Official Server Crasher
Staff member
Will Not Fall
Iron Will
Dex Contributor
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Currently, I am in the process of starting to write analysis of the new megas prior to the release of ORAS, just to get a look before the introduction of the new metagame. However, you can probably understand that this will take quite a while, so I am enlisting the help of any good battlers on the site.
Here is a list of all the megas that we need to write for (in numerical order to the best of my memory). The names next to them are of the people writing the analysis of that particular 'mon, so do not try and take one that already has someone working on it!
Drop a comment down below on what you would like to take. Please use some common sense though - firstly, only take around 1-3 max, and don't pick a Pokemon that you think will be in a tier you have no clue about. I'm currently on holiday on a crappy phone, so I probably won't respond, but if the Poke you want hasn't been requested, take it. Send all drafts and final analysis to and I can respond to you there.
Make sure that your analysis consists of:
- A brief summary
- At least 3 movesets, containing the set, usage and why you selected those EVs and moves.
- Other options. This can include items, abilities and moves
- Checks and Counters
- Final Comment and Proposed Tier
Hopefully, everything should go to plan, and I'll catch you guys later
Here is a list of all the megas that we need to write for (in numerical order to the best of my memory). The names next to them are of the people writing the analysis of that particular 'mon, so do not try and take one that already has someone working on it!
- Mega Beedrill - @notsoclutch
- Mega Pidgeot - @Gold 2.0
- Mega Slowbro - @Matt_192
- Mega Steelix
- Mega Sceptile - @Matt_192
- Mega Swampert - @Marigi174
- Mega Sableye - @notsoclutch
- Mega Camerupt - @Marigi174
- Mega Sharpedo - @Marigi174
- Mega Altaria - @Gold 2.0
- Mega Glalie - @Jiggly
- Mega Salamence - @Matt_192
- Mega Metagross - @Gold 2.0
- Primal Groudon - @Blaguard
- Primal Kyogre
- Mega Rayquaza - @phenix
- Mega Lopunny - @Jiggly
- Mega Gallade
- Mega Audino - @notsoclutch
- Mega Diancie - @Argue
- 'Mega' Hoopa
Drop a comment down below on what you would like to take. Please use some common sense though - firstly, only take around 1-3 max, and don't pick a Pokemon that you think will be in a tier you have no clue about. I'm currently on holiday on a crappy phone, so I probably won't respond, but if the Poke you want hasn't been requested, take it. Send all drafts and final analysis to and I can respond to you there.
Make sure that your analysis consists of:
- A brief summary
- At least 3 movesets, containing the set, usage and why you selected those EVs and moves.
- Other options. This can include items, abilities and moves
- Checks and Counters
- Final Comment and Proposed Tier
Hopefully, everything should go to plan, and I'll catch you guys later
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