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Closed Trade for a Jirachi

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Brandon Jaynes

Youngster Joey
This is my first post here on this great site! i need a jirachi to complete my Pokedex and would be willing to trade it back, just need the entry. However, I have phione, celeb, master ball, mew two, and lots of other general legendaries I would be willing to trade. Thanks!

Pengcub Origins

Pokémon Champion
This is my first post here on this great site! i need a jirachi to complete my Pokedex and would be willing to trade it back, just need the entry. However, I have phione, celeb, master ball, mew two, and lots of other general legendaries I would be willing to trade. Thanks!
Hmm I am willing to give jirachi but I'd like to take it back also...
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