By any means, if we do get a site mascot it should be a slowpoke. I say it should be Mudkip.
Giovanni Honorable Credits -2 May 6, 2014 #21 Serj said: By any means, if we do get a site mascot it should be a slowpoke. Click to expand... I say it should be Mudkip.
Serj said: By any means, if we do get a site mascot it should be a slowpoke. Click to expand... I say it should be Mudkip.
Serj Pokémon Champion Credits 20 May 6, 2014 #22 Deadsouls said: I say it should be Mudkip. Click to expand... Mudkip is overused and slowpoke is adorable
Deadsouls said: I say it should be Mudkip. Click to expand... Mudkip is overused and slowpoke is adorable
NotThatGuy Pokémon Champion Credits 20 May 6, 2014 #23 Serj said: Mudkip is overused and slowpoke is adorable Click to expand... I se cons this!
Jiggly Pokémon Master Donor Credits 21 May 6, 2014 #25 Choice Specs Hoppip. That almighty absorb attack, takes lives!