Due to Inner Focus, M-Gallade is flawed in singles
but it should be decent in doubles due to the prevelance of Fake Out/Rock Slide etc. Also its countered by its sister Gardevoir...
Mega Camerupt will be so freaking powerful with Sheer Force as it gets a load of good boosted moves like Fire Blast and Earth Power. The lowered speed means that it will get a nice defensive boosts so that it becomes bulky enough to tank hits and retalliate with these monstrous Sheer Force-boosted attacks.
Its a pity that Mega Sharpedo lost speed boost. I guess it could Protect+Sub until it gets enough boosts to do anything scary and then mega to gain Strong Jaw and become scary with boosted Crunch and Ice Fang. I guess Waterfall is there too but no Strong Jaw so idk. This thing'll be good.