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So today, some hackers at projectpokemon (or at least, I believe so) have managed to look inside the ORAS demo files and have leaked some of the Mega stats! In this thread, I will look at their stats, and provide my own competitive opinion on them, but feel free to provide yours down in the comments section
Anyway, let's jump right in!
To start off with, "Mega" Diancie (an alternate form) has now been revealed, gaining an 80 base stat increase unlike the 100 that all other megas to this data have gotten. It also gains a new signature move, that of Hyperspace Fury, a Special Dark type move that always hits for 100 Base Power with 5PP. This alternate form also keeps Magician as its signature ability. Now, lets look at its stats!
For those of you wanting links, here they are. Thanks to @notsoclutch for getting me these:
Now, on to the new stats!
Starting with Mega Swampert, we can see that it gets a big boost to it's attack (+40), the same defence increase (+20 each) and then smaller boosts to Special Attack and Speed. I could definitely see this as a Pokemon to place around BL, but it's crippling speed does damage it quite a bit, so UU is likely.
Next up, the other Hoenn starter, is Mega Sceptile. I am definitely a fan of the stat boosts that it has gotten, giving it a 25 boost to it's attack, and very healthy boosts to its Special Attack and Speed, to place them at 145. This outspeeds almost everything in the OU tier besides Scarf, and I can definitely see Mega Sceptile being a strong OU Pokemon. It can run a variety of sets, ranging from full Attack or Special Attack, Mixed or maybe a Swords Dance set.
Mega Sableye was quite interesting when it was revealed to get Magic Bounce, as it strays away from the annoying Prankster-mon that we know and has become more of a wall. This is evident with it's 125/115 Defences, but it is hindered in its way of HP. Mega Sableye's Speed also saw a decrease, dropping to just base 20. To put this in context, it is slower than Chansey, or even other walls like Quagsire. However, Magic Bounce gives it a nice niche in, what I believe to be, UU, as Mega Sableye's tier.
Where to start with Mega Altaria? Well let me just say this: Pixilate. This in conjunction with 110/110 attacks and a nice movepool makes it a very well rounded Pokemon, as its defences are also respectable at 75/110/105. What is unfortunate about Mega Altaria, however, is it's lack of decent speed, still sticking with Base 80. This is quite bad for a Sweeper, but as a Tank, this seems reasonable. Despite this flaw, I believe Mega Altaria will be a good OU Pokemon.
When we heard that Mega Gallade got Inner Focus, it's fair to say that a lot of us were heartbroken. It's counterpart, Gardevoir, had got an amazing ability in the form of Pixilate, and Mega Gallade was stuck with an ability that prevents flinching. Whilst useful in Doubles and VGC due to the viability of Fake Out, this ability is basically useless in Singles. However, 165 attack is still a very high number, reaching 429 with a Jolly Nature, not Adamant. Gallade's Speed has also got a nice buff, going up to 115 now. This ties with, most notably, Mega Houndoom, Mega Absol, Cinccino, Starmie and Raikou. On the Defences side, Mega Gallade is respectable, with 68/95/115 defences across the board. Overall, despite the flaw in the form of Inner Focus, I believe that Mega Gallade will be a top BL pokemon, possibly low OU.
Mega Audino. Nope, still can't get over it? I mean seriously, this thing got a Mega and Flygon hasn't been confirmed yet?! What is Gamefreak on... However, I'm here to examine the competitive viability, and that's what I'll do. Back in Gen 5 and XY, Audino was mainly used as a cleric, with decent defences to boot. However, with the introduction of its mega, Audino now nicely sits at 103/126/126 - extremely bulky, I think we can agree. Also, Mega Audino only has 2 weaknesses, in Steel and Poison. Whilst this definitely isn't a top tier Pokemon, I feel that Mega Audino does have use down in RU, and possibly VGC. People may argue that it won't pull off well in VGC, but I have one thing to say to them - Pachirisu.
Next up, we have the mega that failed to get the lasers it deserved, Mega Sharpedo. Before they announced the ability, we all thought it would get Speed Boost, there's no denying it. Whilst it isn't as bad an ability than what Mega Gallade got, Strong Jaw only powers up a select few of Sharpedo's moves, but notably, Crunch. With a base 140 attack, Mega Sharpedo seems quite nice to use, if it wasn't for his relatively sub-par Speed stat. In Generation 6, 105 speed was just all right for sweepers. This hits 339 at max, and whilst that is quite good, there are many Pokemon now that outspeed it (according to serebii, exactly 72 Pokemon outspeed and 11 tie). As for its defences, they are sub-par at best, and it really won't be taking many hits. Despite the amount of bashing I am giving it, I do feel that Mega Sharpedo will be a solid UU pokemon, and could be devastating when set up.
I still laugh my ass off every time I see this guy - yep, it's Mega Slowbro. I mean seriously, so many memes have been made about this guy, but I digress. There's no denying it: this thing's good. 95/180/80 defences, with access to Calm Mind and an 130 Special Attack stat, plus Shell Armour to help it set up easier?! Yes, this thing is amazing. when set up, maybe even to just +2, this thing can tank hits for days, and dish out damage extremely quickly. The only real counters against this thing are anything that can deal powerful special hits before it has a chance to set up, and with access to Psyshock/Psychic, Scald/Surf, Ice Beam, Slack Off, this thing will definitely be a high tier OU pokemon. The only issue I foresee with it is a slow speed stat, and lack of good tutor moves, but there's no denying this thing's strength.
Mega Steelix is next, and since the stats have been revealed, I am still relatively unimpressed. Gamefreak really hasn't done much to make this better than Mega Aggron, and with the Filter ability, what reason do you have to run Mega Steelix? Sure, it has a slightly better Special Defence stat, but since it gets the Ground type, it maintains its Water weakness. It has the same defence stat, a lower attack stat, a lower speed stat and the same HP stat - what is this guy's niche? Well, to be honest, it doesn't really have one. Even the tutors weren't very kind to it, giving it primarily Special Attacks to work off what, 55 base? I am thoroughly disappointed with it, and I would say that it will be RU at best.
See below for rest
To start off with, "Mega" Diancie (an alternate form) has now been revealed, gaining an 80 base stat increase unlike the 100 that all other megas to this data have gotten. It also gains a new signature move, that of Hyperspace Fury, a Special Dark type move that always hits for 100 Base Power with 5PP. This alternate form also keeps Magician as its signature ability. Now, lets look at its stats!
- Original: 80/110/60/150/130/70
- New: 80/160/60/170/130/80
For those of you wanting links, here they are. Thanks to @notsoclutch for getting me these:
Now, on to the new stats!
- Swampert-M - Stats: 100/150/110/95/110/70 - Type: Water/Ground - Swift Swim
- Sceptile-M - Stats: 70/110/75/145/85/145 - Type: Grass/Dragon - Lightningrod
- Sableye-M - Stats: 50/85/125/85/115/20 - Type: Dark/Ghost - Magic Bounce
- Altaria-M - Stats: 75/110/110/110/105/80 - Type: Dragon/Fairy - Pixilate
- Gallade-M - Stats: 68/165/95/65/115/110 - Type: Psychic/Fighting - Inner Focus
- Audino-M - Stats: 103/60/126/80/126/50 - Type: Normal/Fairy - Healer
- Sharpedo-M - Stats: 70/140/70/110/65/105 - Type: Water/Dark - Strong Jaw
- Slowbro-M - Stats: 95/75/180/130/80/30 - Type: Water/Psychic - Shell Armour
- Steelix-M - Stats: 75/125/230/55/95/30 - Type: Steel/Ground - Sand Force
- Pidgeot-M - Stats: 83/80/80/135/80/121 - Type: Normal/Flying - No Guard
- Glalie-M - Stats: 80/120/80/120/80/100 - Type: Ice - Refrigerate
- Diancie-M - Stats: 50/160/110/160/110/110 - Type: Rock/Fairy - Magic Bounce
- Metagross-M - Stats: 80/145/150/105/110/110 - Type: Steel/Psychic - Tough Claws
- Kyogre-P - Stats: 100/150/90/180/160/90 - Type: Water - Primordial Sea
- Groudon-P - Stats: 100/180/160/150/90/90 - Type: Ground/Fire - Desolate Land
- Rayquaza-M - Stats: 105/180/100/180/100/115 - Type: Dragon/Flying - Delta Stream
- Hoopa-”M” - Stats: 80/160/60/170/130/80 - Type: Psychic/Dark - Magician
- Camerupt-M - Stats: 70/120/100/145/105/20 - Type: Fire/Ground - Sheer Force
- Lopunny-M - Stats: 65/136/94/54/96/135 - Type: Normal/Fighting - Scrappy
- Salamence-M - Stats: 95/145/130/120/90/120 - Type: Dragon/Flying - Aerilate
- Beedrill-M - Stats: 65/150/40/15/80/145 - Type: Bug/Poison - Adaptability
Starting with Mega Swampert, we can see that it gets a big boost to it's attack (+40), the same defence increase (+20 each) and then smaller boosts to Special Attack and Speed. I could definitely see this as a Pokemon to place around BL, but it's crippling speed does damage it quite a bit, so UU is likely.
Next up, the other Hoenn starter, is Mega Sceptile. I am definitely a fan of the stat boosts that it has gotten, giving it a 25 boost to it's attack, and very healthy boosts to its Special Attack and Speed, to place them at 145. This outspeeds almost everything in the OU tier besides Scarf, and I can definitely see Mega Sceptile being a strong OU Pokemon. It can run a variety of sets, ranging from full Attack or Special Attack, Mixed or maybe a Swords Dance set.
Mega Sableye was quite interesting when it was revealed to get Magic Bounce, as it strays away from the annoying Prankster-mon that we know and has become more of a wall. This is evident with it's 125/115 Defences, but it is hindered in its way of HP. Mega Sableye's Speed also saw a decrease, dropping to just base 20. To put this in context, it is slower than Chansey, or even other walls like Quagsire. However, Magic Bounce gives it a nice niche in, what I believe to be, UU, as Mega Sableye's tier.
Where to start with Mega Altaria? Well let me just say this: Pixilate. This in conjunction with 110/110 attacks and a nice movepool makes it a very well rounded Pokemon, as its defences are also respectable at 75/110/105. What is unfortunate about Mega Altaria, however, is it's lack of decent speed, still sticking with Base 80. This is quite bad for a Sweeper, but as a Tank, this seems reasonable. Despite this flaw, I believe Mega Altaria will be a good OU Pokemon.
When we heard that Mega Gallade got Inner Focus, it's fair to say that a lot of us were heartbroken. It's counterpart, Gardevoir, had got an amazing ability in the form of Pixilate, and Mega Gallade was stuck with an ability that prevents flinching. Whilst useful in Doubles and VGC due to the viability of Fake Out, this ability is basically useless in Singles. However, 165 attack is still a very high number, reaching 429 with a Jolly Nature, not Adamant. Gallade's Speed has also got a nice buff, going up to 115 now. This ties with, most notably, Mega Houndoom, Mega Absol, Cinccino, Starmie and Raikou. On the Defences side, Mega Gallade is respectable, with 68/95/115 defences across the board. Overall, despite the flaw in the form of Inner Focus, I believe that Mega Gallade will be a top BL pokemon, possibly low OU.
Mega Audino. Nope, still can't get over it? I mean seriously, this thing got a Mega and Flygon hasn't been confirmed yet?! What is Gamefreak on... However, I'm here to examine the competitive viability, and that's what I'll do. Back in Gen 5 and XY, Audino was mainly used as a cleric, with decent defences to boot. However, with the introduction of its mega, Audino now nicely sits at 103/126/126 - extremely bulky, I think we can agree. Also, Mega Audino only has 2 weaknesses, in Steel and Poison. Whilst this definitely isn't a top tier Pokemon, I feel that Mega Audino does have use down in RU, and possibly VGC. People may argue that it won't pull off well in VGC, but I have one thing to say to them - Pachirisu.
Next up, we have the mega that failed to get the lasers it deserved, Mega Sharpedo. Before they announced the ability, we all thought it would get Speed Boost, there's no denying it. Whilst it isn't as bad an ability than what Mega Gallade got, Strong Jaw only powers up a select few of Sharpedo's moves, but notably, Crunch. With a base 140 attack, Mega Sharpedo seems quite nice to use, if it wasn't for his relatively sub-par Speed stat. In Generation 6, 105 speed was just all right for sweepers. This hits 339 at max, and whilst that is quite good, there are many Pokemon now that outspeed it (according to serebii, exactly 72 Pokemon outspeed and 11 tie). As for its defences, they are sub-par at best, and it really won't be taking many hits. Despite the amount of bashing I am giving it, I do feel that Mega Sharpedo will be a solid UU pokemon, and could be devastating when set up.
I still laugh my ass off every time I see this guy - yep, it's Mega Slowbro. I mean seriously, so many memes have been made about this guy, but I digress. There's no denying it: this thing's good. 95/180/80 defences, with access to Calm Mind and an 130 Special Attack stat, plus Shell Armour to help it set up easier?! Yes, this thing is amazing. when set up, maybe even to just +2, this thing can tank hits for days, and dish out damage extremely quickly. The only real counters against this thing are anything that can deal powerful special hits before it has a chance to set up, and with access to Psyshock/Psychic, Scald/Surf, Ice Beam, Slack Off, this thing will definitely be a high tier OU pokemon. The only issue I foresee with it is a slow speed stat, and lack of good tutor moves, but there's no denying this thing's strength.
Mega Steelix is next, and since the stats have been revealed, I am still relatively unimpressed. Gamefreak really hasn't done much to make this better than Mega Aggron, and with the Filter ability, what reason do you have to run Mega Steelix? Sure, it has a slightly better Special Defence stat, but since it gets the Ground type, it maintains its Water weakness. It has the same defence stat, a lower attack stat, a lower speed stat and the same HP stat - what is this guy's niche? Well, to be honest, it doesn't really have one. Even the tutors weren't very kind to it, giving it primarily Special Attacks to work off what, 55 base? I am thoroughly disappointed with it, and I would say that it will be RU at best.
See below for rest
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