I don't remember saying that anyone was a horrible person, not sure where you're getting that idea.
I think you and just about every other person may have a different idea of what a "fair" point is for prices.
Every seller on this site *IS* completely self-interested. If they weren't interested in profiting from sales here, they'd just be giving their product away. The entire argument for charging more finds its foundation in self-interest. Not only is that justifiable, it's expected and preferred.
All your points about the banner still raise the questions that I asked in my previous post.
You used the word "fair" again near the end, and again, I think you'll find that the particular definition of "fair" varies from person to person 'round these parts.
My solution to undercutting? Undercutting does not require a solution. If a job is worth your time, you determine the price. If a prospective buyer is willing to pay that price then you have determined the price correctly. The "undercutters" place a lower value on their own time, and until they decide to change that value, this "club" will not change it for them. The only way a prospective buyer would be enticed to buy from a union member is if they were scared away from the people who didn't join, which goes back to my points about a two-class seller system and slanderous comments about those who decide not to join.
If you're looking to force people to pay you more, that just isn't going to happen. There will always be undercutting, period. Unless the site incorporates rules with actual consequences, it will continue.
To Dom: (sorry I don't know how the whole quoting thing works)
You keep using ambiguous terms like "price well", "Shady sellers", and " clean business practices", but these need clear cut definitions before they can be entered as factual to this debate.
"Anyone can join if they seem sincere..."
I'm reminded of George Burns' famous quote: "The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that you've got it made". Neither here nor there, just reminded of the quote, that's all. If anything, this just goes back to my other twenty questions from my last post that remain, for the most part, unanswered (ie, who decides, who decides who decides, etc)
I don't think those are worst case scenarios, although the wording I used may have been a bit extreme. The things I've mentioned will happen day one after implementation. Those within the club will denigrate those who have opted out. That is inevitable.
What's this about "finer details will be polished in the PM"? I thought PM meant Private Message around here?
I'm just confused as to what this means.
I think I paid an equal amount of attention to each potential negative and positive. Each negative raised several questions, which I asked. The only positive I can foresee was "we make more money", and I think I covered that, too. If there's another positive point besides "we make more money", I'd like to hear it.
I'm glad to hear that at 17 you've studied economics, but I'm surprised that after those studies you've made the determination that price fixing works.