Top 5 Animes


Youngster Joey
List your top 5 favourite Animes:

Mine are:
5) fairy tale
4) tokyo ghouls
3) Sword art online
2) naruto
1) kuroko no basuke


Scare Queen
Will Not Fall
Iron Will
Lol ofc u pick all the generic ones


Staff member
Team Elite
Will Not Fall
Trusted Seller
Lol ofc u pick all the generic ones
Teenage boys tend to like popular Shōnen anime, it's OK! :p

Hmmm I haven't watched any anime recently and can't remember all the anime I have watched... so I'll just post 4 anime I enjoyed (and can remember) that you might also enjoy (in no particular order.) :)

Code Gease
Attack on Titan

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
My top 5 would have to be:

1) Persona 4 the Animation
2) Beyond the Boundary
3) Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions
4) Strawberry Panic
5) The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan


One-Eyed Ghoul
1. Stein's Gate
2. Code Geass
3. Haruka no Himitsu (and its sequel)
4. Fullmetal Alchemist (Original)
5. Tokyo Ghoul

I really like the character "Kaneki Ken" from Tokyo Ghoul, but that series could have been better imo.
Stein's gate was just sooooooooooooo good. :')

@TarantulaLord Finally someone who thinks


Youngster Joey
This is a difficult one but if I'd to split up my top 15 list, this would be it.

  • Kara no Kyoukai
  • Cowboy Bebop
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion (Including Rebuilds)
  • Fate / Zero
  • Now and Then, Here and There


I'm just kinda here
My top five favorites are hard to say, so I'll just list some of my faves with reasons below them. If anyone wants a list of all the stuff I've watched so far feel free to look at my anime list (its in my sig)
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica (also commonly known as Puella Maji Madoka Magica, Madoka Magica or Madoka)
  • Great art style
  • Great plot
  • Likable, highly developed characters
  • Breaks the mold, starting the trend of magical girl anime aimed at adults (seriously if I were to see this on the shop shelf the only thing which would make me think that this isn't aimed at kids would be that 17 rating)
  • Episode 3 (those who've watch this already will know the meaning behind this bullet point)
  • Covers themes such as loss and bereavement in a very mature fashion
  • Subtle humour
  • Good overall soundtrack
  • Short (12 episodes), not dragged out longer than necessary
No Game No Life
  • Absolutely beautiful visuals
  • Very funny (albeit in poor taste at times)
  • Chock full of great references to gaming, anime/manga, television, film and western culture (including, but not limited to, Smosh, Skyrim and Ace Attorney)
  • Entertaining, albeit shallow, characters
  • Funny antics in bridging scenes
  • Un-subtle yet un-forced fan service (I did say parts of it were in poor taste)
  • Entertaining plot
  • Amazing opening/ending music (I liked the use of Shiro's seiyuu in the ending theme and the opening is easily one of my favorite openings to date)
Non Non Biyori and Non Non Biyori Repeat
  • Relaxing
  • Beautiful visuals and very laid-back soundtrack
  • Likable, well-developed characters
  • A number of funny interactions
  • Neither series drags itself out for too long (12 episodes each)
  • I liked the year cycle layout of each series and how the second series went back over the same year covering days that were missed out
  • Easy to re-watch due to the fact that there isn't really so much of a plot
Selector Infected WIXOSS and Selector Spread WIXOSS
  • Dark themes
  • Takes tips from Madoka and Death Note (not finished this one yet so I can't put it on this list) which make it a must-watch for people who enjoyed said anime
  • Great display of psychological effects of the game on the main characters; makes for a great psychological drama
  • Characters get well fleshed out
  • Neat semi-original concept for a non-shounen anime; doesn't feel completely alienated from other anime while also feeling fresh and unique
  • Easily two of the best openings in anime history, with there being a case to say that they hold spots one and two
Shokugeki no Souma (also commonly known as Food Wars)
  • Very out there anime that makes you keep coming back for more
  • Funny to watch
  • Food looks so good that it makes you hungry just to watch, and the reactions of the characters who eat are absolutely priceless
  • Beautiful visuals in parts
  • The two primary characters (Souma and Megumi) have a solid amount of time put into their development
  • Entertaining all the way through
  • Lots of character development and (mostly) very likable main characters (Ami is still a bitch tho)
  • Good humour and entertaining scenarios that make you want to keep watching and keep you rooting for Ryuuji and Taiga at all points throughout
  • Plot twist towards the end is executed in such a way so as to not feel forced/un-entertaining despite the predictability
  • Re-watchable due to knowing the plot not really mattering too much when it comes to enjoyment
  • Takes itself seriously at times and not seriously at others
One Punch Man
  • Entertaining (albeit predictable) right the way through with the exception of it fizzling out towards the end
  • Good humour and ironic master/pupil relationship
  • Saitama is OP
  • The opening is insane
Angel Beats!
  • Beautiful in parts
  • While the plot is pretty generic for the most part, it really stands out in the character development department
  • So many feels in the later episodes
  • The soundtrack is really good, and I can't listen to any version of Ichiban no Takaramono without crying
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai (more commonly known as 'anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day')
  • F*cking love tearjerkers
  • Some of the best character development I've seen to date, and a very mature plot which doesn't descend into the realms of fanservice
  • Really fitting soundtrack that catches the mood of the anime perfectly right the way through, with the best use of musical backing that I've heard in anime as a whole right at the very end
  • The ending makes me bawl so hard
  • Mostly very likable, very relatable characters
  • Captures human emotion flawlessly
Hibike! Euphonium (also known as Sound! Euphonium)
  • A nice change of pace from a lot of anime
  • A music anime that doesn't feel completely generic and isn't a romance like Your Lie in April
  • Zero fanservice, which allows me to take it much more seriously
  • Characters are, for the most part, very likeable
  • As a brass and concert band player myself, I can relate very well to the main cast
  • Addictive opening theme and credits theme
  • It features the overture from Offenbach's "Orpheus in the Underworld" (if you've not heard it, I have two versions you might like here and here - although you've almost certainly heard the last bit of it before) which is one my favorite pieces of music
Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works
  • Really dark, solid plot that links very solidly right the way through
  • Likable protagonists at all points throughout, as well as two really hateable incarnations of Caster that makes you feel relieved when they are killed
  • Saber is badass, and I like how they have interpreted King Arthur to have been a female king going under a make alias
  • Good set of openings, especially in Fate/Zero
Those are probably my top anime, but others which I have enjoyed include Attack on Titan (only down here cause imo the stuff above is better), Charlotte (I enjoyed this but don't feel its on-par with the stuff listed), and Spirited Away (Its technically one of the best ones here but I enjoyed the ones in the list a lot more) and Day Break Illusion (kinda like a worse Madoka with a different take on its plot).

edit: removed SAO and SAO II from the honerable mentions list because now that I've seen more anime I can tell that it is a case of really bad anime, and I've bumped Angel Beats up to the main list because I find myself enjoying tearjerkers much more now and I liked it much more on my second watch. Also, I added Anohana, Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works, Fate/Zero and Hibike! Euphonium to the list.
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Agent Antz

Secret Agent Man
5) Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
4) Ronin Warriors (old school)
3) Cowboy Bebop
2) Naruto (as a whole)
1) Samurai Champloo (26 episodes of awesome)

Currently looking into Attack On Titan... I hear it's awesome.


I'm just kinda here
Last night I watched all the way through Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai (more commonly known as "AnoHana; We Still Don't Know the Name of the Flower We Saw That Day" or "anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day") and it was breathtakingly good. Between the really amazing character development, the well-chosen shoundtrack and amazing grasp of how people handle loss, it is easily the best anime I have watched to date. Additionally, the ending is so sad that no matter how many times I re-watch the last scene I always start bawling before it finishes.

Apparantly the movie re-visits it from the other character's perspectives and has a load of additional scenes from the characters childhood and I definitely plan on watching it.

Its short (11 episodes in total), so definitely make sure you watch it if you haven't already.

Edit: Don't watch the movie until you've watched the series all the way through as a lot of stuff is kinda out of context if you haven't seen the series.
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Not exactly king anime.. Don't watch many. If I'd have to pick though,
5. Pokemon. Mainly because I like reminiscing back to jumping on couches and being excited af when I could get a hold of another ep.
3. The last air bender, The anime version.
2. Naruto. Shadow Clone Jutsu!
1. One Punch Man. Killer Move: Serious Series, Serious Punch.


I'm just kinda here
If you've not watched Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works then you need to drop everything and watch them right now. Even better if you can get hold of Fate/Stay Night's visual novel.

I'm currently watching Hibike! Euphonium and I'm enjoying it a lot. Its a nice break from a lot of the other stuff I've been watching and it was a nice return to slice of life for me. Its definitely worth watching whether you're into music anime or not.


Scare Queen
Will Not Fall
Iron Will
If you've not watched Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works then you need to drop everything and watch them right now. Even better if you can get hold of Fate/Stay Night's visual novel.

I'm currently watching Hibike! Euphonium and I'm enjoying it a lot. Its a nice break from a lot of the other stuff I've been watching and it was a nice return to slice of life for me. Its definitely worth watching whether you're into music anime or not.
Ive watched fate/stay + fate/zero....the concept was cool but I personally wasn't the biggest fan yeaa some battle were cool but there wasn't enough character development for me, not saying there isn't any just not enough for my tastes :p I feel like it would've been better if they extended it into 3 seasons


I'm just kinda here
Ive watched fate/stay + fate/zero....the concept was cool but I personally wasn't the biggest fan yeaa some battle were cool but there wasn't enough character development for me, not saying there isn't any just not enough for my tastes :p I feel like it would've been better if they extended it into 3 seasons
IDK... I thought that dragging it out for longer would have ended up just feeling kinda stale if I'm honest. Sure they could have extended them to better match the playtime of the respective routes in the visual novel (iirc its around 65 hours long when considering all three routes (fate, unlimited blade works and heaven's feel), which means around 21-22 hours each), but I don't think that approach is very appropriate to the format of anime due to the much more limited storytelling ability than present in the VN, and I think that having 22 hours of anime for a single route would have just left it feeling drawn out longer than it should have been and started feeling like the irredeemably bad World Trigger by the time it would reach the second half of the third season if it had been drawn out too long.


As a side note, is anyone else watching any of the current season stuff? So far I've seen any released episodes of ERASED, Bubuki Buranki (or BBK/BRNK), Schwarzenmarken, Hai to Gensou no Grimgar, Musaigen no Phantom World, Active Raid and AOKANA: Four Rhythm Across the Blue, of which I recommend watching the former 4 if you're looking or genuinely good anime, Musaigen no Phantom World as the time-waster of the season (the limbo scene from ep. 1 went viral very quickly) and Active Raid if you're into mech anime with little focus on characters. AOKANA isn't that good, although I'll give it a few more episodes to see if it improves before I consider dropping it.


I'm just kinda here
I don't want to sound like I'm bashing on other people's opinions or anything, but honestly SAO is a pretty mediocre and disgustingly overrated anime. When I was new to anime I thought that it was okay, like a solid 7/10. However, I've recently watched it again to see if I still enjoyed it after getting more anime under my belt and was kinda disappointed. Like, the first half is definitely entertaining. Solid 7-8/10 (has pacing issues and is super unrealistic, but regardless it never fails to be entertaining). However, the second half is legitimately one of the most awful things I have ever had the displeasure of watching. Seriously there are so few redeeming features for eps 13-24 that it just hurts to watch. SAO II was a step up from the second half of SAO by a big margin to the point of me thinking that overall it is slightly better than the original SAO (the first half was okay albeit a little mediocre and I really liked the Mother's Rosario arc as it was the first time it really made me get emotionally involved with one of the characters (i.e. Konno Yuuki)), leaving me saying SAO has around a 4/10 and SAO II has around a 6-7/10. If you want something along the lines of SAO except a lot better you should stick to stuff like No Game No Life and Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon while getting into more good anime.


Anyway, I've watched a lot of stuff since I first posted my initial recommendations list, and I have also edited that list once. However, I think I have enough under my belt now to do a full revamp of my list of recommendations, so I'm gonna work through my entire "watched, watching, on-hold and dropped" list and put it in tier list form (ordered throughout S and A) as general recommendations for you all to take a look.
Tier Definitions:
S: Absolute must-watch anime. If you have not watched these you should definitely watch them.
A: Very good shows. Make a point of watching these, but they are not quite on-par with the stuff in S. S-tier anime which is unappealing to certain types of viewers is also included here (such shows are indicated by †)
B: Good shows. I recommend you watch them, but if you choose to skip them you wouldn't necessarily be missing a must-watch anime. Also includes shows which are of A rank quality but unappealing to certain types of viewers (such shows are indicated by †).
C: Okay shows. These are solid watches that either appeal to some types of audiences but not to others or that . Watch these if you're interested in their genres. Shows that are "so bad they're good" also come under this category (such shows are indicated by †).
D: Borderline OK shows. These aren't complete wastes of time to watch, but in my opinion people giving major credit to these shows either lacking anime experience or poor taste.
E: Poor shows. You probably shouldn't bother with these. Not irredeemably bad, but not good watches either. Bad without entering "so bad it's good" territory.
F: Bad shows. These shows are irredemable. Avoid them like the plague.

*currently airing
†indicates certain category of show (specified in definition for the respective tier)
¶the show is heavily overhyped

Tier List
Disclaimer: if a show is not listed, it means that I have not gotten around to watching it yet. There are a number of shows on my "plan to watch" list that are not listed on my MAL, such as Stein's;Gate. In addition, shorts and Pokémon have been omitted to prevent unnecessary inflation.

"New" Rank (shows I have started watching but have not seen enough of to comment on):
  • Death Note
  • Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo (Yamada-kun and the 7 Witches) - read what's been released of the manga though and am really liking it
  • Tokyo Ghoul
  • Shirobako - I've heard from others that this is S material, but I've only watched ep. 1 so far
S (ordered):
  • Boku Dake ga Inai Machi (ERASED)*
  • Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai (anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day)
  • Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
  • Toradora!
  • Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi (Spirited Away)
  • Howl no Ugoku Shiro (Howl's Moving Castle)
  • Tonari no Totoro (My Neighbor Totoro)
  • One Punch-Man
  • Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
  • Fate/Zero
  • Hai to Gensao no Grimgar*
  • Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works
  • Ajin*
A (ordered):
  • Non Non Biyori and Non Non Biyori Repeat
  • Akira
  • Hibike! Euphonium (Sound! Euphonium)
  • Musaigen no Phantom World (Myriad Colours Phantom World)*
  • Dimension W*
  • Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita (Humanity Has Declined)
  • No Game No Life†¶
  • Selector Infected WIXOSS and Selector Spread WIXOSS
  • Angel Beats
  • Rokka no Yuusha (Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers)
  • Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica Movie 3: Hangyaku no Monogatari (Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Rebellion)
  • Shokugeki no Souma (Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma)
  • Bubuki Buranki (BBK/BRNK)*
B (ordered):
  • Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka (Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon)†
  • Schwarzesmarken
  • Charlotte
  • Shingeki no Kyoujin (Attack On Titan)¶
  • Inazuma Eleven
  • Inazuma Eleven Go Chrono Stone
  • Glass no Hana to Kowasu Sekai (GAROKAWA: Restore The World)
  • Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de (When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace)
C (not ordered):
  • Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! (KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World)*†
  • Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hachi Gakari*
  • Sword Art Online II
  • Inazuma Eleven Go
  • Genai wo Kakeru Taiyou (Day Break Illusion)
  • IS: Infinite Stratos†
D (not ordered):
  • Sword Art Online
  • Inazuma Eleven Go Galaxy
  • Ao no Katana no Four Rhythm (AOKANA: Four Rhythm Across the Blue)*
E (not ordered):
  • Gakusen Toshi Asterisk (The Asterisk War)
F (not ordered):
  • World Trigger
  • Infinite Stratos 2
Please note that this is less of a "favorites" list than it is a "my opinion on what you should/shouldn't watch" list. If it was a favorites list then the order would probably be pretty different to what I have on here (e.g. if this were a favorites list S would go Boku Dake, Anohana, Madoka, Toradora!, NGNL (jumps up from mid A))

