All New Megas Base Stats Revealed! Competitive Discussion and Info!

Gold 2.0

The Immortal Dragon Underdog with a Heart of Steel
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Lotad Is Beast

Youngster Joey
Yo I'm going nowhere near a Mega Salamence and if you use one, I hate you. Those stats are disgusting. Ban it now before we all get #rekt
im the same as clutch, if a poke is broken i go nowhere near them, for example, t flame is horrible on battle spot , so much so that if i have one on a random battle i will just quit.


Official Server Crasher
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Will Not Fall
Iron Will
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Yooo I'm bringing Simple MegaCroBro to all my matches jk lol


Apex Predator
Team Elite
So today, some hackers at projectpokemon (or at least, I believe so) have managed to look inside the ORAS demo files and have leaked some of the Mega stats! In this thread, I will look at their stats, and provide my own competitive opinion on them, but feel free to provide yours down in the comments section :) Anyway, let's jump right in!

To start off with, "Mega" Diancie (an alternate form) has now been revealed, gaining an 80 base stat increase unlike the 100 that all other megas to this data have gotten. It also gains a new signature move, that of Hyperspace Fury, a Special Dark type move that always hits for 100 Base Power with 5PP. This alternate form also keeps Magician as its signature ability. Now, lets look at its stats!
  • Original: 80/110/60/150/130/70
  • New: 80/160/60/170/130/80
As you can see, it gets a very nice boost to it's physical attack stat, with other smaller boosts going to Special Attack and Speed. Unfortunately, it does not get a very nice physical movepool to make use of, with the most notable moves being Brick Break, Phantom Force, Return and Power Up Punch. But, however, all new tutor and level up moves have been revealed. It has shown that Hoopa does get a lot of usable Physical moves now, including: Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Gunk Shot, Drain Punch, Knock Off, Zen Headbutt, and even more.

For those of you wanting links, here they are. Thanks to @notsoclutch for getting me these:

Now, on to the new stats!
  • Swampert-M - Stats: 100/150/110/95/110/70 - Type: Water/Ground - Swift Swim
  • Sceptile-M - Stats: 70/110/75/145/85/145 - Type: Grass/Dragon - Lightningrod
  • Sableye-M - Stats: 50/85/125/85/115/20 - Type: Dark/Ghost - Magic Bounce
  • Altaria-M - Stats: 75/110/110/110/105/80 - Type: Dragon/Fairy - Pixilate
  • Gallade-M - Stats: 68/165/95/65/115/110 - Type: Psychic/Fighting - Inner Focus
  • Audino-M - Stats: 103/60/126/80/126/50 - Type: Normal/Fairy - Healer
  • Sharpedo-M - Stats: 70/140/70/110/65/105 - Type: Water/Dark - Strong Jaw
  • Slowbro-M - Stats: 95/75/180/130/80/30 - Type: Water/Psychic - Shell Armour
  • Steelix-M - Stats: 75/125/230/55/95/30 - Type: Steel/Ground - Sand Force
  • Pidgeot-M - Stats: 83/80/80/135/80/121 - Type: Normal/Flying - No Guard
  • Glalie-M - Stats: 80/120/80/120/80/100 - Type: Ice - Refrigerate
  • Diancie-M - Stats: 50/160/110/160/110/110 - Type: Rock/Fairy - Magic Bounce
  • Metagross-M - Stats: 80/145/150/105/110/110 - Type: Steel/Psychic - Tough Claws
  • Kyogre-P - Stats: 100/150/90/180/160/90 - Type: Water - Primordial Sea
  • Groudon-P - Stats: 100/180/160/150/90/90 - Type: Ground/Fire - Desolate Land
  • Rayquaza-M - Stats: 105/180/100/180/100/115 - Type: Dragon/Flying - Delta Stream
  • Hoopa-”M” - Stats: 80/160/60/170/130/80 - Type: Psychic/Dark - Magician
  • Camerupt-M - Stats: 70/120/100/145/105/20 - Type: Fire/Ground - Sheer Force
  • Lopunny-M - Stats: 65/136/94/54/96/135 - Type: Normal/Fighting - Scrappy
  • Salamence-M - Stats: 95/145/130/120/90/120 - Type: Dragon/Flying - Aerilate
  • Beedrill-M - Stats: 65/150/40/15/80/145 - Type: Bug/Poison - Adaptability
See below for rest
Honestly a lot of this analysis is really flawed, as you're looking at everything in a sweeper lens and discounting everything that isn't super fast. Your statements that 100 speed pokes "usually run a scarf" is just flat out wrong, as the most popular base 100 speed is Megazard Y. Then in the Sharpedo section you state that he's crippled by his 105 speed. How is outspeeding Garchomp a handicap? You also discount mega Swampert and Camerupt because they're slow. First of all, you don't take swift swim into account at all, which while it's not easy to take advantage of this gen, it's utterly devastating when you do. Second, not everything needs to be fast. Mega Venusaur is amazing without having the speed to be a sweeper; with Swampert being UU with his current stats, a boost would likely just serve to bring him up, and Camerupt, while weak to common types and slow, is by far too powerful to go anywhere near NU or even RU. We've all seen the damage Landorus can do with its sheer force Earth Power, now Camerupt gets even more punch behind the same move, with the addition of STAB Fire Blast. The only difference is it's a tank instead of a sweeper.
Sorry if this was long and seemed offensive, I just don't like that you discount everything that didn't get amazing speed.


Official Server Crasher
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Will Not Fall
Iron Will
Dex Contributor
r @Blaguard No worries, to be honest, I know that some of these analysis are a bit iffy but I can't change them in my current position. I agree with your points about Mega Sharpedo completely, only after finishing did I remember about its base form getting Speed Boost, so my apologies to everyone on that. I think that my main problem with Mega Camerupt is, whilst it does have extreme power, the fact that it has quite a lot of common weaknesses coupled with a low speed leaves it open to attacks. Also, my point about base 100s is that in this gen, a lot of the top tier sweepers in OU like Garchomp, Greninja and Talonflame are just faster than them, leaving the base 100s open to attacks. This point is a little eh though, I see what you mean.

I kind of rushed these analysis too, I'm doing full ones right now and I need people's help (sign up if you want, I can't get you a link though due to the lag - sorry).

Lotad Is Beast

Youngster Joey
i honestly think if mega swampert is used enough in rain teams it could be facing a suspect test,:
its got lots of bulk has access to ice punch, waterfall and earthquake and with its huge attack + waterfall boost it could be the new mega kang, although it would need the rain to sweep fully.
This is obviously my opinion and would love feedback, thoughts ect.


I'm just kinda here
To start off with, "Mega" Diancie (an alternate form) has now been revealed
don't you mean Hoopa?

anyway, here are my thoughts:
  • M-Beedrill's offensive stats are scary. 150 Atk and 140 Spe is going to make this thing a monster on hyper offensive VoltTurn teams. This will probably end up OU or BL. BL possibility is due to its poor typing.
  • M-Camerupt is too powerful! Great bulk, 145 SpA and a not too shabby 120 Atk. I could see this thing working as a powerful special wallbreaker, a decent mixed wallbreaker (like, OO material due to mixed EdgeQuake with Earth Power + Rock Slide) and a decent bulky Stealth Rock user in UU. However, it suffers similar flaws to M-Abomasnow that will hold it back in OU.
  • M-Steelix is literally ORAS's M-Aggron. They will both be potent tanks in UU, with Steelix's advantage over Aggron being its ability to actually switch into Earthquakes and Close Combats as well as being a better overall shuffler due to i but I feel that M-Steelix will have an upper hand in OU due to its great synergy with Tyranitar and SpD Hippowdon as a Sand Force attacker, with both its STABs being boosted and access to Stone Edge (boosted by Sand Force) to hit Talon and Zard-Y or Fire Fang to hit Ferrothorn hard. But this thing will end up in UU due to it sharing similar limitations to M-Aggron.
  • M-Altaria is unique in how it is possibly the only Drogon-type that can reliably take on opposing Dragon-types due to its immunity, and I think that that will be the one thing that sends it flying up from PU to UU. Its ability is also really useful due to its access to Hyper Voice and Return, making both physical and special sets scary to face, and its access to Earthquake means that it has the great Fairy-/Ground-type coverage for the physical set: a type combination which is only resisted by Skarmory and Gengar out of all the common Pokémon in OU. However, the physical set will be forced to run a special move to hit the aforementioned Skarmory and Ferrothorn for decent damage, which means that I expect the physical set opt to run DD over a Dragon-type STAB. The thing that I think will hold it back though is its rather average stats. 75 HP / 110 Atk / 110 Def / 110 SpA / 105 SpD / 80 Spe is kinda lackluster in OU, but it will still be a decent check to dragons in the tier due to it being immune to their main STAB.
  • M-Salamence is an instant uber. No buts.
  • I'm kinda disappointed about M-Diancie's stats. I mean, it got a big speed buff, but then it only gained 10 in its other stats. Magic Bounce doesn't have the same utility as it does if it can be used before mega evolving, and stuff like Aegislash, Bisharp and Scizor still shit all over it. I guess it has utility post-mega, but Mega Magic Bounce is so situational that I'm troubled about M-Diancie suffering from similar issues to its non-mega counterpart - it has middling stats overall (i mean come on 50 HP? That counteracts its otherwise amazing defensive stats. Why would you give Diancie that??? DAMMIT TROLL FREAK!), and it has relatively poor defensive typing, being weak to the common Steel-, Ground-, Water- and Grass-type attacks that are running all over the place.
  • Primal devolution works differently to mega evolution, so it doesn't suffer the same drawbacks as it (i.e. requiring a turn in which you have your worse stat spread and old ability - they devolve as they come onto the battlefield), so they will be scary in ubers alongside mega Rayquaza.
  • M-Sharpedo's combination of Speed Boost and Strong Jaw will make it scary just by clicking Crunch. It also means that it can finally use Ice Fang over Ice Beam to a good effect, so I think that it will probably end up low OU.
TBH I expect a lot of the megas (not primals/alt. forms) to go to UU, but the ones that I think will go to other tiers I have listed below:
  • Swampert (OU - due to Swift Swim Sweeper set making it a solid choice for rain teams and its good bulk making it a good offensive SR user)
  • Sceptile (OU - best Rotom-W counter in the game, Lightningrod and sky high SpA and Spe stats)
  • Sharpedo (OU - due to combination of Speed Boost and Strong Jaw along with a great 140 Atk stat)
  • Slowbro (OU - cause best CM user in the game, but not uber as it'll miss Regen on any set other than CM)
  • Metagross (OU - solid stats, great offensive typing and access to Meteor Mash, as well as an immunity to Intimidate pre-mega and Tough Claws making all its good moves aside from EQ (and i guess BP due to its low power, but it'll be even better at killing off weakened things than before which is nice) scary to think about. Also its access to Grass Knot means it won't just be limited to fully physical roles, with it making a great mixed attacker)
  • Rayquaza (Uber - obvious tiering is obvious)
  • Salamence (Uber - this thing is terrifying, with it being good in both offensive AND bulky roles due to Aerilate and access to great supportive options like D-Tail and Wish, along with bolstered offenses and defenses to boot)
  • Beedrill (BL - I honestly think that this thing will not be OU due to its rather weak typing, but Adaptability plus a sky high base 150 Atk and great 140 speed gives it a scary speed tier and makes it far too powerful for UU. This thing may make OU if the right metagame shifts occur, but it will most likely end up in BL and, as such, in obscurity.
As for Alternate Hoopa, I expect this thing to be OU , with base Hoopa being UU. OU due to its great mixed offenses making it good as a physical attacker, special attacker or mixed attacker, expanded movepool due to move tutors, and great special movepool before. Hyperspace Fury will be a great move in both singles and doubles as it means you dont need too predict around things like Ferrothorn (singles) or... anything (doubles). I hope Hyperspace Hole turns into it when it changes form because the move is literally a worse Psychic and I don't want it to be another wasted signature move like Roar of Time. Base Hoopa will be UU due to its 4x weakness to Pursuit and Knock Off, making it easily trapped by the likes of Bisharp.


Official Server Crasher
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Will Not Fall
Iron Will
Dex Contributor
@Marigi174 a few things

Beedrill gets 145 Speed, not 140 (you know I can't check though)
I think everyone is pro-Camerupt is except me, but your post made me lean towards UU definitely.
I also feel that Steelix will end up BL2. It is mainly outclassed by Aggron except on some OU Sandstorm teams.
Altaria will be OU. No buts. Bulk, a lack of weaknesses and access to Pixilate makes this thing so powerful.
I think Slowbro is going to end up A+ OU tbh. It's just overall really good, despite the lack of Regenerator.

But yeah, I agree with everything you said basically


Rare Breed
Let It Reign
@Marigi174 a few things

Beedrill gets 145 Speed, not 140 (you know I can't check though)
I think everyone is pro-Camerupt is except me, but your post made me lean towards UU definitely.
I also feel that Steelix will end up BL2. It is mainly outclassed by Aggron except on some OU Sandstorm teams.
Altaria will be OU. No buts. Bulk, a lack of weaknesses and access to Pixilate makes this thing so powerful.
I think Slowbro is going to end up A+ OU tbh. It's just overall really good, despite the lack of Regenerator.

But yeah, I agree with everything you said basically
Matt, you may want to try to beat one before you say only A+...mega Slowbro is godly.


I'm just kinda here
Beedrill gets 145 Speed, not 140 (you know I can't check though)
oops. typo XD my bad
I also feel that Steelix will end up BL2. It is mainly outclassed by Aggron except on some OU Sandstorm teams.
Nah. Mega Steelix has more offensive presence than Aggron due to having STAB Earthquake, and it still has Hippowdon in UU to make Sand Force Wallbreaker possible. Solid UU mon.
Altaria will be OU. No buts. Bulk, a lack of weaknesses and access to Pixilate makes this thing so powerful.
Mega Altaria is powerful, but its stats are too average for this thing to be an OU mon. Its offenses are too low for it to be a monster (110 is nothing to write home about - especially without a boosting item - and 80 speed means it cant reliably sweep without Sticky Web support) and its above average defenses are compounded by a really poor base 75 HP stat. Pixilate really isn't enough to make up for that. Its typing means that it will have a niche as a good check to Dragon-types in the tier, but it suffers from 4MSS and its stats just don't cut it for an OU mainstay.
I think Slowbro is going to end up A+ OU tbh. It's just overall really good, despite the lack of Regenerator.
Mega Slowbro will be S-rank. If regular is B then there is no way that this thing will only be A+. Also godly CMer


Official Server Crasher
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Will Not Fall
Iron Will
Dex Contributor
oops. typo XD my bad

Nah. Mega Steelix has more offensive presence than Aggron due to having STAB Earthquake, and it still has Hippowdon in UU to make Sand Force Wallbreaker possible. Solid UU mon.

Mega Altaria is powerful, but its stats are too average for this thing to be an OU mon. Its offenses are too low for it to be a monster (110 is nothing to write home about - especially without a boosting item - and 80 speed means it cant reliably sweep without Sticky Web support) and its above average defenses are compounded by a really poor base 75 HP stat. Pixilate really isn't enough to make up for that. Its typing means that it will have a niche as a good check to Dragon-types in the tier, but it suffers from 4MSS and its stats just don't cut it for an OU mainstay.

Mega Slowbro will be S-rank. If regular is B then there is no way that this thing will only be A+. Also godly CMer
I was just taking a middle ground, Slowbro's gonna be banned lol

But noooo not my bae </3


Rare Breed
Let It Reign
oops. typo XD my bad

Nah. Mega Steelix has more offensive presence than Aggron due to having STAB Earthquake, and it still has Hippowdon in UU to make Sand Force Wallbreaker possible. Solid UU mon.

Mega Altaria is powerful, but its stats are too average for this thing to be an OU mon. Its offenses are too low for it to be a monster (110 is nothing to write home about - especially without a boosting item - and 80 speed means it cant reliably sweep without Sticky Web support) and its above average defenses are compounded by a really poor base 75 HP stat. Pixilate really isn't enough to make up for that. Its typing means that it will have a niche as a good check to Dragon-types in the tier, but it suffers from 4MSS and its stats just don't cut it for an OU mainstay.

Mega Slowbro will be S-rank. If regular is B then there is no way that this thing will only be A+. Also godly CMer
Mega Altaria is actually very Charizard X like. It hits surprisingly hard and is really bulky. I actually wouldn't be surprised if stall teams and bulky offense alike fall in love with it. May not be OU, but it's definitely good in OU.


Pokémon Trainer
:)well yeah it is rather hard to finely and felicituously describe how much beedrill actually gained but all said and done it will certainly be on my team


I'm just kinda here
3DS and WiiU software is rather difficult to hack compared to that of past systems, so it was probably using very powerful software on a very powerful computer.

