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Your Thoughts on Popular Questions about Pokemon Sun and Moon ?!

Whatcha think so far Pokemon Sun or Moon ?

  • Total voters


Staff member
Will Not Fall
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Iron Will
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Poll Update: Moon seems to be popular as 14/19 people prefer it !
I guess people like being out at night better then day xd
(what if in pokemon moon its always night time and in sun its always day time)
p.s we beat the official post by doulie with more replies and views :p


Youngster Joey
yes i love it when doulie loses
New info on my claim.
xernnes is the pokemon of life and light and light =sun
while yteval is the pokemon of darkness and death darkness =moon
so im thincking thay will have auternit forms like zygard with xernes having a sun from and ytevl having a moon form. thus making sun and moon gen 6.5 PS read my organal post to see my other theroy.


Pokémon Trainer
-Do you think Lunatone and Solrock will play a key factor in the games?
I don't think so , it would be so obvious and right now they are keening on doing the unexpected , for example everyone was talking about (Pokemon Z) but since it would be obvious and expected ,they went for a new Generation.

-Thoughts on the high amount of truck based sneak peeks?
Could be a new way of transportation , new tasks to do ( Blastiose on a fire truck to help controlling a fire) or could be a new mini game ( races , distinguishing fire contest like in the anime).

-Do you think the anime will have a new protagonist due to rumors of Ash winning the Kalos League ?
NAAAAAAAH , it will never happen :D

-Thoughts on what you wish as features for the new games ?
I honestly want the gym leaders and the Elite four to be more challenging , or at least before you start the game you can choose a difficulty.

-Do you think Trainer customization will make a return?
For sure.


Staff member
Will Not Fall
Trusted Seller
Tournament Coordinator
Iron Will
Dex Contributor
yes i love it when doulie loses
New info on my claim.
xernnes is the pokemon of life and light and light =sun
while yteval is the pokemon of darkness and death darkness =moon
so im thincking thay will have auternit forms like zygard with xernes having a sun from and ytevl having a moon form. thus making sun and moon gen 6.5 PS read my organal post to see my other theroy.
OMG that could be possibly smart thinking I never thought of that :eek:

-Do you think Lunatone and Solrock will play a key factor in the games?
I don't think so , it would be so obvious and right now they are keening on doing the unexpected , for example everyone was talking about (Pokemon Z) but since it would be obvious and expected ,they went for a new Generation.

-Thoughts on the high amount of truck based sneak peeks?
Could be a new way of transportation , new tasks to do ( Blastiose on a fire truck to help controlling a fire) or could be a new mini game ( races , distinguishing fire contest like in the anime).

-Do you think the anime will have a new protagonist due to rumors of Ash winning the Kalos League ?
NAAAAAAAH , it will never happen :D

-Thoughts on what you wish as features for the new games ?
I honestly want the gym leaders and the Elite four to be more challenging , or at least before you start the game you can choose a difficulty.

-Do you think Trainer customization will make a return?
For sure.
Thanks for your contribution your thoughts are similar to my friends :D


Youngster Joey
I think for solrock and lunatone if they do use them, because theyre pretty useless competitively they could evolve together to become ...... OMNIMON! :p jks. they could become some sort of eclipse pokemon that has far greater potential

I hope they replace ash with a new protagonist and storyline cos i am fed up of the cliches in the anime it got boring SOOOOOO long ago, every episode team rocket blasts off again and everytime i hear it i cringe and the whole style of the anime is really outdated aswell. I think they shud just rip the whole thing down and start again and dont get me started on pikachu lol.
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Youngster Joey
Honestly- I'd prefer a mish-mash of features to return/repeat in the newgames. DexNav, Trainer Customization (Tho' a tad more indepth) and a neat way of getting around (Like the roller blades) to name a few. Also- I'd have hoped to have a lower-screen breeding app(Like DexNav) that'd unlock after 50 or so eggs hatched. That displays the 'How close to hatching' depiction from the summary screen.. A counter function- To display how many eggs you've hatched and the like. But that's just me.

Also worth mentioning,whilst Solrock and Lunatone are literal depictions of the sun and the moon, Eeveelutions Espeon and Umbreon are also described as Sun and Moon pokemon

Edit: Sun and Moon shards from XD? Nomnomnom Megavelutions


Youngster Joey
Well my question is, what are the legendary pokemon. Lets face it we have got quite a bit of new random legendary pokemon like Volcanion. Is he one of the main Legendary pokemon? I would hate to have all the legends in ORAS


Youngster Joey
  • Do you think Lunatone and Solrock will play a key factor in the games? I think they may be prominent and may get mega evos. Maybe an emphasis on espeon and umbreon as well. Maybe they will bring out other day vs night pokes as well.
  • Thoughts on the high amount of truck based sneak peeks? It would have to be a super smooth vehicle operation to be worth much. I could see this going either really well or really awful.
  • Do you think the anime will have a new protagonist due to rumors of Ash winning the Kalos League ? I think it might be refreshing, but I don't see them changing up the Pikachu and Ash mascot duo.
  • Thoughts on what you wish as features for the new games ? I'd like to see the avenues from black and white come back. Dream world or a similar feature should come back. As for new additions or changes, maybe eliminate the need for HM slaves or add additional slots or means to do things. Such as any claw move could cut, and mon that can fly natural can just fly similar to eon flute, surf, dive, waterfall type moves by any large enough water type etc. Of course... new mons. :)
  • Do you think Trainer customization will make a return? I hope so! It makes it more of a personal playthrough.
Questions by me


Pokémon Trainer
Aside from potentially having mega evolutions, I think that a side protagonist character might have one of these as his/her main go-to Pokemon - similar to Steven & his Metagross, or Lance & his Dragonite, but his/her main Pokemon companion may depend on which version you play.
  • Thoughts on the high amount of truck based sneak peeks?
My initial thought was that these games will take place in an entirely new region. Maybe this region is even 'new' or 'fresh' in the Pokemon over-world, & to help build from the ground up, the region has been relying heavily on partnership with Pokemon in order to keep things energy efficient (hence the Blastoise in the back of a firetruck, for example). Or, maybe Pokemon & society have such a solid relationship or view towards one another in this region, that they figure why not work together to make society more 'advanced' & efficient.
  • Do you think the anime will have a new protagonist due to rumors of Ash winning the Kalos League ?
It's hard for me to imagine this, especially since I grew up with the original Kanto series as a kid. Unless, though, that trainer with the Mega Charizard X (Alain, originally from the "Strongest Mega Evolution" series) takes more of the spotlight - maybe he will gradually transition into the main role.
  • Thoughts on what you wish as features for the new games ?
I'd like to see new moves. Not necessarily a new type, as we just received Fairy type in X & Y, but new moves would be cool. I'd also like to see new types of Poke Balls become available - whether it be in shops, or in a similar fashion to how we exchanged Apricorns for specific types of Poke Balls with Kurt in HeartGold/SoulSilver. I also feel somewhat confident that we'll get to travel through two regions in this game - the new region, followed by another (potentially Kalos, as a neighboring region, OR we'd get the option to travel 'far across the sea' to another past region of our choice). Whether or not it's that complex, I can see two regions being in these games, due to this game's tie-in with the 20th anniversary of Pokemon.
  • Do you think Trainer customization will make a return?
I truly, truly hope so. At this point, since it does seem to be a new region, entirely, I cannot see trainer customization being excluded from this. Although, it would be pretty cool to see Alain show up as a rival or a side protagonist in these games, as well!

Element Of Smash

Unslaad Krongrah
I actually don't think things like character customization will return. And here's why:
Remember that each region is an attempt to reflect a part of our world, translated into the pokemon setting. Kalos was based on the EU, inspiration primarily being drawn from Paris and the UK. Fashion is a huge part of their cultural identity and inheritance. It may not be as pervasive as you would be had to believe (I've never had the pleasure of going there myself), but it's still something that can be evoked. And this is excellent design.
However, this one kinda looks and sounds like it could be based here in the Americas. Personal vehicles are the dominant form of transportation, after all. But this is purely conjecture and I could be totally wrong. That being said, this conjecture is still what I'm going to be basing further assumptions on, so buckle up.
If we continue with the motiff of reflecting cultural identity and familiarity, ie Kanto's rustic villiage feel, Johto's slightly rebellious and more vibrant depiction of Kansai, the massive hub of Kyushu represented by Hoenn, and so on and so forth, then we could infer some thing we might see in Sun/Moon.
America has been entrenched in a massive paradigm shift since the late 60s. Materialism, commercial wealth, social norms, and the value of the status of the individual are all moving to opposite ends of the spectrum. Outside some stereotypes, personal expression through clothing and accessories is not a regular part of life here. That is to say, it isn't a universal language. We tend to represent ourselves through a display of our /personal/ likes, and the objects of those inclinations. We demonstrate ourselves through the music we listen to, the games we play, our accomplishments, our creations, anything we can personal attribute to ourselves. Being unique is important to a growing generation who has come of age to be the wide influence. The fabled "18-35 demographic". Character dress-up does not do much to further this aspect of the regions personality.
What could we see instead then? I don't know, but I'm super excited to find out.


Youngster Joey
Mega Lunatone all the way

How majestic do you think mega Lunatone will be?
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Youngster Joey
Try not to double post, please!
I dunno about a megaluna though. I mean, are they gonna make it a full moon? A bigger crescent? Not a ton of design space to work in there. Same for Solrock.
Oops, thought it was a different thread, deleting one now
How do I delete it?


Staff member
Will Not Fall
Trusted Seller
Tournament Coordinator
Iron Will
Dex Contributor
Don't worry I made this discussion thread and am a Mod ill take care of the double post.
Thanks for you guy's thoughts you both made great points :)

