya (Solo), Juri (Solo)
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Astaroth (Lv. 37) 120,515 322 323 163 124 6 4 / 5 / 5 First Aid Spray
Bloody Mari (Lv. 36) 15,023 306 312 142 127 5 1 / - / - Green Herb
Blue Morolian (Lv. 35) 13,657 285 293 155 143 5 2 / - / - Panacea Bottle
Dark Serpent (Lv. 34) 16,525 306 298 142 140 5 2 / - / - Restore Pill
Dark Stalker (Lv. 34) 14,831 296 279 138 135 5 2 / - / -
Hell Pride (Lv. 36) 17,276 296 283 136 134 5 1 / - / - Green Herb
Hell Wrath (Lv. 36) 11,267 306 298 142 140 5 1 / - / 2 Ether Pack S
Jedah Dohma (Lv. 37) 115,275 316 292 178 141 6 (flies) 2 / 3 / 4 Blood Scythe
Marionette (Purple) (Lv. 35) 15,094 301 307 141 126 5 2 / - / - Restore Pill, Cure Kit
Master Medusa (Lv. 35) 16,532 301 322 155 133 5 3 / - / - Ether Pack S, Ether Pack M
Purple Morolian (Lv. 35) 13,657 285 293 155 143 5 2 / - / - Restore Pill
Red Arremer (Lv. 34) 12,006 281 273 123 138 6 (flies) 1 / - / - Ether Pack S, Restore Pill
Red Arremer Ace (Lv. 35) 16,532 301 293 130 139 6 (flies) 2 / - / - Mochi Balls, Restore Pill II
Red Arremer King (Lv. 35) 27,041 321 312 136 147 6 (flies) 2 / - / 4 Butterfly Bread
Riemsianne La Vaes (Lv. 37) 106,891 306 302 168 137 6 (flies) 3 / 3 / 5 Demonic Cape
Shielder (Lv. 35) 96,059 307 307 139 128 6 4 / 4 / 3 Mochi Balls, Apple Gel
Sin Scissors (Lv. 35) 14,376 301 278 135 136 5 (flies) 3 / - / - Green Herb
Succubus (Lv. 35) 16,532 291 278 148 139 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Panacea Bottle, Restore Pill
White Arremer (Lv. 37) 20,622 326 302 132 144 6 (flies) 1 / - / - Tiger Pancakes, Mochi Balls, Mage's Soul
Yellow Morolian (Lv. 35) 13,657 285 293 155 143 5 2 / - / - Ether Pack S
Zombie (Purple) (Lv. 34) 11,300 281 288 123 121 4 1 / - / - Restore Pill
Okay, this is a big area. Big. Strategically, fighting enemies relies on tactics similar to the previous time we were in the demon world - i.e. a tight linear path makes Support Attacks easy, so just barrel through the enemies.

That much should remain the same. Regarding the other objective - rescuing Aura - you're lucky that Kite & BlackRose start in the western corner. It's just a short jaunt for the group (use 'em all) to head northeast to Aura in several turns.

Things are made no easier with the arrival of Riemsianne several turns in. After her chats with Astaroth and Jedah, she seems set on stealing away the Shining Force with her allying monsters. However, Astaroth comes through a different door ... and another? What? They summon some more monsters, including some Riemsianne-controlled Morolians... And then Jedah appears. *groan*

Keep along with your general strategy - as before, just barreling through these guys should be enough. However, if a boss or other annoying enemy impedes Kite & BlackRose, keep two or three of the group with that boss while the other group goes on to keep him out of your hair.

After the simple-but-lengthy slaughterfest, everyone approaches the door near where Aura was. She informs them (again, probably) that Skeith is not here. The door connects to The World, where Skeith is, collecting something. Aura then takes you to the "current" Mac Anu...


Anyways, intermission. Re-equip, shuffle Solo Units, what-have-you, before you move on.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 29- Love, Unbeatable

What ... happened? Mac Anu is in complete ruins, and MegaMan X claims that cyberspace itself is soon to fall apart. According to BlackRose, this is not unlike the first time The World was in danger, when the Cursed Wave corrupted the internet. Neito soon points out that this is the dream world of Moera from which the Feydooms arise, and they are getting stronger. Aura is also gone, apparently...

Oh crap. Feydooms. And Gnosis. And Skeith. And Skeith. And Skeith. "Oh crap", indeed.

Start: Defeat all of the enemies
Turn 3: Defeat Vile or rescue MegaMan X & Zero by Turn 8's end; either will suffice
After: Defeat all enemies
Start: MegaMan X & Zero or Mii & Kogoro are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Turn 3: Fail to rescue MegaMan X & Zero or defeat Vile by Turn 8's end; all allies are defeated
After: All allies are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Start: Skeith x2, Skeith Zero x1, He[dhu&_er x5, Headless King x2, Status Menhir x3, Sphinx Menhir x3, Armaros x2, Glare x4, Feydoom (orb, blue) x2, Feydoom (orb, gold) x4, Feydoom (column, red) x2, Feydoom (column, green) x5
Turn 2: Additions - Vile & Ride Armor x1, Gunbolt x4, Ride Armor (Red) x3, Ride Armor (Green) x2, Sharukurusu (Green) x5, Sharukurusu (Red) x3
Notes: Skeith Zero is only battleable after rescuing MegaMan X & Zero, and "Vile & Ride Armor", as before, will become plain "Vile" upon defeat
Allies: Mii & Kogoro, Chun-Li & Morrigan, Akira & Pai, Reiji & Xiaomu, Kite & BlackRose, Ryu & Ken, Haken & Kaguya, Jin & Xiaoyu, KOS-MOS & T-elos, Yuri & Estelle, Soma & Alisa, Dante & Demitri, Frank & Hsien-Ko, Ichiro & Sakura, Gemini & Erica, Kurt & Riela, Zephyr & Leanne, Toma & Cyrille, MegaMan X & Zero, Chris & Jill, Sänger (Solo), Arthur (Solo), Bahn (Solo), Batsu (Solo), Valkyrie (Solo), Imca (Solo), Vashyron (Solo), Neneko (Solo), Tron (Solo), Lady (Solo), Devilotte (Solo), Heihachi (Solo), Flynn (Solo), Lindow (Solo), Alisa (Solo), Rikiya (Solo), Bruno (Solo), Ulala (Solo), Saya (Solo), Juri (Solo)
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Armaros (Lv. 37) 78,426 330 325 159 143 5 2 / - / 4 First Aid Spray, Apple Gel, Tiger Pancakes
Feydoom (column, green) (Lv. 36) 12,984 311 311 130 135 5 (flies) 3 / - / - Restore Pill
Feydoom (column, red) (Lv. 36) 11,457 311 311 139 135 5 (flies) 2 / - / - Restore Pill, Cure Kit
Feydoom (orb, blue) (Lv. 36) 13,748 311 302 137 141 5 (flies) 2 / - / - Green Herb, Restore Pill, Poison Bottle, First Aid
Feydoom (orb, gold) (Lv. 36) 14,512 311 302 137 141 5 (flies) 3 / - / - Ether Pack S, First Aid
Glare (Lv. 38) 13,197 330 341 151 125 4 3 / - / - Panacea Bottle
Gunbolt (Lv. 38) 17,856 315 310 124 129 5 3 / - / -
He[dhu&_er 20,622 320 302 130 129 4 2 / - / - Cure Kit
Headless King (Lv. 38) 19,720 329 345 132 132 4 2 / - / 3 Mochi Balls, Butterfly Bread
Ride Armor (Green) (Lv. 38) 19,408 321 279 131 125 5 2 / - / - Mage's Soul, Green Herb
Ride Armor (Red) (Lv. 38) 17,856 321 270 124 125 5 1 / - / - First Aid, Green Herb
Sharukurusu (Green) (Lv. 37) 15,276 311 302 150 135 5 1 / - / - Panacea Bottle
Sharukurusu (Red) (Lv. 37) 16,039 311 302 157 135 5 1 / - / - Restore Pill
Skeith (Lv. 39) 121,363 323 329 169 143 6 (flies) 4 / 4 / 3 Sakabatou, Apple Gel, Goblin Mail
Skeith Zero (Lv. 39) 132,396 339 329 169 143 6 (flies) 4 / 4 / 3 Special Gel
Sphinx Menhir (Lv. 37) 17,720 317 317 137 130 4 2 / - / 3 Restore Pill, Panacea Bottle
Statue Menhir (Lv. 37) 16,956 295 326 143 124 4 2 / - / 2 N/A
Vile (Lv. 39) 119,156 323 339 151 147 6 3 / 3 / 4 Apple Gel, Drill Arm
Vile & Ride Armor (Lv. 39) 74,056 336 314 146 131 5 2 / - / 3 Tiger Pancakes
The general strategy again applies fine here. Simply split up your party into groups of two or three and blaze Multi-Attacks as you make your way towards the Skeiths. If you can't use a Multi-Attack at a given time, don't use XP-restoring items; just go ahead and do a regular battle. Hopefully, with the Support/Solo combo, and a critical hit or two, you'll end up killing most of these enemies in a single battle anyways.

As a note, Vile will appear a couple of turns in. He'll claim to have been risen by sheer will - or, as Neito claims, the Feydooms. Well, regardless, he comes alongside a bunch of robots for you to battle. Keep up the same strategy, though.

It'll get no easier on the third turn. One of the Servbots will detect an anomaly - something is coming, with a signature like Vile's! It's ... Iris, the girl that Zero struck down in the MegaMan X series while fighting the Repliforce, a reluctant event that weighed on him heavily ever since... Zero and X quickly approach as she speaks of a world just for Reploids like themselves, which they quickly dismiss as both a bad idea and an unattainable fantasy.

Iris claims that she is here because of their desires... Does Zero really want this? Zero's emotions go into turmoil as Vile speaks, trying psychologically to get him to help Iris, while X tries to get him to realize the truth. Suddenly, Zero's body glows with a purple hue and he is frozen in place. X decides to guard him for the moment, leaving you to need to rescue them.

To rescue Zero (and MegaMan X), you need to reach them by the end of Turn 8 and use "Standby" (B Button) to rescue them, or defeat Vile. Sadly, they're both on the same island. So, in this case, send your parties along their initially-intended paths, but make a beeline to the northeastern island where Zero and Vile are. Along the way, you'll run into a Skeith - one at the north corner, one at the east corner. Have the majority of each group fight the Skeiths.

However, from these main groups, send one or two Multi-Attackers (four Pair Units in all, regardless of Multi-Attack abilities) to the island. Let your main groups tackle Skeith without the use of Specials - Support and Solo Attacks will suffice, but you'll need to save that stuff for Vile. Approach Vile and Zero while using a Multi-Attack on the way to get rid of the nearby enemies, and hopefully hit Vile. Approach Vile and while rescuing Zero, also end up getting into a brawl with Vile, since you'll need to fight him anyways.

Anything in general that will increase Range - such as Ichiro & Sakura's "Cpt. Command - Wind" skill, which is party-wide Range increase of 2 - will help greatly. Attack-boosting commands will also help in speeding by the boss enemies, and Multi-Attacks in general can help to get rid of the cannon fodder on the way to Zero and Vile. It will require you to use some of those XP-restoring items, but it's pretty much better than having a Game Over.

The rescue of Zero will prompt Iris to approach Zero. Some chatting ensues while Zero tells Iris his true dream - for a world in which no one has to go through what they have. Aura soon appears, informing Iris that she can no longer exist here, which she knows. But she goes happy, knowing Zero hasn't changed... Soon thereafter, Aura reveals that she is fully restored and will proceed to the inner of the system.

You will end up making MegaMan X & Zero learn their Multi-Attack, Hadoken & Genmu Zero. Skeith Zero will then warp to the bridge in the center of Mac Anu and become battleable. You now have to defeat the rest of the enemies - only a dozen, if not less, should remain. Return to the usual pair configuration and obliterate all.

After the battle, Aura will confirm that The World can be repaired, although it will take time. Vile and Skeith Zero also are no longer here, but probably in the real world. As Kogoro points out, it's been a while since we've been there, he and Mii since the theft of the Portalstone that instigated this whole mess. The group decides to head to the Koryuji mansion; Aura will send the group to Akihabara, where a stable Chaos Gate facsimile resides.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 30- City of Atonement

Well, we find a fair few monsters lying around Akihabara, where the gate has also disappeared. Meanwhile, a Vajra is sensed coming this way. We decide to fight.

Victory: Defeat all enemies
Defeat: All allies are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Start: Vajra x1, Kongou x4, Fallen Kongou x3, Fallen Ogretail x4, F Cocoon Maiden (S) x4, F Cocoon Maiden (F) x4, Fallen Zygote (B) x4, Fallen Zygote (F) x3
Turn 2: Additions - V-Dural (Statue) x3, Selvaria Bles x1, Hunter Alpha x6, Tyrant T-002 x2, Super Tyrant x2, Treasure Mimic x2, Golden Mimic x1, Blood Doll Chainsaw x5, Blood Doll Flame x5, Blood Doll Omega x6
Allies: Mii & Kogoro, Chun-Li & Morrigan, Akira & Pai, Reiji & Xiaomu, Kite & BlackRose, Ryu & Ken, Haken & Kaguya, Jin & Xiaoyu, KOS-MOS & T-elos, Yuri & Estelle, Soma & Alisa, Dante & Demitri, Frank & Hsien-Ko, Ichiro & Sakura, Gemini & Erica, Kurt & Riela, Zephyr & Leanne, Toma & Cyrille, MegaMan X & Zero, Chris & Jill, Sänger (Solo), Arthur (Solo), Bahn (Solo), Batsu (Solo), Valkyrie (Solo), Imca (Solo), Vashyron (Solo), Neneko (Solo), Tron (Solo), Lady (Solo), Devilotte (Solo), Heihachi (Solo), Flynn (Solo), Lindow (Solo), Alisa (Solo), Rikiya (Solo), Bruno (Solo), Ulala (Solo), Saya (Solo), Juri (Solo)
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Blood Doll Chainsaw (Lv. 39) 11,043 320 298 132 130 5 1 / - / - Green Herb, Restore Pill
Blood Doll Flame (Lv. 39) 11,832 310 298 132 134 5 2 / - / - Restore Pill
Blood Doll Omega (Lv. 39) 16,022 325 319 140 131 5 2 / - / 3
Fallen Kongou (Lv. 41) 56,260 346 324 133 133 4 3 / - / 2 Apple Gel, Tiger Pancakes
Fallen Ogretail (Lv. 39) 17,353 320 304 132 132 5 1 / - / - Green Herb, Mochi Balls
Fallen Zygote (B) (Lv. 39) 11,832 310 314 145 137 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Cure Kit
Fallen Zygote (F) (Lv. 39) 11,832 310 314 145 137 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Poison Bottle, Ether Pack S, Lemon Gel
F Cocoon Maiden (F) (Lv. 39) 11,832 304 288 159 130 0 6 / - / 3 Ether Pack S
F Cocoon Maiden (S) (Lv. 39) 11,832 304 288 159 126 0 6 / - / 3 Green Herb, Mochi Balls
Golden Mimic (Lv. 40) 10,414 308 366 133 186 4 1 / - / - Tiger Pancakes
Hunter Alpha (Lv. 39) 15,776 336 314 145 150 6 2 / - / - Green Herb
Hunter Alpha (Lv. 40) 16,022 341 319 147 151 6 2 / - / -
Kongou (Lv. 40) 51,459 334 319 124 127 4 2 / - / 2 Apple Gel, Tiger Pancakes
Selvaria Bles (Lv. 41) 113,943 341 333 168 148 6 2 / 3 / 4 Imperial Officer Crest
Super Tyrant (Lv. 40) 49,480 341 334 139 125 5 3 / - / - Lemon Gel, Tiger Pancakes
Treasure Mimic (Lv. 39) 10,254 304 361 132 157 4 1 / - / - Ether Pack M, Tiger Pancakes
Tyrant T-002 (Lv. 39) 44,823 336 345 138 124 5 2 / - / - Ether Pack M
Vajra (Lv. 41) 131,034 338 317 148 145 6 2 / 4 / 4 Mage's Soul, Upgrade Parts: DEF
V-Dural (Statue) (Lv. 41) 108,245 332 317 153 141 6 2 / 2 / 3 Restore Pill II
You should know the strategy - divide up into pairs and defeat all of the enemies. The division is obviously for spreading out and to be able to abuse Support Attacks; the Kongou, Fallen Kongou, Fallen Ogretails, and Vajra are unlikely to die without such aid either way, though, but it'll help a lot for the others.

Partway through the second turn, a statue of V-Dural will appear. As will another. And another. And some Basel monsters. They're all led by Selvaria, who has apparently joined S.I.N.; she'll confirm her leadership over these monsters, plus the soon-to-appear B.O.W.'s. Still, don't let this change the aforementioned strategy - just be careful around the bosses, and be ready to heal. They can easily deal 2,500 ~ 4,000 damage in one attack, about double from a Special. Ganging up en masse around them might be the best way to spread the damage rather than let it be focused on one or two, but then beware the Multi-Attacks.

After finishing that battle, KOS-MOS and T-elos won't detect other enemies nearby. The conversation soon turns to where the gate went and S.I.N.'s intents with it - obvious, Seth took it, for something having to do with interdimensional travel. Anyways, the group heads on back to the Koryuji mansion.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 31- That Key, Experiencing the Underworld

Welcome back, I suppose. Drei, Eins, Dokugozu, and Dokumezu offer you a nice welcoming party. After they argue about their leaders, eventually devolving into attractiveness, Mii finally comments on whether they're going to fight or not - apparently for the Portalstone's secrets. Meanwhile, the group that was patrolling the perimeter returns, and some monsters are summoned, etc. etc.

Victory: Defeat all enemies
Defeat: Mii & Kogoro are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Start: Eins Belanos x1, Drei Belanos x1, Dokugozu x1, Dokumezu x1, Oros Avius x7, Oros Primus x4, Oros Zilva x3, Oros Serpus x3, Oros Golt x3
Turn 2: Due Flabellum x1, Oros Rosa x6, Kamaitachi (Blue) x5, Kamaitachi (Red) x6, Kamaitachi (Orange) x5, Aku Tengu x7, Gou Tengu x6, Katana x6, Akatana x6, Byakuya X x4
Allies: Mii & Kogoro, Chun-Li & Morrigan, Akira & Pai, Reiji & Xiaomu, Kite & BlackRose, Ryu & Ken, Haken & Kaguya, Jin & Xiaoyu, KOS-MOS & T-elos, Yuri & Estelle, Soma & Alisa, Dante & Demitri, Frank & Hsien-Ko, Ichiro & Sakura, Gemini & Erica, Kurt & Riela, Zephyr & Leanne, Toma & Cyrille, MegaMan X & Zero, Chris & Jill, Sänger (Solo), Arthur (Solo), Bahn (Solo), Batsu (Solo), Valkyrie (Solo), Imca (Solo), Vashyron (Solo), Neneko (Solo), Tron (Solo), Lady (Solo), Devilotte (Solo), Heihachi (Solo), Flynn (Solo), Lindow (Solo), Alisa (Solo), Rikiya (Solo), Bruno (Solo), Ulala (Solo), Saya (Solo), Juri (Solo)
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Akatana (Lv. 42) 30,240 350 311 156 147 6 2 / - / 3 Restore Pill II
Aku Tengu (Lv. 40) 17,624 325 328 137 142 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Mochi Balls, Ether Pack S
Aku Tengu (Lv. 41) 18,209 330 333 138 143 5 (flies) 1 / - / -
Byakuya X (Lv. 43) 86,881 359 366 143 127 5 (flies) 4 / - / 6 Lemon Gel
Dokugozu (Lv. 43) 96,341 344 342 156 135 6 2 / 2 / 3 First Aid, Golden Brown Pizza
Dokumezu (Lv. 43) 91,642 354 333 171 147 6 3 / 3 / 3 Mage's Soul, Golden Brown Pizza
Due Flabellum (Lv. 44) 125,199 349 353 172 148 6 3 / 3 / 4 Seiho Sword
Drei Belanos (Lv. 43) 123,364 344 366 160 131 6 2 / 2 / 3 Golden Mane
Eins Belanos (Lv. 43) 117,490 361 333 168 150 6 2 / 2 / 3 Silver Knuckledusters
Gou Tengu (Lv. 41) 19,037 330 333 138 143 5 (flies) 2 / - / - Panacea Bottle
Kamaitachi (Blue) (Lv. 40) 11,215 308 309 128 139 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Restore Pill
Kamaitachi (Orange) (Lv. 40) 12,016 308 309 140 139 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Poison Bottle, Restore Pill, Panacea Bottle
Kamaitachi (Red) (Lv. 40) 12,016 308 319 128 139 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Restore Pill, Cure Kit, Panacea Bottle
Katana (Lv. 42) 26,880 350 311 149 142 6 2 / - / - Mochi Balls
Oros Avius (Lv. 41) 13,243 313 324 141 145 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Ether Pack S
Oros Golt (Lv. 41) 18,209 339 307 141 125 4 2 / - / 4 Green Herb
Oros Primus (Lv. 41) 17,381 330 333 126 139 5 1 / - / - Green Herb, Cure Kit
Oros Rosa (Lv. 41) 15,726 323 324 141 145 5 (flies) 2 / - / 3 Tiger Pancakes
Oros Serpus (Lv. 41) 16,554 339 307 141 125 4 1 / - / - Green Herb, Panacea Bottle, Restore Pill
Oros Zilva (Lv. 41) 19,037 330 340 126 139 5 2 / - / 3 Mochi Balls
The usual strategy still applies for now - split up the group into pairs and barrel through the enemy forces, using Support and Solo Attacks liberally. Multi-Attacks are not all that effective here, since most of the enemies should die in one battle - all but the bosses should, anyways - with Support and Solo Attacks. However, none but the bosses should need Specials, either, so use that for XP exhaustion - you might want to send someone to a boss early on so XP gains are not wasted.

Of course, Due appears on the second turn. Oddly enough, Due's supposed usage of Mii's shower and her food kinda screw with her mind a little. o_O Maybe it's a rich-person thing. Regardless, Due claims to have come looking for a "key" of some sort - not for a true door, obviously enough, given the breaking and entering. It has something to do with the Portalstone; that much is obvious. Anyways, Due will add substantially to the enemy forces before the fight resumes.

Don't let that bother you much strategically - the same tactics as before should work, but there's a lot more cannon fodder, so go ahead and start screwing with the Multi-Attacks. However, don't use the XP-giving items all too much. With well around five-to-six dozen enemies to contend with, it's easy enough for a single unit to get surrounded. Save those XP items until those types of emergencies, since the Multi-Attacks (or Specials, I suppose) can yield an easy escape.

After that lengthy battle, we discuss what the enemies discussed before and during the fight - they were doing something here, possibly related to whatever's underground and whatever's up with the fountain. Given the Byakuyas' configuration, there's probably some sort of portal underground - it's likely a trap, though. They gave up that info way too easily.

Suddenly, the fountain begins to glow, and some of the party - Soma and Alisa, for two - disappear through the dimensional rift. As the group tries to leave, Mii's body suddenly glows with a flame-like hue ... and the rest disappear.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 32- Dead Rising

Part of our group - the leftmost two columns at the end of the previous section - will end up in some kind of music store. There is some kind of commotion going on outside, so the group decides to look out there. Meanwhile, Kogoro thinks about the familiarity of the shop - of course, it might be that mall where we encountered Tron for the first time, more or less.

Well, outside, we find out that this is, indeed, Williamette - now under the effects of the zombie apocalypse thingy. Hsien-Ko reminds them that this place is connected to Shibuya, while T-elos notes it is connected to ... I dunno, her place. Anyways, zombie apocalypse - gotta stop it, et cetera. Can't let the townspeople get eaten, I suppose.

Victory: Defeat all enemies
Defeat: Frank & Hsien-Ko or Chris & Jill are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Start: Zombie (Blue) x14, Zombie (Red) x14, Zombie (Purple) x10
Turn 2: Lord Raptor x1, Ebitan x8
Turn 3; Nemesis T-Type x1, Hunter Alpha x4, Super Tyrant x3, Ooze x7, Hedrin x5
Allies: Mii & Kogoro, Zephyr & Leanne, Ichiro & Sakura, MegaMan X & Zero, Frank & Hsien-Ko, Ryu & Ken, Dante & Demitri, KOS-MOS & T-elos, Chris & Jill, Heihachi (Solo), Alisa (Solo), Lindow (Solo), Juri (Solo), Devilotte (Solo), Vashyron (Solo), Sänger (Solo), Batsu (Solo), Imca (Solo), Rikiya (Solo)
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Ebitan (Lv. 43) 11,930 324 326 135 133 5 1 / - / - Ether Pack S, Orange Gel, Restore Pill
Hedrin (Lv. 42) 13,440 327 311 134 133 5 1 / - / - Poison Bottle
Hunter Alpha (Lv. 44) 17,285 364 337 151 156 6 2 / - / - Green Herb
Lord Raptor (Lv. 45) 114,921 345 334 158 142 6 2 / 2 / 3 Apple Gel, Sports Book
Nemesis T-Type (Lv. 45) 127,018 405 375 170 268 6 3 / 3 / 4 Nemesis Alpha
Ooze (Lv. 42) 14,280 323 318 127 128 5 2 / - / - Restore Pill, Green Herb
Super Tyrant (Lv. 44) 52,445 364 353 144 128 5 3 / - / - Lemon Gel, Tiger Pancakes
Zombie (Blue) (Lv. 30) 9,646 259 255 119 117 4 1 / - / - Panacea Bottle, Poison Bottle
Zombie (Blue) (Lv. 43) 12,783 324 316 131 129 4 1 / - / -
Zombie (Purple) (Lv. 31) 10,493 264 274 120 118 4 1 / - / - Restore Pill
Zombie (Purple) (Lv. 32) 10,893 268 279 121 119 4 1 / - / -
Zombie (Purple) (Lv. 45) 14,020 333 341 133 131 4 1 / - / -
Zombie (Red) (Lv. 31) 10,493 264 260 120 118 4 1 / - / - Ether Pack S
Zombie (Red) (Lv. 44) 13,828 329 320 132 130 4 1 / - / -
Zombie (Red) (Lv. 45) 14,020 333 323 133 131 4 1 / - / -
... Okay, to be honest, if you need help with the first bit, you deserve to get munched on the zombie populous. All of the initial enemies should be one-battle-kills, even without Support Attacks, at Level 40+ - that's where you should be by about now. (That's a conservative estimate - my average centered around Level 42.) Anyways, spread out. However, keep the usual configuration of pairs of Pair Units, because of what's to come. Abuse Multi-Attacks as you wish.

Of course, what I refer to in the next-to-last statement will be made apparent partway through Turn 2, as Lord Raptor appears in the center of the fountain. As Zephyr says, "What an ass." XD After some predictable banter, he summons some monsters. Don't bother changing your strategy, though you may want to save XP to focus Specials on Lord Raptor.

Not long after that, that Nemesis T-Type and a bunch of his B.O.W. cronies will appear. Not much to say about that, plot-wise or strategy-wise, so just carry on, I suppose.

Well. Looks like the Nemesis exploded. Yay, fireworks~!

After the battle, everyone gathers around the fountain; KOS-MOS detects no enemies nearby. As for what to do next? We could go outside to Shibuya. We could go to Kattelox Island (mismatched MegaMan X future). We could also go to Makai. And the Bermuda. Geez, it's like this place is an interdimensional crossroads.

Anyways, we need to head to the Bermuda for now, since we were effectively told that's where the remainder of the gang is. (Yeah, no way that could be a trap.) So, how to get there? Mii suddenly suggests trying "something", to which Imca merely scoffs at this effective idea of magic. She suddenly glows in a red flame and, abra kadabra, you end up in the intermission.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 33- The More Dangerous Guys Gets Fired Up

Meanwhile, on the Bermuda's deck, we watch as the other group arrives. It is noted that this place connected to the Koryuji mansion, for one. The fact that this connection has existed for so long suggest that the dimensional warping is stabilizing into a permanent configuration - in other words, "Ruh-roh".

Of course, as you can probably recall from Chapter 32, Riemsianne appears, out for revenge. Suddenly, Toma begins to act weird, obviously under the control of Riemsianne! As Neneko says, "Kinky, it is, really!" Morrigan works her succubus charms on him, though, and he snaps out of it. After some pointless banter, she summons some monsters from Marvel Land, Makai, and the Bermuda itself.

Victory: Defeat Riemsianne La Vaes
Defeat: All allies are defeated
Start: Riemsianne La Vaes x1, Sizath (Black) x6, Robodian (Gold) x4, Bloody Mari x2, Marionette (Purple) x4, Marionette (Green) x3, Old Bermuda Gang x5, High Bermuda Gang x3
Later: Additions - Coco*Tapioca x1, Purple Morolian x4, Yellow Morolian x4, Blue Morolian x4
Allies: Chun-Li & Morrigan, Akira & Pai, Reiji & Xiaomu, Soma & Alisa, Gemini & Erica, Kite & BlackRose, Yuri & Estelle, Kurt & Riela, Jin & Xiaoyu, Toma & Cyrille, Flynn (Solo), Saya (Solo), Valkyrie (Solo), Neneko (Solo), Tron (Solo), Lady (Solo), Arthur (Solo), Bahn (Solo), Bruno (Solo), Alisa (Solo)
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Bloody Mari (Lv. 44) 17,285 347 353 151 134 5 1 / - / - Green Herb
Blue Morolian (Lv. 43) 16,191 324 333 164 152 5 2 / - / - Panacea Bottle
Coco*Tapioca (Lv. 45) 130,647 353 306 158 137 5 2 / 4 / 4 Special Gel
High Bermuda Gang (Lv. 44) 19,013 347 353 151 149 5 2 / - / - Green Herb
Marionette (Green) (Lv. 42) 18,480 334 344 149 133 5 2 / - / - Cure Kit
Marionette (Purple) (Lv. 42) 17,640 334 344 149 133 5 2 / - / - Restore Pill, Cure Kit
Old Bermuda Gang (Lv. 43) 17,044 342 333 143 141 5 1 / - / - Green Herb
Purple Morolian (Lv. 43) 16,191 324 333 164 152 5 2 / - / - Restore Pill
Riemsianne La Vaes (Lv. 45) 123,389 345 341 178 145 6 (flies) 3 / 3 / 5 Demonic Crown
Robodian (Gold) (Lv. 42) 18,480 334 344 142 133 5 3 / - / 2 Mochi Balls
Sizath (Black) (Lv. 43) 17,044 335 339 135 136 5 2 / - / 2 Poison Bottle, Restore Pill
Yellow Morolian (Lv. 43) 16,191 324 333 164 152 5 2 / - / - Ether Pack S
Been a while since we've had a fight specifically to defeat one individual, huh? Anyways, the typical strategy will still apply here. Divide your groups into pairs and have them roam around, defeating all of the enemies. If you're not familiar with this guide by now, yes, I said defeat them all, primarily because they're basically cannon fodder and give a somewhat tolerable amount of EXP. for your characters. Afterwards, have the group converge at Riemsianne, who is in the northeast-central area. Go ahead and mess with Multi-Attacks as you want for a while, but try to at least keep one Special built up for Riemsianne. Alternatively, send someone straight to Riemsianne and drain down her HP to low numbers while the other enemies are slaughtered, then keep her at low HP until you're done.

To note, some Morolians will pop up in the pool later in the battle, having been ... kissed by Riemsianne. o_O She apparently also got it on with Coconut*Moc -- I mean Cocoa*Pebb -- I mean Coco*Tapioca. There we go. After some dialogue on Riemsianne's dating habits, the battle resumes. The previous strategy should still apply pretty well, though a few Multi-Attacks in the pool early on wouldn't kill you.

After that easy battle, Riemsianne oddly won't disappear. Evenyone gets down into the pool and tries interrogating her in vain; she simply leaves, parting with the idea that all worlds will soon be one. Soon afterwards, the remainder of the group pop in through the fountain. Everyone is obviouslly in awe in about Mii's skill.

Anyways, they catch up and get back to Mii's power. Whatever it is, it has something to do with that "key" Due wants. After some mindless chatter, the group decides to head back to the Koryuji estate -- but, hold on, what about the Bermuda reaching a supposed destination? Well, in that case, we enjoy the cruise for now.

So, anyways, the group's back together. Do as you will, fill in the Solo Units again, re-equip, save, and continue onward.

