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Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 34- Is Paris Burning Again?

So, where are we? That looks like the Arc de Triomphe in front of us, so is it France? Perhaps Erica's time, too? The group heads into the main city to try and confirm this and find the Theatre Chattes Noies. Yup, this is France, circa 1920, but without a crapload of people (or cooked snails). Still, the main problem is how a twenty-first century cruise ship brought us ninety years back in time - the worlds are becoming intertwined and patched over, I guess.

Splitting up yields nothing, other than the idea that it's just a simulation. 'Course, we suddenly find Necron and Omicon, who raise a large wall, splitting up the parties, before summoning some more monsters. Selvaria is, of course, the head of this rather-robotic snake. After some pointless banter, yielding nothing other than that we already know, some more enemies appear, led by Ciseaux obviously. (Who doesn't appear 'till later.)


Victory: Defeat all enemies
Defeat: Gemini & Erica or Ichiro & Sakura are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Start: Selvaria Bles x1, Book of Judgment x3, Necron x1, Omicon x1, Emerald Dragoon x3, Sharukurusu (Green) x3, Sharukurusu (Red) x3, Blanche x10, Jaune x6
Turn 2: Additions - Aya-me x1, Prelude x1, Kouma Kagizume x4, Kouma Sandan x5, Kouma Ekisha x8, Blanche x5, Jaune x7, Orange II x8
Allies: Mii & Kogoro, Chun-Li & Morrigan, Akira & Pai, Reiji & Xiaomu, Kite & BlackRose, Ryu & Ken, Haken & Kaguya, Jin & Xiaoyu, KOS-MOS & T-elos, Yuri & Estelle, Soma & Alisa, Dante & Demitri, Frank & Hsien-Ko, Ichiro & Sakura, Gemini & Erica, Kurt & Riela, Zephyr & Leanne, Toma & Cyrille, MegaMan X & Zero, Chris & Jill, Sänger (Solo), Arthur (Solo), Bahn (Solo), Batsu (Solo), Valkyrie (Solo), Imca (Solo), Vashyron (Solo), Neneko (Solo), Tron (Solo), Lady (Solo), Devilotte (Solo), Heihachi (Solo), Flynn (Solo), Lindow (Solo), Alisa (Solo), Rikiya (Solo), Bruno (Solo), Ulala (Solo), Saya (Solo), Juri (Solo)
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Aya-me (Lv. 47) 130,602 354 339 184 151 6 (flies) 3 / 3 / 5 Divine Implements
Blanche (Lv. 44) 19,877 347 353 136 139 5 1 / - / - Mochi Balls, Restore Pill
Blanche (Lv. 45) 20,153 351 358 137 140 5 1 / - / -
Book of Judgment (Lv. 44) 13,828 347 320 144 134 4 (flies) 1 / - / 3 Ether Pack S, Orange Gel
Book of Judgment (Lv. 45) 14,020 351 323 145 135 4 (flies) 1 / - / 3
Emerald Dragoon (Lv. 45) 19,277 351 375 130 132 5 (flies) 2 / - / 4 Ether Pack S
Jaune (Lv. 44) 19,013 347 363 144 139 5 2 / - / - Green Herb
Jaune (Lv. 45) 19,277 351 368 145 140 5 2 / - / -
Kouma Ekisha (Lv. 44) 20,742 357 337 136 134 5 (flies) 3 / - / - Restore Pill, First Aid
Kouma Kagizume (Lv. 44) 14,692 357 320 136 134 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Poison Bottle, Ether Pack S, Restore Pill
Kouma Sandan (Lv. 44) 18,149 357 320 136 134 5 (flies) 2 / - / 4 Poison Bottle, Restore Pill, Panacea Bottle
Necron (Lv. 46) 43,109 372 328 169 145 5 (flies) 3 / - / 3 Restore Pill II
Omicon (Lv. 46) 36,642 355 373 154 159 5 (flies) 3 / - / 3 Ether Pack M
Orange II (Lv. 45) 20,153 351 368 145 143 5 1 / - / 3 First Aid, Restore Pill
Prelude (Lv. 47) 124,383 362 367 163 139 6 2 / 4 / 4 Ciseaux' Scissors
Selvaria Bles (Lv. 47) 124,383 372 360 176 154 6 2 / 3 / 4 Aegis Shield
Sharukurusu (Green) (Lv. 44) 17,285 347 337 158 142 5 1 / - / - Panacea Bottle
Sharukurusu (Red) (Lv. 45) 18,401 351 341 166 143 5 1 / - / - Restore Pill
Okay, your overall party has been divided by a wall, and the party, as a whole, consists of three groups. There is one near the west corner, on the south side of the wall, another near there on the north side of the wall, and another near the east corner, north of the wall. Each group has a bunch of enemies almost right in front of them.

Divide your groups into the usual pairs or trios of Pair Units and go around, blasting the enemies. The groups north of the wall facing the Blanches and Jaunes are the only ones for now that should be using the Multi-Attacks - there are more enemies per unit here than on the other side, and they're more compact, which makes them easier to hit. I wouldn't bother using items to charge up XP, but do try to restrict your XP usage to that.

On the second turn, the dividing wall will lower, and Ciseaux will arrive, late as ever and chanting patriotic rants for the U.S. XD Of course, he comes along with his own troops. He lets slip about the big merger to come, and Kogoro uses his detective skills to deduce that Aya-me will soon come. Which Alisa soon detects. Why is he right when it's bad for us...? Anyways, Aya-me comes along with some Kouma friends.

After some mindless banter, the battle resumes. Keep up the general strategy from before, but have your units disperse a little. In other words, let's recall those eastern two groups. Send all but a couple of units from them into the huge group further south, where they can spread out (in the usual pairs) to get rid of the new batch. Multi-Attacks should be flying around, albeit preferably without the use of XP items. Always keep Ichiro & Sakura and Gemini & Erica safe, too - it's all too easy to get cornered and surrounded in this fight in a fatal manner. Either keep them out of the fray in whole, or keep a watchful eye on their HP gauges and be ready to abuse the Quicksave function. (Which idiot's idea was that, again?)

Oh. Wow. We can tell this journey's coming to a close now that some of the villains are dying off, but not without sadness from some of us. Selvaria still makes an escape, though.

So, anyways, after the battle, KOS-MOS detects no more enemies nearby. Suddenly, Zephyr notes something floating in the sky. Something big - the Tower of Tarqaron, a locale from Terca Lumieres, although it was suppose to have lost power long ago. (Big surprise, huh?) The worlds are definitely merging together.

We have to get up there somehow. Back at the Arc de Triomphe, Ichiro begins to fiddle with something and turns it into a large catapult. So, basically, we get shot up to the Tower. Obviously, it's too risky to go as one big group, so they'll split into three teams yet again.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 35- The Jet Black Messiah

Our first group has been climbing the tower for a while now, after having been shot too low by the cannon. They've spotted a bit of smoke from atop another tower, so another group probably landed there, but Erica can't contact Ichiro. Perhaps it's a jammer, given Ulala's space tech failing. Of course it's a trap.

See those monsters that just popped up? As more of them appear, Eins Belanos appears at the bottom of the stairs. After some health advice from Xiaoyu, he finally asks for Mii's location, but she's not here. Drei appears up above and, after more pointless banter, the battle begins.

Victory: Defeat all enemies
Defeat: All allies are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Start: Eins Belanos x1, Drei Belanos x1, Oros Zilva x5, Hysteric Purple x6, Hammer Golem x4, Outbreaker x2, Daybreaker x3, Gentleman x5, Gattuso x4
Later: Additions - Jedah Dohma x1, Oros Golt x5, Q-Bee x5, Red Arremer King x6, Red Arremer x2, White Arremer x3, Red Arremer Ace x7
Allies: Chun-Li & Morrigan, Reiji & Xiaomu, Gemini & Erica, Dante & Demitri, Kurt & Riela, Jin & Xiaoyu, Toma & Cyrille, Sänger (Solo), Valkyrie (Solo), Arthur (Solo), Vashyron (Solo), Bahn (Solo), Bruno (Solo), Ulala (Solo)
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Daybreaker (Lv. 46) 47,419 347 318 158 147 5 (flies) 2 / - / 3 Mochi Balls, Tiger Pancakes
Drei Belanos (Lv. 49) 132,367 366 389 165 136 6 2 / 2 / 3 Kinran Kasaya
Eins Belanos (Lv. 48) 126,064 384 354 173 155 5 2 / 2 / 3 Stubborn Craftsman
Gattuso (Lv. 44) 15,556 347 337 144 139 5 2 / - / - Restore Pill, Poison Bottle
Gentleman (Lv. 45) 21,030 368 323 130 150 5 2 / - / - Ether Pack M, Panacea Bottle
Hammer Golem (Lv. 46) 22,202 337 380 146 144 4 1 / - / - Mochi Balls, Green Herb
Hysteric Purple (Lv. 44) 12,963 340 337 136 142 5 (flies) 2 / - / - Restore Pill
Jedah Dohma (Lv. 48) 138,670 369 343 193 152 6 (flies) 2 / 3 / 4 Faerie Ring
Oros Golt (Lv. 45) 19,277 361 323 145 128 4 2 / - / 4 Green Herb
Oros Zilva (Lv. 46) 20,426 355 363 131 144 5 2 / - / 3 Mochi Balls
Outbreaker (Lv. 44) 44,053 340 310 156 144 5 (flies) 2 / - / - Mochi Balls, Restore Pill II
Q-Bee (Lv. 46) 49,575 355 335 146 155 5 (flies) 2 / - / 2 Green Herb, Mochi Balls
Red Arremer (Lv. 45) 14,896 333 323 133 150 6 (flies) 1 / - / - Ether Pack S, Restore Pill
Red Arremer Ace (Lv. 45) 20,153 351 341 140 150 6 (flies) 2 / - / - Mochi Balls, Restore Pill II
Red Arremer King (Lv. 46) 31,971 372 363 146 158 6 (flies) 2 / - / 4 Butterfly Bread
White Arremer (Lv. 47) 24,294 378 350 142 155 6 (flies) 1 / - / - Tiger Pancakes, Mochi Balls, Mage's Soul
Just keep this strategy in mind for pretty much the entire fight. At the start, send half of your group (in this case, four of seven Pair Units) down the stairs. Let them barrel through the enemies on the way to Eins as your remaining group heads upstairs and through those enemies. The paths are linear for the most part, and not to mention narrow, so Support Attacks shouldn't be hard to manage, although Multi-Attacks won't likely be effective unless they're high-Range.

As your upstairs group heads up, they'll soon reach a four-way intersection. Use the leftmost path there to get to Drei for that fight. The other two paths are connected at their top, and contain treasures, so it's a good idea to traverse them before finishing off the chapter.

To note, Jedah will appear partway through the battle, sometime around Turn 8 or whenever I reached the aforementioned fork. He'll come along with reinforcements and a bunch of random confusing babbling about the merging of the worlds. Whatever the case, go ahead and keep the current strategy; this won't change much.

After the battle, the group will approach one of the doors into the tower. After some whining about stairs, the group decides to go inside.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 36- Last Escape

Looks like this group got inside, somehow. After worrying (or hoping for the decimation) of the other group, they finally get to looking around - all they see are some minor monsters and a few ovaloid capsules. Suddenly, Skeith pops down from above alongside some mosnters, as does a Vajra and some origa-- I mean Aragami. Some Gnosis also pop in at random. What a nice mixed sack of nuts - but a lot less tasty. ... Wait a minute. >_>;;

Tron suddenly gets an idea. A bad idea - she thinks that the capsules are embryonic chambers, used to raise and breed monsters. Of course, a Servbot is told to break one open, releasing a monster. Well, that explains how these got here.

Start: Destroy all twelve of the yellow egg-shaped cultivation capsules
Later: Defeat all three of the Nemesis T-Type enemies
Defeat: Chris & Jill are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Start: Vajra x1, Skeith x1, Hysteric Purple x3, Daybreaker x1, Nightbreaker x3, Gentleman x3, F Cocoon Maiden (F) x3, Fallen Zygote (F) x2, Statue Menhir x1, Sphinx Menhir x2, Armaros x3, Expression x3, Glare x4
Capsule Enemies: Fallen Zygote (F) x1, Statue Menhir x1, Headless King x1, Fallen Kongou x1
Later: Additions - Nemesis T-Type x3, Tyrant T-002 x2, Super Tyrant x3
Allies: Akira & Pai, Frank & Hsien-Ko, Soma & Alisa, Kite & BlackRose, Haken & Kaguya, KOS-MOS & T-elos, Chris & Jill, Heihachi (Solo), Juri (Solo), Tron (Solo), Lady, Batsu (Solo), Devilotte (Solo), Rikiya (Solo)
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Armaros (Lv. 46) 90,528 372 363 169 152 5 2 / - / 4 First Aid Spray, Apple Gel, Tiger Pancakes
Daybreaker (Lv. 43) 45,509 335 306 155 144 5 (flies) 2 / - / 3 Mochi Balls, Tiger Pancakes
Expression (Lv. 45) 14,020 368 375 159 131 4 3 / - / - Cure Kit, Panacea Bottle
Fallen Kongou (Lv. 44) 58,738 364 337 136 135 4 3 / - / 2 Apple Gel, Tiger Pancakes
Fallen Zygote (F) (Lv. 44) 12,963 336 337 151 142 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Poison Bottle, Ether Pack S, Lemon Gel
F Cocoon Maiden (F) (Lv. 45) 13,143 333 313 166 135 0 6 / - / 3 Ether Pack S
Gentleman (Lv. 46) 21,314 372 328 131 151 5 2 / - / - Ether Pack M, Panacea Bottle
Glare (Lv. 44) 14,692 364 370 158 130 4 3 / - / - Panacea Bottle
Headless King (Lv. 46) 22,202 365 380 138 139 4 2 / - / 3 Mochi Balls, Butterfly Bread
Hysteric Purple (Lv. 43) 12,783 335 333 135 141 5 (flies) 2 / - / - Restore Pill
Hysteric Purple (Lv. 44) 12,963 340 337 136 142 5 (flies) 2 / - / -
Nemesis T-Type (Lv. 46) 128,818 358 380 171 135 6 3 / 3 / 4 Restore Pill II
Nemesis T-Type (Lv. 48) 132,367 366 389 173 137 6 3 / 3 / 4
Nightbreaker (Lv. 44) 48,249 340 310 156 147 5 (flies) 3 / - / 3 Ether Pack S, Mochi Balls
Skeith (Lv. 48) 138,670 366 371 180 152 6 (flies) 4 / 4 / 3 Sora's Blades
Sphinx Menhir (Lv. 45) 20,329 358 389 145 138 4 2 / - / 3 Restore Pill, Panacea Bottle
Statue Menhir (Lv. 43) 18,918 324 359 150 129 4 2 / - / 2 N/A
Super Tyrant (Lv. 45) 53,170 368 358 145 129 5 3 / - / - Lemon Gel, Tiger Pancakes
Tyrant T-002 (Lv. 44) 48,249 364 370 144 128 5 2 / - / - Ether Pack M
Vajra (Lv. 48) 144,973 373 346 156 152 6 2 / 4 / 4 Upgrade Parts: HP
Firstly, how to destroy the capsules? You simply need to move next to it and press the Y Button, like normal stuff - you don't even need Tron as part of the unit to do it. Generally, enemies won't pop out and you can go about your business as normal; however, on the off-chance that an enemy comes out, the unit causing this will be put on Standby. There are twelve capsules total. Note how four each are centered around Skeith and the Vajra, so you pretty much have to fight them.

Still, although your only real goal is to shatter all of the capsules, I nonetheless recommend actually going for all of the enemies - extra items and EXP. is good enough reason to me. Divide your group up into the usual pairs and go around the arena, shattering the capsules along the sides of the path. Three lie in the area just around you start, four around Skeith, four around the Vajra, then one to the north of where you start (use the staircase right of Skeith or left of the Vajra and go along the path to it).

Of course, it won't be that simple - as you near that big central egg, some Resident Evil monsters, including two Nemeses, will appear. Suddenly, that final egg will break open, revealing another one - or, wait, it's the first one! I would recommend saving this bit of the battle for last so you have fewer enemies riding on your coattails. At that point, have everyone simply converge on the T-Types and their cronies and let loose with Multi-Attacks and Specials as desired.

After the battle, we note that Tron has made the capsules so that they'll be unusable for a while. Question is, was the final boss (of this chapter) behind it all? Zombies in general barely have any intelligence - tenacity, sure, but not brains beyond what they eat. So, who helped him - or just flat-out orchastrated this whole mess? Probably someone from Oros Phlox, obviously.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 37- For the Nostalgic Future

Meanwhile, our remaining group arrives in an area that oddly reminds me of Dragonspiral Tower from Pokémon Black/White. >_> There, Yuri claims to know this place, which is where he fought his nemesis before. (Hope it's not a Nemesis.) The group decides to clear the monsters, who include Adephagos, out of the room so they can continue on to find their friends ... if they're even alive.

Somehow, Neneko and some others make it in, all claiming to have survived because of their various fighting moves. *rolls eyes* Gotta like X's response, though - "I can hover." XD A few responses that actually make sense, and a bunch of random crap. Anyways, the group's glad to be united (to some extent), and feels like fightin'.

Wait, hold on, if X can hover, and these guys can fly with their fighting moves, why the heck can't any of them cross gaps!?

Victory: Defeat all enemies
Defeat: Mii & Kogoro or MegaMan X & Zero are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Start: Hysteric Purple x2, Hammer Golem x6, Daybreaker x1, Nightbreaker x2, Blood Doll Omega x4, Dolled-Up Dwellest x2, Safety Dwellest x4, Tar Man x1, Vibrant Tar Man x1
Later: Due Flabellum x1, Oros Rosa x4, Byakuya X x4
Later: Feydoom (orb, blue) x2, Feydoom (orb, gold) x3, Feydoom (column, red) x2, Feydoom (column, green) x4, Vile & Ride Armor x1, Ride Armor (Red) x2, Ride Armor (Green) x2
NOTE: As usual, "Vile & Ride Armor" becomes plain "Vile" upon defeat
Allies: Mii & Kogoro, Zephyr & Leanne, Ryu & Ken, Ichiro & Sakura, Yuri & Estelle, MegaMan X & Zero, Alisa (Solo), Flynn (Solo), Lindow (Solo), Saya (Solo), Neneko (Solo), Imca (Solo)
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Blood Doll Omega (Lv. 45) 17,525 351 341 145 135 5 2 / - / 3 Restore Pill
Blood Doll Omega (Lv. 46) 17,762 355 346 146 136 5 2 / - / 3
Byakuya X (Lv. 46) 90,528 372 380 146 130 5 (flies) 4 / - / 6 Lemon Gel, Restore Pill II, Mochi Balls
Daybreaker (Lv. 44) 46,151 340 310 156 145 5 (flies) 2 / - / 3 Mochi Balls, Tiger Pancakes
Dolled-Up Dwellest (Lv. 45) 21,030 343 358 145 128 4 1 / - / - Mochi Balls
Due Flabellum (Lv. 48) 132,367 366 371 177 152 6 3 / 3 / 4 Basho Fan
Feydoom (column, green) (Lv. 44) 14,692 347 347 136 142 5 (flies) 3 / - / - Restore Pill
Feydoom (column, red) (Lv. 44) 12,963 347 347 136 142 5 (flies) 2 / - / - Restore Pill, Cure Kit
Feydoom (orb, blue) (Lv. 44) 15,556 347 337 144 149 5 (flies) 2 / - / - Green Herb, Restore Pill, Poison Bottle, First Aid
Feydoom (orb, gold) (Lv. 44) 16,420 347 337 144 149 5 (flies) 3 / - / - Ether Pack S, First Aid
Hammer Golem (Lv. 46) 22,202 337 380 146 144 4 1 / - / - Mochi Balls, Green Herb
Hysteric Purple (Lv. 44) 12,963 340 337 136 142 5 (flies) 2 / - / - Restore Pill
Nightbreaker (Lv. 45) 48,916 343 313 157 148 5 (flies) 3 / - / 3 Ether Pack S, Mochi Balls
Nightbreaker (Lv. 46) 49,575 347 318 158 149 5 (flies) 3 / - / 3
Oros Rosa (Lv. 45) 16,648 343 341 145 150 5 (flies) 2 / - / 3 Tiger Pancakes
Ride Armor (Green) (Lv. 46) 22,202 362 311 138 132 5 2 / - / - Mage's Soul, Green Herb
Ride Armor (Red) (Lv. 46) 20,426 362 311 131 132 5 1 / - / - First Aid, Green Herb
Safety Dwellest (Lv. 46) 23,090 355 373 138 129 4 3 / - / 3 Mochi Balls, Restore Pill II
Tar Man (Lv. 46) 64,663 365 380 146 137 5 2 / - / 3 Lemon Gel
Vibrant Tar Man 69,883 370 385 155 138 5 3 / - / 3 First Aid Spray
Vile (Lv. 48) 136,149 366 382 161 156 6 3 / 3 / 4 Special Gel
Vile & Ride Armor (Lv. 48) 84,056 382 354 156 139 5 2 / - / 3 Tiger Pancakes
Strategically, this battle should be pretty easy, if but to start off with. You're still divided into the two groups, though. Each group can go along their narrow path to abuse Support Attacks pretty easily - you probably shouldn't have to put any effort into that. Just have your groups barrel along and through the enemies to the center. As a footnote, your late-arriving group will reach a fork early on; have them go along the upbound path first to clear out some more enemies before going to the center.

In general, don't worry about Multi-Attacks; the space is too narrow to make them of much use unless they're high-Range. Rather, spend it on Specials early on, and/or save the XP for when you reach the center to start blazing Multi-Attacks.

Of course, after some time, Due will arrive alongside some monsters, although claiming to not have expected you. After some pointless talking on Mii's power and what Due knows about it, Due ponders as to whether Mii is able to now "accept" the Portalstone. For now, though, its user and the stone itself are too weak to do much of use to Oros Phlox. Well, whatever. Before the conversation can get more confusing, Due summons some more enemies.

Still, don't let this (first) new development alter your strategy all too much, though I do recommend sidetracking around to shatter the Byakuyas. They'll be a pain if you don't, with their wide Multi-Attack range.

Our second development will occur around the time you destroy the last Byakuya, which should be around Turn 10. Then Vile will arrive alongside a few Ride Armors, just northeast of the center (whereas Due is to the southwest). Of course, he's come to get rid X and Zero, and Vile decides to show off another new skill of his - he can summon the Feydooms, despite he and them no longer being in The World. Oof.

Anyways... Most of your party is probably down in the center of the arena by now. For this finale, it will suffice to divide up into pairs as usual and go around and eliminate the rest of the enemies. It would be a good idea to save XP for Specials on bosses or Multi-Attacks when near them, since the enemy populous tends to be dense around 'em.

After the battle, Zero notes that the only way to the top of the tower - remember, Due said it was basically her next destination - is from the outside. (Reminds me so much of Terranigma.) First, though, they look at the elevator, which seems to work well enough - Reiji and Xiaomu and their group arrive. After stories are swapped, the remainder of the group runs in and more stories are swapped.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 38- The Puppet King

We find the sky from the roof to be rather odd-looking, and it has a weird effect on those looking at it, as if some kind of demonic angst. Yup, "demonic" is the right word, seeing as it comes from the demon world. This power is not the usual kind, though - it's been asleep for a long time, sealed away by Dante's father, Sparda. Suddenly, something else is spotted up above.

The sky is ripping, and through it is seen the demon world - not unlike what probably happened with Terca Lumieris. It was also here that Yuri had fought the Adephagos - an ancient disaster - in the sky. The merging is occuring pretty quickly, although one thing is unique - a force is being sucked into the demon world and not being balanced. Dante can sync his own force with those being sucked in, like at the Temen-ni-gru (the demon/human worlds' link), to get them in there. Dante gets a bunch of the group to help - it's "gonna be one damn bumpy ride".

Everything's ... monochrome. Odd. It's looks like it worked though, and there are demons hanging around - something's up. The group notes the door nearby and how Jedah's probably down there, deep in the demon world. Suddenly, KOS-MOS notes that someone is coming - Seth! He comes by and summons some Tyrants, but is mildly surprised when he hears of the death of the Nemesis.

Seth then tells the group about what's happening in Japan - rifts are opening all across the islands, all coming from the Koryuji estate. All just so Seth can get advanced technology from other worlds and overcome his rival. Seth prepares to go off to some massive energy storage thing, but first summons V-Dural and apparently decides to fight you to collect some combat data.

However, it doesn't look like you'll fight with your whole entourage - Morrigan suddenly senses a powerful surge of magic from beyond the nearby doorway. It could be Jedah beyond that door. We could get him, but then Seth is free to do as he will... Jin wisely (or unwisely?) suggests that Dante and half of the group go down after Jedah, which they soon do.

Victory: Defeat all enemies
Defeat: All allies are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Start: Seth x1, V-Dural x1, V-Dural (Statue) x3, Sin Scissors x7, Hell Pride x2, Hell Wrath x3, Bloody Mari x2, Marionette (Purple) x2, Marionette (Green) x3, Tyrant T-002 x2, Super Tyrant x3
Later: Additions - Dokugozu x1, Dokumezu x1, Coco*Tapioca x1, Master Medusa x4, Dark Stalker x3, Dark Serpent x3, Purple Morolian x2, Yellow Morolian x2, Blue Morolian x2
Allies: Chun-Li & Morrigan, Reiji & Xiaomu, Ryu & Ken, Yuri & Estelle, KOS-MOS & T-elos, Akira & Pai, Kite & BlackRose, Haken & Kaguya, Jin & Xiaoyu, MegaMan X & Zero, Heihachi (Solo), Alisa (Solo), Flynn (Solo), Saya (Solo), Juri (Solo), Tron (Solo), Batsu (Solo), Bahn (Solo), Bruno (Solo), Ulala (Solo)
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Bloody Mari (Lv. 48) 18,228 364 371 155 138 5 1 / - / - Green Herb
Blue Morolian (Lv. 48) 17,316 345 354 170 157 5 2 / - / - Panacea Bottle
Coco*Tapioca (Lv. 50) 139,728 375 326 163 143 6 2 / 4 / 4 Space Electric Guitar
Dark Serpent (Lv. 48) 20,050 364 354 155 153 5 2 / - / - Restore Pill
Dark Stalker (Lv. 47) 18,895 360 339 151 149 5 2 / - / -
Dokugozu (Lv. 50) 106,089 375 373 163 143 6 2 / 2 / 3 Gargoyle
Dokumezu (Lv. 50) 100,914 386 363 179 155 6 3 / 3 / 3 Sword of Shiranui
Hell Pride (Lv. 49) 21,226 357 340 149 147 5 1 / - / - Green Herb
Hell Wrath (Lv. 48) 13,671 364 354 155 153 5 1 / - / 2 Ether Pack S
Marionette (Green) (Lv. 48) 20,050 364 371 155 138 5 2 / - / - Cure Kit
Marionette (Purple) (Lv. 48) 19,139 364 371 155 138 5 2 / - / - Restore Pill, Cure Kit
Master Medusa (Lv. 49) 21,226 369 393 171 147 5 3 / - / - Ether Pack S, Ether Pack M
Purple Morolian (Lv. 48) 17,316 345 354 170 157 5 2 / - / - Restore Pill
Seth (Lv. 50) 139,728 382 381 179 151 6 2 / 3 / 4 Tandem Engine
Sin Scissors (Lv. 48) 18,228 364 336 148 150 5 (flies) 3 / - / - Green Herb
Super Tyrant (Lv. 49) 55,996 387 375 149 133 5 3 / - / - Lemon Gel, Tiger Pancakes
Tyrant T-002 (Lv. 48) 50,876 382 389 148 132 5 2 / - / - Ether Pack M
V-Dural (Lv. 50) 135,846 393 373 163 151 6 2 / 2 / 3 First Aid Spray
V-Dural (Statue) (Lv. 50) 122,909 375 355 163 151 6 2 / 2 / 3 Restore Pill II
Yellow Morolian (Lv. 48) 17,316 345 354 170 157 5 2 / - / - Ether Pack S
The terrain here is linear and relatively narrow, so managing Support Attacks won't be much of a problem. The enemies are also relatively weak for the most part; only the Tyrants, Seth, and V-Durals should require multiple battles, even with the Support/Solo combo - and those are the ones you should obviously be slapping Specials on anyways.

Our main problem initially is where you should send everyone, as you lay right a fork between stairs. First defeat the nearby enemies, then send a three or four Pair Units down the downbound staircase to the end of the short path at the end of which you'll find a V-Dural statue - trust me on this, it'll get harder soon enough. Have everyone else go along the other path, the V-Dural fighters following when done. From there on out, it's just barreling through the enemy forces, so you shouldn't have much of a problem.

Not long into the fight, though, Dokugozu and Dokumezu will pop up with some reinforcements. They claim to have been kissed by Riemsianne, and therefore are now under her control. (Geez, what happened to standards? Or the laws against semi-bestiality?) Riemsianne ain't appearin', though, so she's probably with Jedah (kissing him, perhaps?). ... Oh, yeah, and can't forget the Morolians and Coco*Tapioca. Relevance to the battle at hand has flown out the door along with Mii, and me. *slam*

Anyways, awkwardness aside, the new appearances won't change the aforementioned strategy much, so have at it.

Whelp, that's a lot of death. After the battle, the group returns to the demon world doorway, where the flow of power has changed little. Just as the group opts to go through, more monsters arrive and they decide to fight once more.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 39- Devils Never Cry

Meanwhile, we find our other group in some freaky place - some freaky pink pulsating freaking cave. (Did I mention that it's freakin' freaky?) Just nearby, a devil embryo is spotted - that's never good. Meanwhile, Jedah appears, mentioning that this is the body of their god, being used to receive souls Jedah gathers.

Jedah particularly wanted Morrigan's soul for the eventual "salvation" that will amount to him absorbing every soul in the world. Of course, that itself basically means death, for you included. It is now pretty clear why everywhere we went we found pretty much no one - Jedah had opened a number of pathways in the worlds before and during the merger to feed this ... thing souls.

"It is said that all of life was one, long ago," says Jedah. He intends to return life to this state of singularity and address the sins of the demon world. After some banter, Jedah leaves and we contemplate just blasting the embryo now. Of course, Astaroth would be nearby, as would Astaroth, and their numerous minions.

Well, not so numerous.

Victory: Defeat all enemies
Defeat: Dante & Demitri are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Enemies: Astaroth x2, Shielder x2, Red Arremer King x5, Red Arremer x1, White Arremer x3, Red Arremer Ace x4
Allies: Mii & Kogoro, Frank & Hsien-Ko, Soma & Alisa, Gemini & Erica, Zephyr & Leanne, Ichiro & Sakura, Dante & Demitri, Kurt & Riela, Toma & Cyrille, Chris & Jill, Lindow (Solo), Sänger (Solo), Valkyrie (Solo), Neneko (Solo), Lady (Solo), Arthur (Solo), Devilotte (Solo), Imca (Solo), Vashyron (Solo), Rikiya (Solo)

Strategically, this fight can be handled pretty similarly to other battles. Split your party of ten into five pairs and go about, spamming Support/Solo Attack combos on everyone. When possible, you'll want to abuse Multi-Attacks, and when it gets down to pretty much just the boss enemies, build up the XP for Specials. It's nothing unique over the past few dozen battles, to be honest, so you shouldn't really need to know this. >_>

The battle won't end there, though. After the defeat of all of the enemies siding with Astaroth, Riemsianne appears with her own entourage, fashionably late. After some mindless rambling, Selvaria Bles also appears with some demons, rambles on for a bit, and the battle resumes.

Victory: Defeat all enemies
Defeat: Dante & Demitri are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Enemies: Selvaria Bles x1, Riemsianne La Vaes x1, Succubus x2, Master Medusa x3, Dark Stalker x3, Dark Serpent x3, High Bermuda Gang x3
Allies: Mii & Kogoro, Frank & Hsien-Ko, Soma & Alisa, Gemini & Erica, Zephyr & Leanne, Ichiro & Sakura, Dante & Demitri, Kurt & Riela, Toma & Cyrille, Chris & Jill, Lindow (Solo), Sänger (Solo), Valkyrie (Solo), Neneko (Solo), Lady (Solo), Arthur (Solo), Devilotte (Solo), Imca (Solo), Vashyron (Solo), Rikiya (Solo)

As a note, character status, including HP and KO, and the turn count from the previous battle will carry over.

As well as can be said, so should the strategy. Continue barreling through the enemies in the pair configurations from before. Multi-Attacks are a nice idea, but you'll probably want to start building up XP for Specials on Selvaria and Riemsianne near the end of the battle (last four or so enemies). Or you can always just make someone whittle down their HP constantly.

After that slaughter, which primarily involves Toma and Cyrille allowing the use of the Geo-Fortress to get Riemsianne and Selvaria back to their homes, Jedah appears again, his preparations complete. With Astaroth dead, and Riemsianne AWOL, it is time to awaken the demon spirit - but first, battle. Jedah first summons Lord Raptor and some mindless banter happens.

Meanwhile, the group discusses how best to destroy the demon spirit - they settle on the idea of using explosives when it fills up on energy. Jedah claims that such efforts will be in vain - not unlike the Keyblade wielders in Kingdom Hearts, our little entourage has harvested many hundreds of souls already from the monsters they've beaten.

Given this latest nourishment, Jedah predicts that the demon will awaken in eight minutes. He summons a large number of monsters.

Victory: Defeat Jedah within eight turns
Defeat: Dante & Demitri are defeated; fail to defeat Jedah in eight turns
Enemies: Jedah Dohma x1, Lord Raptor x1, Armaros x3, Glare x4, Q-Bee x5, Tyrant T-002 x2, Super Tyrant x2, Ooze x3, Zombie (Blue) x1, Zombie (Red) x1, Zombie (Purple) x1, Ebitan x4, Hedrin x3
Allies: Mii & Kogoro, Frank & Hsien-Ko, Soma & Alisa, Gemini & Erica, Zephyr & Leanne, Ichiro & Sakura, Dante & Demitri, Kurt & Riela, Toma & Cyrille, Chris & Jill, Lindow (Solo), Sänger (Solo), Valkyrie (Solo), Neneko (Solo), Lady (Solo), Arthur (Solo), Devilotte (Solo), Imca (Solo), Vashyron (Solo), Rikiya (Solo)
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Armaros (Lv. 48) 92,904 382 371 171 154 5 2 / - / 4 First Aid Spray, Apple Gel, Tiger Pancakes
Ebitan (Lv. 47) 12,597 342 343 139 137 5 1 / - / - Ether Pack S, Orange Gel, Restore Pill
Ebitan (Lv. 48) 12,759 345 346 140 138 5 1 / - / -
Glare (Lv. 48) 15,493 382 389 162 134 4 3 / - / - Panacea Bottle
Hedrin (Lv. 47) 14,396 352 332 139 137 5 1 / - / - Poison Bottle
Hedrin (Lv. 49) 14,766 361 340 141 139 5 1 / - / -
Jedah Dohma (Lv. 50) 142,315 378 352 195 155 6 (flies) 2 / 3 / 4 Hell King's Wing
Lord Raptor (Lv. 50) 122,909 367 355 163 147 6 2 / 2 / 3 N/A
Ooze (Lv. 47) 15,296 349 339 132 133 5 2 / - / - Restore Pill, Green Herb
Q-Bee (Lv. 48) 50,876 364 343 148 157 5 (flies) 2 / - / 2 Green Herb, Mochi Balls
Super Tyrant (Lv. 49) 55,996 387 375 149 133 5 3 / - / - Lemon Gel, Tiger Pancakes
Tyrant T-002 (Lv. 48) 50,876 382 389 148 132 5 2 / - / - Ether Pack M
Zombie (Blue) (Lv. 47) 13,497 342 332 135 133 4 1 / - / - Panacea Bottle, Poison Bottle
Zombie (Purple) (Lv. 47) 14,396 342 350 135 133 4 1 / - / - Restore Pill
Zombie (Red) (Lv. 47) 14,396 342 332 135 133 5 1 / - / - Ether Pack S
As before, character status/HP/etc. and the turn count will be carried over from the previous battle. That's also why I did not name a specific turn under the "Victory" conditions, as it depends on how the previous battle ended.

Okay, strategically, you need to change goals now. Instead of simply seeking to eliminate all enemies, we will need to focus on eliminating just the one, lone Jedah. Send all of your party his way, moving as far as possible each turn. Use "Nullify ZOC" skills as much as you can so the enemies won't block you, and use Range-increasers like Ichiro & Sakura's "Cpt. Command: Wind" so you won't be inhibited. Going as far as possible, you should then try to let out a Multi-Attack to rid yourself of upcoming nuisances.

Once Jedah is reached, whittle down his HP until there's only a little bit left. From there, keep one Pair Unit alongside him at all times, while the others do go around and eliminate the other enemies for EXP. and items. Once the turn the game indicated is reached, finish off Jedah.

After the battle, Jedah now tries to simply convince everyone to join into the one spirit for their own salvation. Of course, this is in vain and Jedah eventually just goes "poof". As he does, though, the area begins to quake - the spirit body thingy is taking in Jedah's soul!

What's worse is that Lord Raptor is now interrupting the process, taking in Jedah's soul himself!! o_o; ... Well, never mind then. Turns out that Jedah's soul was too much for Raptor and he, too, goes "poof". Well, that worked out pretty well for now.

Meanwhile, the other group enters and things almost become too friendly before the area shakes again. It's not quite as simple as one might think, though - the dimension itself is warping, soon to be swallowed by a rift. Mii gets the group out of there...

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Chapter 40- Treasure on the Boundary Line

Back at the Koryuji estate, the group decides to investigate whatever is under the damn fountain that started this whole dimensional rift mess. Suddenly, the fountain tilts downward and slides away to reveal a staircase. Odds are, it has something to do with Oros Phlox, if just Due. Well, might as well...

At the bottom, we indeed find Due. She welcomes you to this, the nexus and crossing point of all worlds. Her friends, Drei and Eins Belanos also give you a welcome, as does that Portalstone nearby. Yeah, she moved it all of 100 feet. Suddenly, from an unknown location, a voice speaks: "Oros Phlox was born in order to get that stone back from you." It is found that the source is Due's husband, Meden. He speaks on, noting that his plan to take it back and use it is almost complete - its powers just need to be released at the proper time and place. A new dimensional rift will be opened...

We somehow get off that subject and go from that to the birth of the Belanoses then to Mii's power to... Who the heck just appeared? It looks like T-elos, Sänger, Heihachi, Alisa (android one), Saya, and Juri, but not quite. It soon is drawn out that the Portalstone took the clones' images from the human mind, the powers to which exist no limit.

More and more appear, obviously implying that simple brute force won't win the day here - we have to do something about the stone. Whatever the reason, our intended opponents flee, leaving us to battle.

(I think "Attack of the Clones" would've been a better name for this chapter. >_>)

Victory: Defeat all enemies
Defeat: All allies are defeated; 99 Turns are exceeded
Enemies: Heihachi x4, Alisa x4, Saya x4, Sänger x4, T-elos x4, Juri Han x4
Allies: Mii & Kogoro, Chun-Li & Morrigan, Akira & Pai, Reiji & Xiaomu, Kite & BlackRose, Ryu & Ken, Haken & Kaguya, Jin & Xiaoyu, KOS-MOS & T-elos, Yuri & Estelle, Soma & Alisa, Dante & Demitri, Frank & Hsien-Ko, Ichiro & Sakura, Gemini & Erica, Kurt & Riela, Zephyr & Leanne, Toma & Cyrille, MegaMan X & Zero, Chris & Jill, Sänger (Solo), Arthur (Solo), Bahn (Solo), Batsu (Solo), Valkyrie (Solo), Imca (Solo), Vashyron (Solo), Neneko (Solo), Tron (Solo), Lady (Solo), Devilotte (Solo), Heihachi (Solo), Flynn (Solo), Lindow (Solo), Alisa (Solo), Rikiya (Solo), Bruno (Solo), Ulala (Solo), Saya (Solo), Juri (Solo)
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Alisa (Lv. 49) 108,569 363 375 170 149 6 (flies) 3 / 3 / 3 Ether Pack S
Alisa (Lv. 51) 111,357 371 388 172 152 6 (flies) 3 / 3 / 3
Heihachi (Lv. 49) 99,628 389 358 170 153 6 2 / 2 / 3 Restore Pill II
Heihachi (Lv. 51) 102,187 397 370 172 156 6 2 / 2 / 3
Juri Han (Lv. 49) 95,796 378 358 178 159 6 2 / 2 / 3 Restore Pill II, Ether Pack S
Juri Han (Lv. 51) 98,256 386 370 180 162 6 2 / 2 / 3
Sänger (Lv. 49) 108,569 382 375 170 141 6 2 / 3 / - Mochi Balls, Ether Pack S
Sänger (Lv. 51) 111,357 390 388 172 144 6 2 / 3 / -
Saya (Lv. 49) 102,183 371 350 186 156 6 2 / 2 / 3 Mochi Balls, Restore Pill II, Pineapple Gel
Saya (Lv. 51) 104,807 379 362 188 159 6 2 / 2 / 3
T-elos (Lv. 49) 104,737 389 350 162 156 6 2 / 2 / 4 Ether Pack S, First Aid, Mochi Balls, Butterfly Bread
T-elos (Lv. 51) 107,427 397 362 164 159 6 2 / 2 / 4
Yeah, this is going to be pleasant. Real freaking pleasant. >_<

To be honest, there's not going to be a whole lot you can do, strategically, beyond the effective version of flailing your arms in a slap-fight. These guys are pretty likely to kill you, so I'd recommend abusing the Quicksave function at the start of every turn - since the file never erases until overwritten, and you are allowed to continue playing after Quicksaving, you can make dying a lot less of a pain.

Ideally, you'll want to divide up into group of three Pair Units and have each group focus in on some clone. Beat his or her sorry butt and move on. The use of Multi-Attacks here is highly discouraged - it's better to do 25,000 damage to one person than 10,000 each to four. The less you have to deal with, and the sooner that's achieved, the better - reserve XP only for Counter/Defend Responses, rescues, and Specials.

It's not an elegant strategy, but it'll suffice. By the way, I'd go ahead and check all of the chests in the area - two, notably, had a Special Gel and a Strange Syrup for me. Those are two amazing items that could be immensely helpful in an emergency.

After that lengthy brawl, we finally get back the Portalstone - much bigger than I thought it was for someone to have simply stolen it. Oros Phlox is nowhere to be seen, and the stone doesn't really have anything wrong with it, so the group decides to take it back ... before realizing it probably won't do any good, what with the clones and Oros Phlox's persistence and all.

Suddenly, Mii's body is engulfed in a fiery glow and the ground begins to quake. The Portalstone glows a neon blue and...

Intermission time! Re-equip people, etc., save, and move on.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Epilogue- Wings of the Wanderers (part 1)

Suddenly, we find Mii and Kogoro alone on some blue stones. Ooh la la~! >_>
But where the hell are we? Kogoro posits that the area changed around them, given how it all feels the same as the underground chamber. Suddenly, Due speaks - "This is the final stop, and the point of departure." She, Meden, and the Belanos brothers materialize at the top of the structure, saying that the rest of the party has been trapped in some sort of limbo - and you'll join them soon. In exactly 15 minutes at that.
At that point, the laws of space and time and the dimensional boundaries will change - the worlds will merge, and what we've experienced insofar will become the norm. The Portalstone will soon set it off; Mii's powers are no longer needed. Mii tries to do ... I dunno, something with her powers, but fails. Apparently, our enemies are also invulnerable. We have to go it alone, against all the odds...
Or do we? Suddenly, our group comes in, piece by piece by piece - but how? Due theorizes that Mii actually succeeded in what she was doing just moments before, if but partially - only part of our entourage is here.
Remove Meden's protective barrier by using Standby next to it with Mii & Kogoro by Turn 15's end
Then defeat Meden and save the world
Defeat: All allies are defeated; fail to remove Meden's barrier in 15 turns
Start: Eins Belanos x1, Drei Belanos x1, Oros Avius x6, Oros Rosa x2, Oros Serpus x2, Oros Golt x2
Turn 3: Additions - Dokugozu x1, Dokumezu x1, Phantom x1, Seth x1, Lord Raptor x1, Vile x1, Nemesis T-Type x1, Shielder x1, V-Dural x1, Prelude x1
Later: Additions - Meden Traore x1, Vajra x1, Astaroth x1, Riemsianne x1, Coco*Tapioca x1, Oros Avius x2, Oros Rosa x2, Oros Primus x2, Oros Zilva x2, Oros Serpus x1, Oros Golt x1
Finale: Additions - Due Flabellum x1, Vajra x1, Skeith Zero x1, Jedah Dohma x1, Astaroth x1, Aya-me x1, Selvaria Bles x1, Riemsianne x1, Coco*Tapioca x1, Oros Avius x4, Oros Rosa x2, Oros Primus x4, Oros Zilva x4, Oros Serpus x2, Oros Golt x2
Start: Mii & Kogoro, Akira & Pai, Ryu & Ken, Jin & Xiaoyu, Heihachi (Solo), Batsu (Solo), Bahn (Solo)
Turn 3: Additions - Zephyr & Leanne, Dante & Demitri, KOS-MOS & T-elos, MegaMan X & Zero, Chris & Jill, Chun-Li & Morrigan, Frank & Hsien-Ko, Soma & Alisa, Vashyron (Solo), Bruno (Solo), Rikiya (Solo), Lindow (Solo), Tron (Solo), Juri (Solo), Lady (Solo), Devilotte (Solo)
Later: Additions - Kurt & Riela, Toma & Cyrille, Reiji & Xiaomu, Gemini & Erica, Kite & BlackRose, Ichiro & Sakura, Haken & Kaguya, Yuri & Estelle, Imca (Solo), Arthur (Solo), Ulala (Solo), Alisa (Solo), Flynn (Solo), Saya (Solo), Sänger (Solo), Valkyrie (Solo), Neneko (Solo)
Name Max HP ATK DEF TEC SPD Move Range A / S / M-Atk. Ranges Item Drops
Astaroth (Lv. 54) 142,595 414 408 183 141 6 4 / 5 / 5 Restore Pill II
Aya-me (Lv. 54) 129,014 394 370 192 159 6 (flies) 3 / 3 / 5 ???
Coco*Tapioca (Lv. 54) 133,088 402 343 167 147 6 2 / 4 / 4 First Aid Spray
Dokugozu (Lv. 54) 97,779 402 393 167 147 6 2 / 2 / 3 Mochi Balls
Dokumezu (Lv. 54) 92,347 414 382 183 159 6 3 / 3 / 3 Restore Pill II
Drei Belanos (Lv. 55) 144,238 395 424 173 143 6 2 / 2 / 3 First Aid Spray
Due Flabellum (Lv. 55) 144,238 395 405 184 160 6 3 / 3 / 4 ???
Eins Belanos (Lv. 55) 137,370 414 386 181 163 6 2 / 2 / 3 Ether Pack L
Jedah Dohma (Lv. 54) 135,805 406 370 200 159 6 (flies) 2 / 3 / 4 ???
Lord Raptor (Lv. 54) 115,434 394 374 167 151 6 2 / 2 / 3 Ether Pack M
Meden Traore (Lv. 56) 277,836 426 429 194 157 0 (flies) 10 / 12 / 8 N/A
Nemesis T-Type (Lv. 54) 149,385 402 420 180 144 6 3 / 3 / 4 Lemon Gel
Oros Avius (Lv. 53) 15,484 366 378 153 159 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Ether Pack S
Oros Golt (Lv. 54) 21,531 401 362 154 137 4 2 / - / 4 Green Herb
Oros Primus (Lv. 53) 20,322 386 389 137 152 5 1 / - / - Green Herb, Cure Kit
Oros Rosa (Lv. 54) 18,595 382 382 154 160 5 (flies) 1 / - / - Tiger Pancakes
Oros Serpus (Lv. 53) 19,355 397 359 153 136 4 1 / - / - Green Herb, Panacea Bottle, Restore Pill
Oros Zilva (Lv. 54) 22,510 390 401 138 153 5 2 / - / 3 Mochi Balls
Phantom (Lv. 54) 115,434 402 427 175 142 6 (flies) 2 / 3 / 4 Lemon Gel
Prelude (Lv. 54) 122,224 402 401 170 147 6 2 / 4 / 4 Ether Pack M
Riemsianne La Vaes (Lv. 54) 124,940 394 382 188 155 6 (flies) 3 / 3 / 5 Pineapple Gel
Selvaria Bles (Lv. 54) 122,224 414 393 183 162 6 2 / 3 / 4 ???
Seth (Lv. 54) 133,088 410 401 183 155 6 2 / 3 / 4 Lemon Gel
Shielder (Lv. 54) 115,434 406 401 158 147 6 4 / 4 / 3 Mochi Balls
Skeith Zero (Lv. 54) 149,385 485 401 187 159 6 (flies) 4 / 4 / 3 ???
Vajra (Lv. 54) 135,805 410 374 161 159 6 2 / 4 / 4 First Aid Spray
V-Dural (Lv. 54) 129,014 422 393 167 155 6 2 / 2 / 3 Restore Pill II
Vile (Lv. 54) 133,088 402 412 167 164 6 3 / 3 / 4 Tiger Pancakes
Let's first acquaint ourselves with our situation. We have 15 turns to eliminate that barrel at the top of ... whatever this tower is. If you enter Free Cursor Mode and go due north of Mii & Kogoro, you'll see the barrier, like a blue flame enclosing Due and Meden and the Portalstone. You will need to get Mii & Kogoro up there and have them use Standby next to it to move on.
Now, to get there, you can have them climb northeast, up the ledges, and to the ledge where your other party arrived, then go west from there. That's something like 45 tiles away (give or take), or nine turns of full-distance traveling for Mii & Kogoro. In other words, if you go the full distance when moving Mii & Kogoro, you should reach the barrier in plenty of time. (Additionally, if Mii & Kogoro are above Level 24, you should have the skill "Tenzai Style: Cloud Walk", which further boosts movement range by two when XP is over 100%.)
As for the enemies? That's what the other party is for. There are three Pair Units there. First have all three deal with the nearby enemies on that platform. Once this is settled, have two of them divert straight to the barrier itself to deal with Eins and Drei Belanos. Meanwhile, that other Pair Unit - preferably the one with the highest Attack - should run towards Mii & Kogoro for the easy abuse of Support Attacks. They'll all die pretty easily, so don't worry.
You'll also get to choose the Solo/Pair Unit configurations just as the battle begins. Do note that Heihachi provides a slight advantage to you when paired with Mii & Kogoro, as he has an ability that will nullify enemy ZOC - in other words, you can walk right by them. That will be a convenient thing to abuse when you start to run low on turns.

In general, follow the above guidelines and don't let Mii & Kogoro just sit around, even if it's just to fight - just move. Once they are near the barrier, let them sit off to the side for a bit if you want to finish off the other enemies, but that'd be about it - you need them at least near the barrier by Turn 14 so you can actually win.
Things will get easier starting on Turn 3, though - you may not even have to worry about dividing up the first group. Dante & Demitri and T-elos & KOS-MOS will appear alongside Rikiya and Devilotte, soon followed by Chun-Li & Morrigan and Bruno! And that's not all - there's also Chris & Jill and MegaMan X & Zero and Frank & Hsien-Ko! And Juri and Vashyron and Lady! And Zephyr & Leanne! And Tron and her Servbots! And -- oh, forget it, everyone arrives, for the most part!
And when I say "everyone", Due also summons some old friends of our own - well, her old friends. As Juri puts it, though, "Fake-ass people for a fake-ass world." Anyways, you'll soon regain control, first by pairing off the Solo Units, then it's back to the battle.
Overall, none of this should change your strategy. You will still want to keep Mii & Kogoro guarded on their way to the barrier. Keep two or three otherwise negligible Pair Units tied to each boss, mostly to stop them from impeding Mii, partly because I feel like punchin' stuff. For the sake of doing so, though, send an additional two units towards the barrier, so dealing with Eins and Drei will be easier. I still recommend killing every enemy before heading to destroy the barrier itself, but that's me. Still, you can see the Capcom/MegaMan-series influence here, having to basically refight every prior boss, eh?
Alternatively, instead of doing that, you could do this - have about four of the new units stay behind to fend off bosses from the tail-end, then have everyone else simply go forward and barrel through the bosses to clear the path for Mii. It's simpler at least.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Epilogue- Wings of the Wanderers (part 2)

Finally, as you approach the peak, you'll watch the respawning of the rest of your group. After some spoilerific conversation, you'll get to mess with the final configuration of your party's Solo Units.

Now, this pretty much will culminate towards the final confrontation. You pretty much have two options. One is to keep along the general idea outlined previously - stay near the barrier until Turn 14 while killing everything else in sight. The other is to save your resources and battle Meden immediately - he's going to be hard to beat.

Either way, I would recommend that you bring every unit near the barrier - every unit - before shattering it. This way, you'll be able to rush him with a bunch of people and deal lots of damage in a short period of time, Turn-wise. He also won't be able to affect you too much - the AI pretty much hits a "Random" button when it comes to the targeting for Multi-Attacks, and his Multi-Attack, while wide-spreading, can only hit four at the most. It'll be painful, but not likely to hit a person more than one before Meden goes down.

Good luck!! Feel welcome to peruse those Special Gels and Strange Syrups, as this is pretty much it. ... Oh, and some enemies will spawn up when you break the barrier. Deal with them if you want; there's no time limit now (beyond the 99-Turn thing), but I don't recommend it. It's taxing enough just dealing with Meden.

Battling Meden will be a tedious effort in itself due to his high Block gauge and high Defense - if you break over 100 damage, you might be lucky. (This is especially true when his around 65,000 HP, as he'll boost his stats by 10% all around, plus 15% more for Attack and Defense.) Specials need to be the main damage source against him. You will want to try to get in a little damage with normal attacks, sure (that even sets him up for a critical-hit Special), but Specials will be the main thing doing it here. Be absolutely willing to use those XP gain items, and let those units who can't reach him battle other enemies to grind up the XP.

Overall, this fight will mostly boil down to endurance, not unlike the fights I recall in MegaMan Legends 1/2. >_> If you can manage to survive - one or two Mochi Balls every turn or two will suffice well - and deal a lot of damage - crowd around, abuse Support/Solo/Special Attacks - you will win. It's not a strategy thing ... it's pure survival.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Enemy Boss Details:

PXZ Original:

Eins Belanos

Drei Belanos

Due Flabellum

Meden Traore

Valkyria Chronicles III:

Selvaria Bles

Namco X Capcom:




Endless Frontier:


Shining Force EXA:


.//Hack: Sign:


Resident Evil:

Nemesis T-type



Street Fighter:

Juri Han


Dark Stalkers:

Jedah Dohma

Lord Raptor



Alisa Bosconovitch

God Eater Burst:


Mega Man X:


Sakura Wars:



Ghosts n' Goblins:



Pokémon Master

