I'm interested in other "Locke" challenges people may know. I know that there are TypeLockes, WedLockes and WonderLockes but I am curious to know what else is out there!
Egglocke: People send you random eggs, you use that. Nuzlocke rules.
Eevee monolocke: assign each eevee type a number, roll a number 1-9, eevee type found. That's your starter. Your team now has to be generated randomly to share at least the same typing as the eevee. Probably not for non-genners.
RNG Lockes: like an Randlocke but you can only use moves that have below 90 accuracy
Locklockes: 6 Klefkis have fun.
Single mon lockes:.... Single mon locke.
Randlockes: random.org 1-719 roll 6 times bring evolutions down to base have fun. Probably not for non-genners.
Stall-lockes: Stall mons only. Prepare for the longest locke of your life. Probably not for non-genners.
Ohkolockes: OHKO moves only. Lock on moves are allowed. Probably not for non-genners.
Its a wonderlocke but instead of catching 1 Pokémon per route you catch 2. You then assign 2 Pokémon to your team until you have 12. However you are only allowed to pick half of your team at once. So you use a randomizer to choose 6/12 that will with you on the route. At the end of each route, you can go back and train the Pokémon the randomizer didn't pick.