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Yes you ready that correctly, this isn't one of the primal evolutions like kyogre or groudon, but a straight up mega. Upon mega evolving, mega Rayquazza obtains a unique ability called delta stream. This ability cancels all weather (including primal weather I assume) and makes flying types take neutral damage against the likes of ice, rock, and electric attacks. Along with the new mega, Rayquazza also gains a new attack called Dragon Ascent which is said to be the most powerful flying type attack in existence
Anyway, after seeing Mega Rayquazza one shot a lvl100 Swampert, I'm pretty sure it's going to be one heck of a force to deal with. Please comment down below with your thoughts on this seemingly OP beast.
Sorry @Matt_192 didn't know if you were going to be on or not...
Anyway, after seeing Mega Rayquazza one shot a lvl100 Swampert, I'm pretty sure it's going to be one heck of a force to deal with. Please comment down below with your thoughts on this seemingly OP beast.
Sorry @Matt_192 didn't know if you were going to be on or not...