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Active Bring Prices Up!


Pokémon Master
Trusted Seller
I can agree to changing the rule, It would be a good first step forward :)

I like this idea a lot - and as I said, a small price increase by bringing up the base minimum shouldn't make too many buyers unhappy! Doesn't have to be big - maybe over time the economy can get better with the rules being introduced and changed gradually.


Youngster Joey
I'm just a very modest member of your website, not breeder, nor powersaver, nor strat....
I think there will always be people to make dumping for the price... except if rules became too hard.
It's the same phenomenon in ebay where, for instance, price of shiny jirachi has decreased from 8 then 5 and now 1,5 $ , because of competition, sometimes unfair.

And it's sad that real breeders, and "powersavers" are put on the same levels.... when time spent for the same task is far far far away to be the same.

To come back to the subject, maybe there are abuses , but be moderate, because as i have seen, some of you wouldd like to X2 "normal" prices . ANd i think it's haevily too much.

Sorry for my bad expression and my, without doubt, uninteresting and unrelevant opinions.

Have a good game, best regards


Staff member
Team Elite
Will Not Fall
Trusted Seller
I'm just a very modest member of your website, not breeder, nor powersaver, nor strat....
I think there will always be people to make dumping for the price... except if rules became too hard.
It's the same phenomenon in ebay where, for instance, price of shiny jirachi has decreased from 8 then 5 and now 1,5 $ , because of competition, sometimes unfair.

And it's sad that real breeders, and "powersavers" are put on the same levels.... when time spent for the same task is far far far away to be the same.

To come back to the subject, maybe there are abuses , but be moderate, because as i have seen, some of you wouldd like to X2 "normal" prices . ANd i think it's haevily too much.

Sorry for my bad expression and my, without doubt, uninteresting and unrelevant opinions.

Have a good game, best regards

If we could get a lot of the main sellers to agree for the price increase that would be nice, and there will always be the few people who sell for a bit lower like now. However it doesn't seem like many of them are replying to this thread.

Perhaps it would be better to have it written somewhere in the rules that you can't sell a single item, pokegen'd Pokemon, or Kalos Bred Pokemon for less then "blank amount". As someone suggested earlier "In the mean time I think a good place to start would be changing the rule from a minimum of 20PC per transaction to a minimum of 20PC per item/Pokemon purchased just so some people (they know who they are) don't sell Pokemon in bundles for 1pc each"

Doing something similar to this with a new rule minimum per KB and Pokegen'd Pokemon could be a good start or even solve the problem.

Example: The minimum you can sell a Kalos Bred Pokemon could be 150 or 200 pc? Minimum for Pokegen'd Pokemon could be 100 pc?


Pokémon Champion
Being one of the very fewer active members who is a buyer (maybe), I am happy to stick my noise in again on this conversation. First of all, I feel the feedback system should be improved, it will greatly help the sellers get customers and will help buyers know who to go to. Maybe something like the eBay feedback system, how quickly pokes were done, communication etc.
I feel that another big problem is buyers find it so hard to navigate through the website looking for what they want, so they will post a request of what they want and whoever is the first to see get to offer to sell for what they want. Surely this can't be ideal for sellers?
I don't want it to sound like I'm trying to criticize, I'm just speaking the truth. It may not seem relevant to the increase of prices, which again, I am all for, but if you want to ask for more as sellers, you need to show the buyers why they should be buying at an increased price for you.
The true reality of the situation is, sellers who fail to get customers will go to PM system and message new members/constant buyers offering them cheaper deals. This will never change and I'm afraid people will have to accept this sad reality. You can't really punish people for selling at price they choose, it's up to the individual what they sell for. I know many of the people who comment here see this site as the community, but many sellers are here purely to make the money and don't care who they piss off. I feel sorry for the sellers, it's an impossible situation. Myself, I will buy from the same couple of sellers I always do @Lonewolf676 @Vyft, they are reliable sellers and I trust them. Suppose you sellers just need to hope you can find yourself reliable buyers :)
Over the top post over. Much Love


The People's Champ
Staff member
Trusted Seller
Let It Reign
Iron Will
If we could get a lot of the main sellers to agree for the price increase that would be nice, and there will always be the few people who sell for a bit lower like now. However it doesn't seem like many of them are replying to this thread.

Perhaps it would be better to have it written somewhere in the rules that you can't sell a single item, pokegen'd Pokemon, or Kalos Bred Pokemon for less then "blank amount". As someone suggested earlier "In the mean time I think a good place to start would be changing the rule from a minimum of 20PC per transaction to a minimum of 20PC per item/Pokemon purchased just so some people (they know who they are) don't sell Pokemon in bundles for 1pc each"

Doing something similar to this with a new rule minimum per KB and Pokegen'd Pokemon could be a good start or even solve the problem.

Example: The minimum you can sell a Kalos Bred Pokemon could be 150 or 200 pc? Minimum for Pokegen'd Pokemon could be 100 pc?

It was me that suggested that 20 per item thing, I thin being an admin you could easily nudge the other admins towards implementing it since you probably have a bigger say, if you were interested


Staff member
Team Elite
Will Not Fall
Trusted Seller
It was me that suggested that 20 per item thing, I thin being an admin you could easily nudge the other admins towards implementing it since you probably have a bigger say, if you were interested

Yup I'd like to do that a little later on, however I'm just not sure the best course of action that could be taken for the situation... :(

Hearing everyone's ideas and suggestions here helps
. If a really great idea comes along for what course of action could be taken and enough people add onto the idea and it seems that it would work really well I'll defiantly take it to the other admins and see if we can make it happen :D


Official Server Crasher
Staff member
Will Not Fall
Iron Will
Dex Contributor
Definitely supporting this, there are some ridiculous prices on this site.


Pokémon Champion
Definitely supporting this, there are some ridiculous prices on this site.
I have noticed, this topic has been going on a while, yet, no one has really increased their prices too much. Change will never take place until someone is the first one to make it, other people will follow.....


Youngster Joey
when i first set out to find somewhere i could buy pokemon i was honestly expecting to pay $10-$15 each for the ones i was looking for and thought that that was a reasonable price, then i found this site and was shocked to see how cheap everything is, ive purchased about 60 pokemon here and spent maybe $40-$45 total, but I would have probably purchased the same amount if they cost $10 a piece, so rasing the prices to $1-$3 each i dont personally think is an issue, and some other buyers wont either, but my financial situation is a lot different then i think the average buyer here's is, so the issue you potentially face is that sure you'll have a few people like me still doing buisness here if you raise the prices because we can afford to, but how many will you lose during that proces, not because they dont want to shop here, but because they simply cant afford it? if you have 10 customers paying an average of $1 a piece for pokemon, and you lose 8 of them because you decided to raise the price to $3, then you will end up losing some of your profits.

I dont care either way and feel that sellers should charge whatever they want, but you must also be prepared to deal with that potential loss of buisness.

in the real world Im a partner in a company (i wont say the name because i dont want to give to much of my personal info away, lol) and we sell a service, but we dont charge for that service what we'd like to, if we did we would be out of buisness in a week, we charge for this service what people are willing to pay for it, and we make a lot of money doing so, sure we could say "lets raise the prices tommorow so that we can make MORE money" but how many of our current customers do you think would still be doing buisness with us??

as a merchant you have the right to set the price to whatever you want but you have to look at the buying habits of the average customer today and determine wether or not you can still be succesful if you charge more for the same service, will the average consumer still be willing, or even able to do buisness with you?

thats just my 2 cents. Im prepared for whatever you all decide :)


Youngster Joey
jakegow1 said:
While I am more than happy for the prices to go up, personally, I feel that if the sellers are going to dismiss the people who object the idea, it's going to be hard for it to gain momentum. I know breeding takes a long time, I do feel what the pokes are sold for right now is too low. I have no issue with genned/pokesav being about 100-150, KB being 200-250, but sellers need to be realistic, you have been seeing these services for cheap, if you do put up prices and you go too high, buyers will just leave this site and go elsewhere to be. Maybe if you want to do this, get all sellers to agree to set prices, no under cutting and offer exact timelines in which the pokes will be complete. This is my opinion anyways :D

^Give this man a cookie.

Although I'm new to the general PerfectPokemon market, the moment I saw the prices for buying PC using real money was extremely cheap and well worth it. The Pokemon people are selling on the other hand...

While I do enjoy low prices and getting a crap ton of stuff for cheap, I have to say that the prices should go up, mostly to make the economy more balanced. At this rate with low prices, hardworking salesmen and breeders are going to continue lowering their prices on items and Pokemon until they aren't worth s---, despite the actual value on that Pokemon or Item being considerably higher. Am I saying that you should make the price for a Shiny Arceus 10000 PC? No, of course not. I'm just saying the prices should go up to a reasonable value that most buyers and sellers would be happy with and that can be agreed upon.

Bubblrgum Goodra

Pokémon Trainer
Tbh I'm indifferent either way. When i came to perfect Pokemon i wasn't looking for a place to make real-life money but a place to buy Pokemon with my earned PC that i couldn't normally obtain myself. So overall i never make a real-life profit; raising or lowing prices will mean very little to me.

However for those looking to make a profit i can understand raising prices when you compare them to other websites such as eBay. But that's easier said then done when you're a relatively new seller (like me) who can only ever hope to make PC if they sell all their pokes for the bare minimum of 20PC (which i do) if they intend to compete with the top shops that sell their pokes for 80 to even 200PC.- 10x what i make.

Overall PP is a market and in every market there's gonna be competition, and i guess that in part drives people to charge such low prices - in order to compete. Ultimately if prices here are to go up the best option is to just increase minimum trading price as mentioned already.

But me, im gonna continue charging 20PC for my time and effort until i see a reason not to - feel free to hate :).

Rant over (and have a nice day ;)).
Last edited:


Youngster Joey
Bubblrgum Goodra said:
Tbh I'm indifferent either way. When i came to perfect Pokemon i wasn't looking for a place to make real-life money but a place to buy Pokemon with my earned PC that i couldn't normally obtain myself. So overall i never make a real-life profit; raising or lowing prices will mean very little to me.

However for those looking to make a profit i can understand raising prices when you compare them to other websites such as eBay. But that's easier said then done when you're a relatively new seller (like me) who can only ever hope to make PC if they sell all their pokes for the bare minimum of 20PC (which i do) if they intend to compete with the top shops that sell their pokes for 80 to even 200PC.- 10x what i make.

Overall PP is a market and in every market there's gonna be competition, and i guess that in part drives people to charge such low prices - in order to compete. Ultimately if prices here are to go up the best option is to just increase minimum trading price as mentioned already.

But me, im gonna continue charging 20PC for my time and effort until i see a reason not to - feel free to hate :).

Rant over (and have a nice day ;)).

This is true. Sellers compete with each other all of the time to hopefully attract more customers by cutting their prices and offering services that no one else offers. However, as I said in my previous post, this creates a Domino Effect where the other places notice and will start cutting their prices to be even lower than the first store. Thus, this leads to a lower consumer value than what the Pokemon, Item, or merchandise is meant to be. My guess for why this decrease happened is how easy it became for people to create perfect Pokemon including the likelyhood of finding shinies (both in the wild and through breeding thanks to the higher rate and Shiny Charm).

What I'm trying to get at is that the value for Pokemon that people sell on this website are lower than what they should normally be. Sure, breeding a perfect Pokemon is easier now with all of the new mechanics in X and Y, but that doesn't mean they should be treated as such. It still takes time and effort to create that "Perfect" Pokemon and even then you may need multiple copies of them. How will you do that when cloning is hard and risky? Would you use a cheat device just to have that happen or would you just have to start over with the process to get another, which could be longer than last time? I think it's because of this process that the prices should be up, and the community as a whole should discuss together their thoughts on what the value should be on each Pokemon respectively.

@Bubblrgum Goodra, if you feel like your efforts are worth 20PC then that is perfectly fine. But I feel like your efforts should be worth a lot more than a measly 20PC if you create excellent Pokemon for others.


Pokémon Champion
Finally created my own shop, I honestly feel these are the kind of prices that sellers should be aiming for. I mean, even if I get no customers, I'm hardly at a loss because people are struggling to sell anyways, if I do get custom, I am charging what I feel is a reasonable amount and will therefore be happy with the sale.

I have made the plunge, like I said, someone needs to try and push the prices up. Even if I get a few customers, I will make more with one poke then what some do with 7, I feel it's a risk worth taking.

I hope others will follow suit and raise their prices up, if not, that's fine and I understand, but change can only happen if you make it happen ;)

Lets make PP grow :D


Staff member
Team Elite
Will Not Fall
Trusted Seller
I raised the price in my shop to test this out :)

For everyone else who is for this change raising your prices now could be the big change we need, and for all you who haven't had much to say why not try change? :p

Remember that if things don't work out we can always lower prices again, but hopefully this will work out :D
To setting the new average!!!

I summon all of you to rise up and make change happen for the better of man kind and Perfect Pokemon Economy! :)


Youngster Joey
Once I have the resources (Pokemon, Items, and literally the time to do this stuff) I'll set up a shop and incorporate this system. Until then, I'll probably help out with mediation of what Pokemon and Items should be priced at. If you guys need any help in deciding prices for your merchandise, call me and I'll help.

Being a math wiz does have its perks, even if you're a math wiz who doesn't like physics.


Aloof Wolf
I had already changed my prices a while ago, but as you can tell from my sig, my shop is still closed, but I hope to soon be able to open it back up. Until then I want to wish everyone else good luck. :)

