August 1st 2015 3:00PM Pacific Standard Time.
Entry will be closed at 12:00AM that day
Bring a full team of pokemon, this will be a singles battle.
If you lose a battle, you're out.
No set tiers, use whichever pokemon you like.
Anyone can sign up in this thread. I will use a random name picker to select who will battle each other.
I have used a random name picker and here's how it's set up so far:
Strawberries vs Matt_192
Dom vs Jordi
gnmmarechal vs Miles8088
Nerdy Butter vs notsoclutch
Baron Aaron vs Sai Rathna Vamsi
thesolidaritysandwich vs phenix
kankuro236 vs Ace-Breeder Brock
mogutif vs Blue_Arcanine
In case I somehow can't work Showdown I will have a Moderator tell me who the winner is so I can transfer PC to the winner.