Alright I'm almost ready to Pm it to you so you just let me knwo how much you want for it
I can't tell you the price until I see the order. The original post on this thread has a guide on how much it will cost. I just dropped the prices because I got new hardware.
Primary 3DS FC: 2492-4222-0224
Primary Pokemon Y Version IGN: Fabio
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ PRAISE HELIX ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
“Our Helix, Who art in fossil.Hallowed be your shell,Your evolution
come,Your will be done In Kanto, as it is in Sinnoh, Give us this day
our daily gym badge, And forgive us our start spam, As we have forgiven
those who pressed down on the ledge, And lead us not into the way of the
domed one, But deliver us from Eevee, For thine is the move-set, the
rare candy,and the SS Anne ticket. Amen”