As you all may have heard, Mega Gallade was confirmed yesterday along with Mega Sharpedo and Mega Canerupt. Mega Sharpedo's ability was confirmed to be Strong Jaw while Mega Camerupt's ability was confirmed to be Sheer Force, but we never really got and confirmation on the ability or even the typing of Mega Gallade.
Well now, ladies and gentlemen, it has been CONFIRMED that Mega Gallade's typing will remain the same as Psychic/Fighting and its ability will be Inner Focus.
Let me know what YOU guys think about Gallade's ability down below and as always,
I'm @Gold 2.0 , and I will see you guys later.
Well now, ladies and gentlemen, it has been CONFIRMED that Mega Gallade's typing will remain the same as Psychic/Fighting and its ability will be Inner Focus.
Let me know what YOU guys think about Gallade's ability down below and as always,
I'm @Gold 2.0 , and I will see you guys later.