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Tales of the Abyss (3Ds)

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
"Colonel... You're actually really angry..." -- Anise Tatlin

There's a scene as you enter. After it, hit the tree right next to you (with
Mieu Attack) to drop a chest with 'Apple Gel' in it. Now proceed to find
yourself in a fork. Go W, break the boulder and follow the path to get yet to
another fork. Hit the tree at the fork to trigger a battle with a Treant. Why
did we do this? I don't know... maybe just for fun. Anyway, follow the SE path
and break the boulder at the end using Mieu Attack to reveal a chest with
'1,600 Gald' in it. Return to the fork and go NE to reach another area.

Run up to the next area and at the fork, hit the tree at the N to make a chest
fall down, and contains 'Panacea Bottle'. Now follow the path NW to reach the
first area, on an upper level. Follow the path, past a Treant to find a chest
with 'Gothic Mace' in it. Return to the fork and follow the NE path to reach
another area. Run through this little area and at the next one, follow the path
until you reach a fork, follow the path E and you'll see a tree at the end. Use
Mieu Attack on it to reveal a chest with '1,800 Gald'. Return to the fork and
follow the S path across a bridge until you trigger a scene.

After the scene, save your game and proceed E and when you come to a fork, go
NW and break the boulder there to reveal a chest with 'Cobalt Chamber' in it.
Return to the fork and follow it SW to reach another area. Follow the path to
reach an open area with tons of forking paths. First of all, go SE, hit the
tree to reveal a chest with 'Apple Gel'. Now follow the S path to reach a lone
tree. Hit it to make a chest fly off somewhere. Return to the fork and follow
the path NE to reach another area.

Follow the path, save your game and proceed to reach a fork (I'm getting tired
of these). Follow it W to reach yet another fork, hit the tree to reveal a
chest with 'Apple Gel'. Now go NW at this fork to reach a small area with
'Orange Gel' in the W chest. The tree is a Treant if you want to fight it.
Return to the previous fork and go S now, break the boulder and follow a little
the path and you'll come to a boulder to the N with '1,500 Gald'.

Go E a little bit and at the fork, go N to instantly get to another fork,
which you should take E, then up ladder to find the chest that blew off from
the tree a while ago. It has 'Steel Bow' in it. Return now to the previous
fork, go N, then E just to save your game, since there's a Boss Battle right
now. After you saved up your game, go all the way S and when you get to the
fork there, go E to trigger a scene and a Boss Battle!

BOSS: Legretta

- Name: Legretta
- Location: Deo Pass
- HP: 31,000 / 46,500 / 62,000 / 108,500
- XP: 2,100
- P.ATK: 357 / 535 / 714 / 1,249
- P.DEF: 319 / 478 / 638 / 1,116
- F.ATK: 224 / 336 / 448 / 784
- F.DEF: 196 / 294 / 392 / 686
- Gald: 2,500
- Items dropped: Sephira, Chamomile
- Steal: None
- Elemental Info.:
- Weak: None
- Strong: Light

- Strategy: This chick is hard as f***. And I mean it. Watch out for her
combos, which can do 300+ dmg. She also has spells like Eclair de Larmes and
Holy Lance which can do 700+ dmg. A good thing is to have Jade and make him
cast Artes all the battle, since she has less F.DEF than P.DEF. Also, like all
battles, make Tear heal during the whole battle, turning off all of her Artes,
except for Healing Circle and First Aid. Luke and Guy are good distractions,
but not only that, but she's easy to stagger, so go ahead and attack her with
all you've got. Also when she has her Overlimit on, just Free Run through the
whole battlefield until it's gone. Heal yourself if your HP is below 400.


Watch the scene after the battle and then exit Deo Pass to the right.


At the World Map, at the fork you see there in front of you, go E and enter

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
After the initial scene, enter the building to the right. In here, talk to the
man behind the counter to receive 'Apple Gel x3', 'Orange Gel x3', 'Life
Bottle' and 'Panacea Bottle'. Exit and go down the wooden ramp and enter the
building, which happens to be the Inn and shops.

Rest here and buy what you need. The tunnel next to the Inn is Tunnel 7, which
has nothing inside. We need to go to Tunnel 14, so take the lift left of the
Inn and down here, enter the tunnel to the right just to trigger a scene and
dammit, Tear leaves the party.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
"Wh-why?! Why are you all blaming me?!" -- Luke fon Fabre

Right as you enter, try putting Natalia in the party so you have someone to
cure the party, then go to the right then down to exit the tunnel and get the
chest that contains 'Archery Gloves'. Return inside and proceed further in to
reach a fork, which you should take left for 'Panacea Bottle'. Return to the
fork and proceed. At the next fork, take the forking path N to find a chest
with 'Steel Circlet'. Return to the fork and proceed to the next area.

At the fork in front of you, go N to get to a chest with 'Life Bottle'. Keep
going until you come yet to another fork, which you should take N to find
'Carmine Chamber' and '5,500 Gald'. Return once again to the fork and proceed
and when you're at the bottom, go N to get 'Nocer Forte', which is a Capacity
Core well suited for Jade. Return to the fork and go S this time to reach yet
another fork. Go N for 'Cobalt Chamber', now return to the fork and go S but
instead of going W down here, go E for a chest with 'Halberd'. Now go all the
way W to reach another area.

Walk a little bit here to trigger a scene. After it, save your game and go N
to trigger another scene. When you regain control, talk to Van to trigger yet
another scene. This doesn't look good... once inside the Sephiroth, simply
follow the linear path to the bottom of the Sephiroth and enter the door there.
Another scene triggers on here and when you regain control, simply move forward
to trigger yet another scene. Then an Animated Cutscene... Akzeriuth is
destroyed, and all thanks to Luke. Yep, it's Luke's fault completely.

When you regain control, save your game and speak to you party members and
Tear lastly to trigger a scene. You're now in the Qliphoth and in Fallen
Akzeriuth. OMG... a kid drowns and dies! This must be the cruelest scene in the
game. Poor kid... Anyway, keep watching the scene and you now need to go to a
place called Yulia City, which is to the W. So just point W and some scenes
trigger and watch how everybody verbally kill Luke. But it is his fault,
though. Anyway, keep going W to trigger another mini scene. Then keep going W
until you come to Yulia City. Another scene triggers before arriving.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
"What's wrong? You look like you just swallowed a bug...
Oh, wait, you always look like that." -- Jade Curtiss

After the initial scene with Asch, you'll trigger a battle with him.


- Name: Asch
- Location: Yulia City
- HP: 10,000 / 15,000 / /
- XP: 1,250
- P.ATK: 380 / 570 / /
- P.DEF: 340 / 510 / /
- F.ATK: 250 / 375 / /
- F.DEF: 100 / 150 / /
- Gald: 1,200
- Items dropped: None
- Steal: None
- Elemental Info.:
- Weak: None
- Strong: None

- Strategy: Ok, this battle doesn't have to be won, but if you want, keep
reading (hey, this battle keeps reminding me of the battle with Kratos at the
Tower of Salvation in ToS). I'll make this fast. There's a good strategy to use
here, which is run and hit. Yes, you heard me right. Start Free Running around
and when Asch comes near you, and he'll start attacking you from behind, but
since you keep Free Running, he won't touch you (I hope so). If he uses Havoc
Strike or Raging Blast, return to him and unleash (this is what I used) a 3 hit
combo + Demon Fist + Fang Blade Rage. You'll deal 1,400+ dmg by doing so. Rinse
and repeat. But read this, try at all cost to avoid his attacks, since they'll
be dealing 350+ dmg. each hit. Yes, and he'll attack you 3 times (just like
Luke). Ok, that's how you can defeat him. As a side note, if you're above Lv.
30 and use a Mystic Arte on him, he'll just counter it with his own, Rending


After the battle, Luke receives the title "Replica Model". Keep watching the
scene and now you'll be controlling Asch for some time. Neat. Now check the
closet behind Luke to get 'Deck Brush', then go down the stairs and check the
green book on the table to learn the recipe "Ramen". Now exit this house.
Follow the path a little bit to find yourselves in a fork.

You can go S and speak to Guy, but otherwise, go W and speak to the guy at the
end. Give him 3 Apple Gels (this is like the Ant Lion Man event). After doing
this, return to the fork, go N and enter the large building there. In here, go
up the white ramp and speak to Jade up here. Now enter the Conference Room next
to Jade and speak to Teodoro, Tear's Grandfather here.

Tell him that you're ready and a scene triggers, then an Animated Cutscene.
You've come back to the Outer Lands. There's something to do right now. Go to
Baticul and to the shops. Here, buy at least 5 Rices since we'll need them once
we reappear as Luke and give them to the guy you just gave 3 Apple Gels and so
you don't have to come here then returning to Yulia City again.

Anyway, to get to Belkend, you have to go to Port Belkend first, which is at
the W part of Baticul's continent. Exit the Port and follow the road S until
you reach Belkend.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
"Applying fomicry to living creatures is forbidden." -- Jade Curtiss

As you enter, examine the panel to your right (right side of the street) to
activate a Fon Machine and break a box. Go to the chest and open it to get
'Orange Gel'. Now follow the brick road then go up a second set of stairs to be
at a fork. Go S and follow the road E to find a metal platform and some stairs
to get up the platform. Instead of taking the stairs, go under the metal
platform and approach the furnace. A mini scene triggers here and you'll
receive the recipe "Soba Noodles" if you help him. Return to the fork up the
stairs and go W to reach a second area.

Go W and enter Fon Machine Laboratory I. In here, go N, E and enter the
Medical Room. Examine the N white drawers to get 'Warrior Maiden', Doll for
Anise. Now go to the little room to the right and check the white drawers to
get 'Dark Seal'. Return to the previous room and go N, E and N to trigger a
scene with Spinoza. At the end of the scene, Fade receives the title "Father of
Fomicry". Now exit this room and go W at the previous room to trigger a
conversation about your next destination, Ortion Cavern. Now exit the Lab, by
going S all the way until you get out. Another scene triggers outside in which
Guy leaves the party in order to go wait for Luke (what a cool friend, just
like mine... I think). We need to go to Ortion Cavern, but let's do a little
something first. Start by exiting Belkend and going to Port Belkend.

Once here, talk to the guy at the pier and board the Tartarus. Once on board
the Tartarus, go directly N of Port Belkend to reach Port Sheridan. Here, go W
and you'll see 3 guys picking on an old guy called Nick. You'll take him to
Daath Bay and Natalia will learn the Arcane Arte "Gallant Barrage". Nice.

Now, Ortion Cave is on the Radessia continent, the brownish one that looks
like a crab (it's the SW most continent). It's at the S most part of the
continent, with a little bit to the W. Enter it.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
"You little... Just shut up and walk!" -- Asch the Bloody

As you start, go E to an open area to find a chest to the N with 'Ruby Wand'.
Then keep following the path E to reach another area. Now go E some more to
trigger a scene. Proceed further a little bit to spot a chest with 'Life
Bottle' in it. Now continue SE to reach yet another area.

Proceed further in to see another chest, this time it has 'Grass Chamber'.
Continue E and on to another area. In this open area, go S to find a chest with
'Nimble Rapier'. Return to the open area and go E this time to reach again
another scene. Proceed N, save your game and proceed N to another area.

In this room, go W a little bit to trigger a scene. Return to the save point,
save again if you want (there's a Boss Battle coming up) and return all the way
to the entrance (well, to where you got the Life Bottle) to trigger a scene and
a Boss Battle!


a) Ancylopolyp
- Location: Ortion Cavern
- HP: 35,000 / 52,500 / 70,000 / 122,500
- XP: 3,500
- P.ATK: 344 / 516 / 688 / 1,204
- P.DEF: 350 / 525 / 700 / 1,225
- F.ATK: 283 / 424 / 566 / 990
- F.DEF: 282 / 423 / 564 / 987
- Gald: 5,000
- Items dropped: Aquamarine, Basil
- Steal: None
- Elemental Info.:
- Weak: None
- Strong: None

b) Polyp
- Location: Ortion Cavern
- HP: 1,000 / 1,500 / 2,000 / 3,500
- XP: 100
- P.ATK: 164 / 246 / 328 / 574
- P.DEF: 350 / 525 / 700 / 1,225
- F.ATK: 283 / 424 / 566 / 990
- F.DEF: 282 / 423 / 564 / 987
- Gald: 100
- Items dropped: None
- Steal: None
- Elemental Info.:
- Weak: None
- Strong: None

- Strategy: This battle is not that hard (compared to the one we just had with
Asch a while ago). He has an attack of bubbles. Each bubble that explodes in
your face leaves a small Water FoF. Use these to your advantage using Raging
Blast and converting it in Frigid Blast. The Polyps are weak and give an extra
XP and Gald. When the calamari goes in its shell, use this time to heal or do
whatever you need to do. Anyway, easy fight. And as you could see, there's
really nothing more to say about this fight...


After the battle, return to the entrance to trigger a scene and be Luke again.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
"If my dying could bring back Akzeriuth, then... I'd be scared,
but... I'd die." -- Luke fon Fabre

This now, to me, are the best and favorite scenes of the whole game. The scene
from Ortion Cavern continues and Luke is finally nice to Mieu. At least he
didn't call him "Thing". Well, after one of my favorite scenes in the entire
game, equip Luke with the Nimble Rapier you found at Ortion Cavern and Tear
with the Ruby Wand.

Anyway, go down the stairs and go in the door in this floor. A little scene
triggers and you'll receive 'Character Disc'. You may check characters by
checking the book on the desk. Left of the desk is a chest with 'Scild Forte'.
Now exit Tear's house and go to the W side and speak to the guy you gave as
Asch 3 Apple Gels. He'll ask for 5 Rices. Give them to him and then enter the
main building.

Try entering the Conference Room where you spoke with Teodoro (on the second
floor) to trigger a scene. Layla tells you to stop by her place, so let's go
there. It's the room underneath the Conference Room. Speak to Layla there and
Tear learns "Holy Song". Nice. Now go to the Conference Room.

Speak to Teodoro to trigger another scene. Afterwards, go to Tear's Room to
trigger another scene and a flashback with Van and Legretta. You then receive
'Principles of Fonology'. Now on to Yulia Road. Go to the building where the
Conference Room is and enter the door on the right of the second floor. A scene
triggers here and you'll be at Aramis Spring.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
"Luke said thanks?!" -- Guy Cecil

As you regain control, start by following the E path and get 'Carmine
Chamber'. Proceed W a little more and enter the cave. Proceed further in to
trigger a scene with Guy, who joins the party and receives the title "Friend
for Life". You'll be at a fork now. Go S to find a chest with '6,000 Gald',
then keep going to find yourself in a 4-way fork.

Going NE takes you to the start, same as going SE, so go NW, save your game
then proceed SW and engage battle with the Water Spirit, just to hear the
awesome new Battle Theme. Nice, huh? Anyway, you'll reach another area. A scene
triggers, then continue onwards to have an enemy drop behind you. After the
battle, proceed a little and get 'Silver Mail'.

Now continue your way and enter the next area. Same here, continue through the
path and a scene between Luke and Guy triggers. Now go to the far N, where a
chest is and get 'Panacea Bottle' from it. Continue, burn the roots with Mieu
Fire and enter the next area, which is outdoors.

A scene triggers as you walk a little. After it, just enter the next area.
Burn up the roots and continue to trigger another scene. At the fork, go W,
burn up the roots and follow the path to find 'Nimble Rapier', which you should
equip to Guy. Return to the fork and go S this time to reach the last area of
Aramis Spring, and to trigger a scene. Now Jade rejoins the party, sweet!

Now go E, and use the healing save point. From here, before leaving, go all
way W to get 'Yellow Ribbon' from a chest. Return to the save point and go E
this time to get 'Pineapple Gel' from another chest. Now go S from the save
point to exit Aramis Spring.


At the World Map, simply start following the dirt road towards the SE and
enter Hill of the Firth Stela. It's a hill a little before Daath, so just cross
it and enter Daath, which is just a few steps ahead.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
"Wait, what? Why's the spoiled brat here?" -- Anise Tatlin

As you enter, go up the stairs to your left and examine the crates there to
receive 'Prelude' (that's 1 out of 7). Now go N from the entrance and you'll
see a chef at your right. Talk to him to have him teach you how to make
"Pizza". Keep going N and you'll find a chest lying there in the open (before
going to the next area) with 'Esprit Forte'. Now go rest at the Inn, which is
the E part of this first area. A scene triggers and Tear teaches Luke how to
control hyperresonance. There's also a flashback with Legretta teaching Tear
the same stuff.

Anyway, go to the Weapon shop, which is directly in front of the Inn. There
are some good things to buy here. I had 36,000+ Gald at this point, so there's
no excuse that you don't have money. You should buy a Great Sword for each Luke
and Guy, a Silver Rod for each Tear and Anise, a Partisan for Jade and a Great
Bow for Natalia.

As for Armor, buy a Silver Mail for either Luke or Guy (you should already
have one from Aramis Spring), a Silver Guard for each Tear and Natalia, a Magic
Cloak for Anise, a Silver Robe for Jade, a Silver Bracelet for each Luke, Guy
and Jade, Silver Gloves for each Tear, Anise and Natalia and a pair of Silver
Boots for Luke, Tear, Guy and Natalia (Jade has the Sephira equipped and Anise
has her Doll equipped). I spent, exactly, 33,885 Gald. Yep, all that. And if
you sell everything you don't need, you should get 20,000+ Gald.

Anyway, after all that shopping, go to the N area and try going up the stairs
go trigger a scene. Time to break in the Oracle's HQ. Enter the Cathedral,
which is at the end of the stairs. In here, go up the stairs to the N and enter
the Chapel. Go up the stairs at the end of the Chapel and speak to Tritheim. A
scene triggers here. You receive 'Permit' from Tritheim. Now speak to the man
below the stairs, which happens to be Anise's father. Now exit the Chapel and
enter the SW most door to reach the library. Go N and check the green book on
the table to learn the recipe "Sushi".

To get to the Oracle's HQ now, return to the main hall and enter the SE most
door. In this room with colored circles on the floor, go E and enter the door.
Follow the path until you come to a hall with two doors. Enter the first door,
speak to the guy in blue, show him the Permit and follow the path until you
enter Oracle Headquarters.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
"Whoa! Luke said thank you?" -- Anise Tatlin

Watch the scene as you enter. Then follow the path S all the way to the W side
of HQ. There's a scene as you get to this side. You'll see that Anise starts
checking on a gong. Hit it with Mieu Attack and an Oracle Knight will attack
you, leaving the door open. Stupid... now enter the door the Oracle left open
and check the NW part of this room to find 2 chests with '5,500 Gald' and
'Lemon Gel'.

Exit this room and go N to find 2 ways to go, up the stairs, or follow the
path. Go up the stairs and check the chest at the end to get 'Miracle Gel'. Now
use the gong and a soldier will come out of the door below. Return down the
stairs and follow the path you previously ignored, dispose of the Oracle Knight
and enter the door. Check the NE side of the room to find a chest with 'Carmine
Chamber'. Exit the room and go down the stairs just a bit S of your current

At the next area, go all the way to the E side, ignoring the stairs you come
across and going up the stairs there to return to the area above. Now let's
check the room above. Start by going up the lift and beating the crap out of
the Oracle Knight there. Return down the lift and use the gong to have another
Oracle Knight come out and unlock the door. Go up and enter the door. Inside,
grab 'Green Ribbon' and return down the lift. Go W, down the stairs to reach
another area.

Do you notice the golden bars right next to you? Remember them well... go down
the first set of stairs and save your game. Return up the stairs and go all the
way E and hit the gong. Dispose of the enemy and go in the door. In this hall,
there are 7 doors to go in to. The N, the NE, the NW, the E, the W, the SE and
the SW. The NE has nothing, the NW has 'Partisan'. The E has 'Silver Cloak',
the W has 'Balla Forte'. The SE has nothing and the SW has 'Cobalt Chamber'.
The N room has '6,500 Gald' and 'Life Bottle'.

Return to the huge main room. Remember the golden bars I told you to remember?
Go there and stand next to them (on the E side of the bars) and freeze the
Oracle Knight that's walking on the other side of the bars using the Sorcerer's
Ring and Mieu Fire. Time it well. Now go down the stairs to where the save
point is, go up the stairs to the W and dispose of the Oracle Knight while it's
still frozen. Return to where the save point is and use the gong. A soldier
comes out of the room. Same deal, dispose of the soldier and enter the room.

Same deal as before, there are 7 doors, but leave the NW door for last. The E
has 'Melange Gel'. The NE has 'Silver Guard' and 'Syrup Bottle'. Now go in the
N door to find another door. Go in to reach a greenish room. Follow the path,
go down the stairs, but instead of going down a second set of stairs, go W and
get 'Noble Thief' (that's 2 out of 7). Now go down the stairs and follow the
path E until you get to a chest with 'Carmine Chamber'. Return to the hall and
go in the NW door to find Ion and Natalia. Remember the hill we passed before
getting to Daath? We have to go there, and thanks to Namco, we're outside the

Before anything, at the middle of the stairs are 2 paths to be taken. Go E and
speak to the old guy there. He's another one of Guy's "teachers". He'll tell
you a town near the sea... whatever, we'll be going there shortly, so three
more guys and Guy will learn a new Arcane Arte, which is, by the way, very
nice. Anyway, equip Natalia with the stuff you bought her, if you haven't. Now
exit Daath and go to the hill, the Fourth Stone Monument.

Walk a little bit to trigger a scene. Then leave this hill and go to Daath
Harbor (it should already be marked on the map), which is near Aramis Spring
(you can simply follow the dirt path). Once you arrive, a scene triggers. Now,
Grand Chokmah is at the NW side of the E continent, so start going W and a
scene triggers, where the Tartarus breaks down on us and needs to be repaired.
We now go to Keterburg Bay automatically.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Before even moving, talk to the guy N of you. Agree to help him organize the
warehouse to start a minigame. The crate to your right push it right ONCE.
There's another crate NE of the one you just pushed, so push it right TWICE.
Now push the crate N of the one you just pushed up into the hole. Ok now, from
the one you just pushed into the hole, there's another crate to the NW of it.
Push it right all the way into the hole.

The crate that you pushed right twice (it was the second crate you pushed),
take it to the corner N of its current position then left into the hole. Once
it's in the hole, go left to find another crate. Push it down until it fits in
a hole. The there should be a crate right of you. Push it right ONCE then
return to the first crate you moved. Pull it down ONCE, then to the right
TWICE, then up TWICE.

Go around the maze and push this crate (the one we've been moving around) up
ONCE and then left into the hole. The crate that's left there, push it to the
far left, go around the maze and push it down to fit it in a hole, then grab
chests, which are: 'Pineapple Gel', 'Stun Bracelet' and 'Rebirth Doll'. You
receive '5,000 Gald' in doing this. I hope you got everything, if you didn't
just e-mail me about it.

Anyway, go in the house to the W and check the green book that's lying on the
bench to receive the useless recipe "Salad". Now exit Keterburg Bay.


Once at the World Map, start going W to find Keterburg, but I recommend
leveling up to at least 30. Why is this? So that everybody learns the AD Skill
Special, which lets you use Mystic Artes during the Overlimit, but beware of
the enemies, and more of the Snow Treant, because it has 31,500 HP, but gives
you 780 XP.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
"Papa! Can I please get my allowance? Pretty please?" -- Anise Tatlin

From where you start, go E and enter the Inn. Spend the night here (you may
need it, thanks to all that fighting) and then head to the Weapon Shop, which
is to the W of the entrance. There's almost nothing new but the Silver Plate,
so buy 2 of them. Now go N to reach the casino. Enter it to trigger a scene,
and Anise receives the title "Grown-up Child". You can play in here, but the
prizes aren't really worth the amount of chips. So exit the Casino and go NW to
reach another area.

From here, to the NE is the Hotel, to the NW is a little area with two roofs
and a chest on top and to the N is the N area. Go there and you'll see that in
the middle of the park are you snow throwing machines. Use Mieu Attack on the
right one and a ball with go somewhere else. Return to the little area with the
two roofs and the snowball hit the chest. Open it to get 'Hourglass', then go E
and onto another area.

Talk to the man that's at the E, outside his house. He wants to rebuild his
mansion. Now enter the Hotel, which is at the middle of the city, then use the
elevator to go to the second floor. Go E and enter the door. Talk to the guy
near the entrance to trigger a scene, then you'll have to play the Waitress
minigame. Kinda boring... (yawn). You'll get paid according to the amount of
people you serve. At the end of this event, Tear receives the title "Easygoing

Now exit the Hotel through the W exit (you came in through the E entrance) and
go W to reach another area. At the fork, go W and enter the Governor's
Residence. Once inside, before going in the next room, check the drawer to the
left of the upper door to find 'Alca Forte' (I equipped it to Luke, since I
already had his ENH over 20). Now enter the upper door to trigger a scene with
Nephry, Jade's sister. Nephry wants to talk with Luke alone, later. Now go to
the Hotel to trigger yet another scene. Now go to Nephry's place, speak to
Nephry to trigger another scene, and a very interesting one, by the way...

Now exit Keterburg, level up to Lv. 30 (at least with the characters you
mostly use) and head to Keterburg Bay.

Once here, talk to the man at the pier and depart towards Rotelro Bridge.


Once you're onboard the Tartarus, open your map (pressing R3), zoom in and
look at the bridge connecting the continent where Tataroo Valley is and the E
continent. Have you seen it? If it's broken, it's there.

Once you land, you'll be almost where the Coachman left you at the beginning
of the game. Start heading E and when you get to a fork before a bridge, start
following it N until you see the entrance to Theor Forest. Before going in, do
you feel like taking down Sword Dancer #2? You'll see that there's a SP
directly S of Theor Forest. Examine it to enter battle with Sword Dancer #2!


- Name: Sword Dancer #2
- Location: World Map (SP S of Theor Forest)
- HP: 51,900 / 77,850
- XP: 9,800
- P.ATK: 410 / 615
- P.DEF: 289 / 433
- F.ATK: 304 / 456
- F.DEF: 226 / 339
- Gald: 4,000
- Items dropped: Genius Wand, Treat
- Steal: Grass Chamber
- Elemental Info.:
- Weak: None
- Strong: Physical

- Strategy: For being the Second Sword Dancer, he's not that hard, although he
doubled all his stats. His attacks will deal 250-320 dmg. He also has his
Overlimit. When goes in Overlimit mode, open the battle menu and press L1 until
the 'On your guard!' Strat appears. This way, you characters will be away from
Sword Dancer while he's in Overlimit. When his Overlimit is over, just return
to your normal Strat. Just like the previous battle with him, deactivate all of
Jade's Artes and leave him with Splash. Also with Tear, deactivate everything
she has, except for Healing Circle and Resurrection. If you're Lv. 32 with
Luke, you should have learned already Guardian Field. When a Water FoF appears,
use Guardian Field to make a Guardian Frost. This will deal tons of dmg. on
Sword Dancer. Also there's your Overlimit. Use your Mystic Artes; Luke's
Radiant Howl (and if you're on your second playthrough, also use Ion) which
will deal 4,500+, Guy's Rising Phoenix dealing near the same dmg. and Radiant
Howl. I only used 3 Life Bottles and 1 Lemon Gel this time.


Now, go to Engeve if you want or need to restock on your basic item supply and
rest (which I totally forgot to do). While you're here, I think you can sell
the Rebirth Doll for 50,000 Gald at any shop (I think). Do so if you want to (I
recommend you do it, since the Rebirth Doll is almost useless and the money is
needed). Now return to Theor Forest.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
"Hide and seek, huh? Ion, please don't screw it up." -- Anise Tatlin

As you enter, a scene triggers and Jade leaves the party. Then try entering
the forest to trigger another scene where the Malkuth soldiers were injured by
Oracle Knights. When you regain control, just enter the forest. In here, you
don't have to let the Malkuth soldiers see you, but it's such a pain in the ass
doing it like this.

Instead of "playing hide and seek", let the guard see you 5 times and then you
can just beat the s*** out of them. With that done, go E to reach another area.
In this new area, go all the way E and get '4,800 Gald' from the chest.

Then go N up a little hill to find a save point. From here, go NE and get
'Life Bottle' from the chest next to the tree. Return to the save point and go
W and return to the main area. Go N now to find a chest with 'Magic Lens'.
Return from whence you came and go N to find a Malkuth soldier. He's guarding 2
chests. Open them to get 'Silver Bracelet' and 'Half Guard'. From here, go NE
to reach another area.

In this long area, stick to the right side and start going down to find a
chest with 'Lemon Gel'. Keep going N and before you exit, check the left side
of the area to find '5,500 Gald'. Now exit Theor Forest. There's a SP out here.
Examine it to find 'All-Purpose Knife'. Return to Theor Forest, go S in this
long area to reach the other area. Now go W to reach the main area. Here, go
down the little hill W of you and down here, go E to reach the E area. Check
the E chest to find 'Life Bottle'.

Return to the main area and return to the entrance (all the way S). From here,
go all the way W to reach a mini area with a chest with 'Panacea Bottle'.
Return to the main area and go N up the little hill right next to you and up
here, go N to find a chest on your left side containing 'Silver Sword'. Return
to the little hill to the S and go W on to the W area.

From the entrance of this area, check the 3 trees near you and hide between
them. The Watcher Wolf will approach you and then it'll leave. When it leaves,
shoot Mieu Fire at him to make him run away and enter a cave-like hole. Follow
him and at the top, go E to the next area and grab 'Battle Guard'.

Now return to the entrance of the previous area and go NW to reach another
save point. NW of the save point is a Malkuth soldier, so dispose of him and go
up the little hill behind him to find a chest with 'Sage'. Go down the little
hill and go all the way E to find another chest containing 'Grass Chamber'. Now
go NW from the chest to trigger a scene with Largo and Sync. We're now arrested
and taken to Grand Chokmah.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
"It's not your fault that I hated you so much I wanted to kill you."
-- Guy Cecil

After the scene from Theor Forest, go W to reach the port. A scene triggers as
you get here. Then go W and save your game. Now enter the building N of the
save point and go up to the second floor. Go to the bar (W side) and speak to
Jade. He'll join the team. Return to the first floor and speak to the
bartender. He'll give you the recipe for "Curry". Exit the building and go S
from the save point and speak to Natalia. Now go W to reach another area.
Follow the path and get to the next area. Speak to General Frings, who's at the
middle of the area. A scene triggers where you're explained the current

We are now off to save St. Binah, but we need to go get Guy, Anise and Ion
first. Exit the Palace and go to the Inn. Where is it? It's the E most building
in the shopping area (the first area you where at). Speak to the soldier
outside and he'll tell you that the curse slot has been removed. Watch the
scene and you'll see how Guy explains a lot of interesting things about the Hod
War and how his family was massacred. Also Guy receives the title "Malkuth

When you're asked to go directly to St. Binah, SAY NO!!! There are some rather
important things to do now. Exit the Inn and go to the second floor of the bar
(where you found Jade). Speak to the guy dressed in cyan to trigger a scene.
He's another Artes Council that help Guy train. There are still two more
teachers. The next is in front of a machine that turns. That's at the first
area of Belkend. Return to the first floor and speak to the guy standing in
front of the door. Time to organize another warehouse.

Start by pulling N the barrel to your left ONCE, then push it N TWICE. There's
another barrel to the NE part of the room. This one pull it S 5 TIMES, 3 TIMES
W, 1 TIME N and 1 TIME W so that it's next to the first barrel you dropped. Now
open the chest that has 'Lollipop' (I'm astonished). The barrel to the NW push
it N all the way into the hole. Now open the chest to get 'Lemon Gel'. The S
most barrel pull it 4 TIMES N, go around the maze and go get the chest that
contains 'Strange Mark'. Just like before, you'll receive '5,000 Gald'.

Now, head to the Shopping Center, since there's some shopping we need to do.
Speak to the W most guy and buy a Silver Sword for either Luke or Guy, a
Bardiche for Jade and a Composite Bow for Natalia; and for armor, buy a Half
guard for either Tear or Natalia (you should already have one), a Misty Robe
for Jade and a Gold Bracelet for each Luke, Jade and Guy.

Now, if you want to go find the remaining teachers of the Guy's Sigmund-style,
keep reading. If you don't, just skip the next paragraph and head to St. Binah.

Exit Grand Chokmah, cross Theor Forest and go to the Tartarus. Now go to
Belkend and speak to the guy to the S who's looking at the central moving
thing. He's the fourth of the Artes Council. The next one is in a small, cold
room. Know where that is? It's in Keterburg. Go there and go to the N most area
(where the igloos are). Enter the left one and speak to the last Artes Council.
After that, Guy learns Soaring Light Spear. Sweet. Now go to Rotelro Bridge and
then go to St. Binah.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
"From what I heard from Van, it took several days for Hod to fall."
-- Tear 'Mystearica' Grants

Once you've entered, head to the Malkuth Base, then enter the next door to
trigger a scene with the McGoverns. Exit the base to trigger another scene. Oh
no... it's Dist again. Time to take care of his little toy.


- Name: Kaiser Dist Rx
- Location: St. Binah
- HP: 40,000
- XP: 7,500
- P.ATK: 492
- P.DEF: 512
- F.ATK: 222
- F.DEF: 390
- Gald: 8,000
- Items dropped: Magic Mist
- Steal: None
- Elemental Info.:
- Weak: Water
- Strong: None

- Strategy: Before anything, deactivate every arte on Jade except for Splash.
He'll be using it quite a bit, so a lot of Water FoF will appear. Use these to
perform Guardian Frosts. One of these should deal 1,300+ dmg. Also use your
Mystic Artes anytime you can, dealing even massive dmg. to Kaiser. Also, his
main attacks are directed in front of him, so, if you can, go to its back and
start combo-ing him from the back. There's really not much to say, he's the
same as in the Ferry, only much stronger, so just use the previous strategy you
used on him and you'll win.


Watch the scene as the battle ends. Now we need to find a way to fly, so it's
time to go to Sheridan. Remember the continent where Ortion Cavern is? The one
that looks like a crab? Well, Sheridan is at the E side of that continent and
directly N of Belkend. Well, you need to get to Port Sheridan first.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Once you arrive, talk to the person to the NW, standing in front of a door to
help him organize his warehouse.

First of all, push the crate to your right E 1 TIME, then the crate N of that
one push it N into the hole, now grab 'Apple Gel' from the chest. NE of the
chest is another crate. Push it N into the hole. Now go left to find another
crate. PUSH it left ONCE, then PUSH it right ONCE and then S into the hole.
Open the chest to get 'All-Divide'. S of the second chest is another crate (on
the other side of the gap and left at the entrance). Push it ONCE S, PULL it
ONCE to the right and PUSH it THRICE to the right. Now PULL it ONCE N, PUSH it
to the N TWICE and PUSH it E ONCE and into the hole. Now the first crate you
moved (right from the entrance), PULL it left ONCE, PULL it N ONCE, PUSH it N
TWICE, PULL it right ONCE, PUSH it N THRICE, PULL right ONCE and PUSH N into
the hole. Now open the chest to get 'Holy Ring'. As like previous times, you
receive '5,000 Gald'.

Now exit the port, go N and enter Sheridan itself.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
"Hmm, yeah, and unlike your fake muscles, I actually have some strength."
-- Guy Cecil

When you enter Sheridan, go up the dirt path to the NW and enter the shop. At
the Armor Shop but a Battlesuit for each Luke and Guy, a Battle Guard for each
Tear and Natalia, a Mystic Cloak for Anise, a Cerulean Robe for Jade, a
Platinum Bracelet for each Luke, Jade and Guy and a pair of Mystic Gloves for
each Tear, Anise and Natalia.

Equip and sell your leftovers. Now, at the Weapon Shop, only buy 1 Wasier
Rapier for Luke, since you'll find another one for Guy in like 30 min. from
now; a Sword Mace for each Tear and Anise and a Heavy Halberd for Jade. Return
down the dirt path, go E, past the large building, go N then up the stairs to
find the Inn. Sleep here to trigger another scene of Luke's training.

When it's finished, enter the left room of this Inn. Check the cabinet at the
NW corner of the room to obtain 'Savory'. Now enter the right room and check
the cage-like thing at the base of the lower bed to find '3,000 Gald'. Exit the
room and enter the Item Shop, which is beneath the Inn. In here, check the
green book on the NE table to learn the recipe "Udon Noodles". Now go to the NW
area of Sheridan (it's the path next to the dirt path that leads to the Shops).

Once here, use Mieu Attack on the W side of the see-saw, that's on the E side
of the area. A chest will be blown away, so go to the stairs that lead to the
Inn, but instead of going up, keep going N to reach the NE area of Sheridan.
Check the W side of this area to find the chest with 'Demon's Seal'. Now go N
and E at the fork. Enter the N house you come across. This is the Music Box
House. Remember the Noble Thief we found at the Oracle's HQ? And Prelude? Well,
these are music discs. Now exit this house and return to the area where the
see-saw is. Go to the N side and approach the 3 old guys to trigger a scene.

Return to the main area and enter the large middle building which is the
Meeting Hall. Talk to Iemon, the old guy with a Mohawk. A scene triggers and
you'll receive 'Launcher'. Now exit Sheridan and head to Meggiora Highlands,
which is, like Iemon said, SW of Sheridan. Just hug the W mountain and follow
it S until you reach it.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
"Well, I suppose it's better to have you lose control somewhere I can see you"
-- Jade Curtiss

Okay now, this part is a bit different, because you'll still be on the World
Map, so all the directions will be based on the Compass.

Walk a little bit and a scene triggers. You need to divide in two teams. Take
Luke or Guy, whoever you're playing as (I'm playing as Luke). I recommend
taking Jade and Tear, because there's a "Boss Battle". Also please note that
you have 12 min. to get to Ginji, so let's hurry. Don't enter battles either,
because the timer won't stop; it'll only stop when you access the Main Menu and
Battle Menu.

Start by heading W and at the fork, go W and keep following the path until you
reach an open area with a chest on the W side containing 'Weak Bottle'. Return
to the fork and go E this time to find a chest with 'Wasier Rapier'. Keep
following the path and when you get to another fork, go N and at the next fork,
go E to find another chest with 'Battlesuit'.

Return to the previous fork, go W, up the hill to return to the main path (the
one you just were on). Keep going W up here and at the fork, go S this time and
follow the spiral hill up the hill to trigger a scene and a Boss Battle.

I won't put a strategy for this pussycat, because he's as strong as the Snow
Treant near Keterburg, and I bet you've already killed a lot of them. I'll just
tell you he's weak against Fire, so use Jade's Flame Burst to get out of
trouble and make the battle quick, because the timer is still ticking. You'll
receive the Nebilim and Laurel.

After the scene, you'll be in control of Guy's team. Equip Guy with the Wasier
Rapier you found earlier, then start going N, then W at the fork to find a
chest with 'Mystic Cloak'. Return to the fork and go N just to find another
fork. Take the W one (the lower one) and follow the path to get to a chest with
'6,800 Gald'. Return to the fork and take the upper path now to reach ANOTHER
fork. The N paths are dead ends, so go W to trigger a scene where the party
secures the Albiore, saves Ginji and receives 'Hover Drive'.

You'll be back at the main World Map, so just head NE to reach Sheridan, but
before entering, go and examine the SP N of Sheridan to find Estima Seeds. Now
enter Sheridan.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
"I'm the one who destroyed Akzeriuth!
That's why I have to do something now" -- Luke fon Fabre

A scene triggers as you enter. Remember where the see-saw is? At the NW area?
Go there and enter the large building at the W side, but a scene triggers
before entering. Now the Albiore II is operational and you're introduced to the
pilot of your ride, Noelle, Ginji's sister.

You'll arrive at St. Binah automatically, so the scene continues and an
animated cutscene starts, showing how St. Binah starts falling. Then the
controls of the Albiore pop up. Afterwards, go to Yulia City.

Once here, walk a little bit forward and a scene with Teodoro starts. After
it, go to the Conference Room, where Teodoro is. Another scene triggers in
here, and now it's time to go to Shurrey Hill. But before that, return to the
fork outside this large building and go W and speak to the merchant that has
been asking you for things.

He wants now 5 Maces, but we can't give them to him now, since we don't have.
Now go E at the fork and talk to the other merchant dressed in white and
yellow. He has another book for Luke, and wants 40,000 Gald. I had 112,219 Gald
at this point, but I don't want to spend my money, so we'll have to wait until
later (I think you can't pay for it right now, even if you have the money).

Shurrey Hill is E with a little bit S of St. Binah. So go there.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
"I don't see any problem with that. I like him better this way." -- Guy Cecil

Once you enter, move up to a fork to trigger a little scene. Then go E to find
a chest with 'Lemon Gel'. Return a little bit to see a red stone S of you. Go
up the step-like stones and hit the red stone with Mieu Fire. That's 1 of 3.
Return to the fork near the entrance, go W and at the fork, you'll see another
step-like stones. Go up and shoot at the second red stone. Now go N, get
'Pineapple Gel', go up the little hill and shoot at the last red stone to have
the entrance open at the fork of the entrance. Now go to the fork at the
entrance and enter the Sephiroth to the N.

In here, go N into the next room. Keep going N to trigger a scene. Go to the N
part of the room to find 3 fonic glyphs. Follow the NW one and enter the next
room. You'll see a concentration of the Third Fonon (green). Touch it to obtain
green fonons. You'll see a concentration of the Fifth Fonon (red) to the NE.
Use Mieu Fire to obtain them. There's also a concentration of the Second Fonon
(yellow) at the SW side of the room. Use Mieu Attack to break the glass and
obtain the yellow fonons. Now go NW and go to the next room.

You'll see an enemy with a concentration of the Fourth Fonon (blue) in its
stomach. Defeat it to obtain the blue fonons (from now on, I'll just call them
x-color fonons). Open the chest to find 'Cure Bottle', now go SW and exit this
room. You'll reach a large room, so start going down the stairs until you reach
the bottom. Examine the pentagram (is that what this is called?) and put the
fonons in the following order: red, green and blue. Now a bridge will create S
of you. Cross it to trigger a little scene, then break the floating stone with
Mieu Attack.

You'll be at the main room (thank goodness!). Now the NE path is unblocked, so
go that way and enter the next room. Check the NE side of the room to find a
chest with 'Light Plate'. Now dispose of the enemy with the blue fonons in its
body to obtain them. Now follow the path E to reach another room. Behind the
stairs N of you is a chest with '12,000 Gald'. Now go up the stairs and get the
red fonons to the W (using Mieu Fire) and the yellow fonons to the E (using
Mieu Attack).

Return to the previous room and go N this time and in the next room, get the
green fonons in middle of the room and get 'Dinei Bottle' from the chest to the
NE. Follow the path W to reach another room. Follow the upper path to find a
chest with 'Scild Maggiore'. There are also a yellow fonon if you didn't grab
the one where the red fonon was. Return to the previous room and head E to the
next room.

Follow the path E, go up the stairs and at the top, you'll see 2 reflectors-
like things. Push S the E one until it hits the light. The W reflector push it
S THRICE and E THRICE (this reminded me of the Tower of Mana in Tales of
Symphonia, but much, much shorter). Return to the entrance and follow the W
path until you reach the bottom. Examine the pentagram in the following order:
red, yellow, blue and green. Another bridge will appear, so cross it and break
the floating stone at the end.

You'll be taken to the main room again and the N path unblocks. Nice... we're
about to finish this damn Sephiroth! Save your game if you want and follow the
N path. Open the W chest to find 'Panacea Bottle'. Also get the yellow fonons
in middle of the room as well as the blue fonons inside the Fonic Golem. There
are three ways to go from here (without counting the path you came from). Go N
just to find a Fonic Golem with a blue fonon, but you only need 1 blue, so
ignore it. There's also a red fonon to the N. Grab it with Mieu Fire, check
behind that stone in middle of the room to find a hidden chest with 'Hunting
Cap' and return to the previous room.

Go NW this time and check under the stairs for a green fonon. Follow the upper
path until you get to a red fonon. Grab it and go S to find a chest with
'Carmine Chamber'. Return to the previous room and go NE this time. Open the
chest at the far E on the lower level to find 'Battle Guard'. Now go up the
stairs and then S to find another chest containing 'Specific'. Now go N and
into the door. In this room, go N and on to the next room.

You'll see three set of stairs. Go up the E stairs and a little scene shows
you the thingy in middle of the room. Hit it with Mieu Attack ONCE in
counterclockwise sense. Now go to the top and hit it TWICE in either direction.
Now go to the bottom, go up the middle stairs and put the fonons in the
pentagram in the correct order (from left to right). A last bridge appears, so
cross it and break the stone. You'll be at the main room, so save your game and
go S to trigger a scene. I love Tear's face when Luke hugs her. Also Luke
receives the title "Passage Commander". Now exit Shurrey Hill completely.


Once at the World Map (Qliphoth), ride the Albiore and open your map. You
should notice a black spot NE of Yulia City. Go there (where the sea water is
coming down) and return to the Outer Lands. Move in any direction to trigger an
animated cutscene. Pretty cool and sad... and you're party has to split, Jade
is going to Engeve and Natalia to Kaitzur. I went to Engeve, so let's go there.
Take anyone, since we DON'T want to fight. I brought Tear, just in case.

