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Active My Official Resignation


Official Server Crasher
Staff member
Will Not Fall
Iron Will
Dex Contributor
Before I start, I just want to say that I'm not going to fully leave the site, I'm just resigning from a bunch of my duties. Namely admin, tournament co-ordinator and gym leader, as they're the ones that take up most of my time.

Happy new year everyone! Almost everyone knew this was coming for a while but here it finally is - as of 2016, I will be resigning as an admin of Perfect Pokemon. I've had a great time working with everyone on the site here, but it's time for me to move on. My main reason for resigning is that I just simply need more time, and PP has managed to keep me and draw me in for the last year and a bit.

With Dom's resignation just a few days ago, I can only hope that @doulie and @KitaVonKanada can continue to run the site as expertly as I've seen them do it for my time here and I'd like to thank them for the opportunity I've had as a moderator, and then as an administrator.

I'll be looking for someone to also take over the Fighting Gym from me (I can pass on any advice as well if you want - I've led it for around 13 months now :p ), and I hope whoever gets the positions (tournament co-ordinator, administrator and gym leader) can do a better job than I ever did.

I'm sure this won't be the last time I talk to all of you (as I stated in my opening :p ) and I believe I still have contact details of a lot of people here. Thank you to all of the friends I've made and people I've (hopefully) helped during my time here, it's been fantastic :]


The Great Tactician
Will Not Fall
Trusted Seller
Iron Will
Dex Contributor
I salute u man
U were a wonderful admin xD
Hope we will continue to see you active in the site


Will Not Fall
Trusted Seller
King of the Ring
Iron Will
I'll keep the GMT squad alive in staff Matt :^(


Staff member
Will Not Fall
Trusted Seller
Tournament Coordinator
Iron Will
Dex Contributor
ah you told me you were going to resign a long time ago in summer actually and I was shocked you were defiantly one of the best moderators we had on this site even though technically I wasn't here for a small chunk of your moderator time, I know all the effort and time that you put into Perfect Pokemon (I looked through all the pages of the Staff Convo and through numerous pages of thread sections for the site so I know what am talking about call me a stalker :p)
You signed up for so many duties as well becoming a great and hard to beat fighting gym leader, a tournament coordinator for a long time freeing up time on your sundays to host the tournament, organizing various functions such as PP Weekend, and so much more so a big Thanks from me and everyone here <3 :]

